Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died

The vast majority of protestors have been peaceful and aren't thugs. Millions have marched. Are they all thugs?

I haven't seen many peaceful protests.

Of course not, and of course you can, I never said otherwise. We're all here giving our opinions, yes?

My observations are based on the stories that interest me. I am not particularly interested in politics, spending more reading time on science subjects.

One interesting observation of mine, my wife and I live in a rural area near a small town in flyover country. My wife was too sick to go shopping so I volunteered and drove the 9 miles to our town's only Walmart. I have a concealed carry permit and I always carry nowadays. I've seen other people carry, hidden or open, and it's never bothered me. But this was the first time I ever saw a Walmart employee carrying a Glock like mine. He was around 20, give or take, and he was open carrying his Glock legally. The reason for this. in my opinion is the lack of control Democrats have on the cities they control. Democrats are now threatening riots if they don't get their way and get the presidency for VP Biden. Sounds like little children saying I'm going to hold my breadth until I get my way.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The vast majority of protestors have been peaceful and aren't thugs. Millions have marched. Are they all thugs?

Of course not, and of course you can, I never said otherwise. We're all here giving our opinions, yes?

Of course they are. There were protests in the UK when Trump was paying a visit a coupla years ago with several...non complimentary banners...but thugs? Nah.

The Trump blimp was funny though. A Hot air balloon of Trump in a nappy holding a mobile phone was priceless...



like marbles on glass
I haven't seen many peaceful protests.

I have. I watched them live. I watched them march. From live helicopter feeds and on the ground live streams.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.”
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

U.S.-based ACLED is funded by the State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations as well as foreign governments and other organizations, including the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Tableau Foundation, the International Organization for Migration, and The University of Texas at Austin. It relied on data collection from the U.S. Crisis Monitor—a joint project led by ACLED and Princeton University’s Bridging Divides Initiative—that tracks and publishes real-time data on political violence and demonstrations in the U.S in order to “establish an evidence base from which to identify risks, hotspots and available resources to empower local communities in times of crisis.”

ACLED also highlights a “violent government response,” in which authorities “use force more often than not” when they are present at protests and that they “disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.” The report also references “dozens of car-ramming attacks” on protesters by various individuals, some of whom have ties to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan.

ACLED warns in the report that the U.S. “is at heightened risk of political violence and instability going into the 2020 general election,” citing trends in mass shootings, violent hate crimes and police killings. The authors of the report say the Trump administration has exacerbated tensions caused by racial inequality and police brutality. President Donald Trump and high-ranking members of his administration have frequently generalized protesters as violent anarchists.

My observations are based on the stories that interest me. I am not particularly interested in politics, spending more reading time on science subjects.

One interesting observation of mine, my wife and I live in a rural area near a small town in flyover country. My wife was too sick to go shopping so I volunteered and drove the 9 miles to our town's only Walmart. I have a concealed carry permit and I always carry nowadays. I've seen other people carry, hidden or open, and it's never bothered me. But this was the first time I ever saw a Walmart employee carrying a Glock like mine. He was around 20, give or take, and he was open carrying his Glock legally. The reason for this. in my opinion is the lack of control Democrats have on the cities they control. Democrats are now threatening riots if they don't get their way and get the presidency for VP Biden. Sounds like little children saying I'm going to hold my breadth until I get my way.

I don't think any Walmart employee should be open carrying on the job unless they're trained security.

Thank you for citing your source.

Good grief Rusha. You counting on Google and Vanity Fair for fair and impartial news!!! Facts: It wasn't President Trump, It wasn't Jared Kushner.
  • Some members of Jared Kushner's coronavirus task force believed the pandemic would affect Democratic areas worse and may have adjusted accordingly, Vanity Fair reported.
  • In March and early April, Kushner gathered a team to devise a nationwide coronavirus testing plan.
  • An public-health expert in regular contact with the team told the magazine that "the political folks" thought a nationwide response was a bad political move.
  • At the time, outbreaks were worst in Democratic-voting states and cities. The source suggested that some close to Kushner thought it was best to hold back and blame governors.
  • The White House has refuted this source's account, saying it is "completely incorrect."
  • Kushner's plan was indeed dropped in favor of a mainly state-by-state response. Since then, cases have surged in states on both sides of the political divide.
Get your facts correct or don't bother responding to me. I know why I left Theology Online now. It wasn't you Rusha, but there are a number of people, at the time I left, that I just couldn't stand conversing with. (I have 36 people on Ignore.) The above reference might has well been "an unnamed source" for all the legitimacy the story had. Believe want you want to believe because of your own moral positions. Don't let other people manipulate you with half-truths and untruths.


Hall of Fame
Thank you for citing your source.

You are welcome regardless of the fact that discussions with trumpers are a waste of time. The rest of your post was just more partisan defence of trump from another member of his fan base. I didn’t bother finishing your post nor will I bother with your future post.


like marbles on glass

Have you missed all the blaming of blue state governors?

trump is only the president for his base

I know you've got your facts straight.

Trump says he told Pence not to call governors who aren’t ‘appreciative’ of White House coronavirus efforts
Trump said that Pence “calls all the governors. And I tell him, I’m a different type of person, and I say, ’Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington. You’re wasting your time with him.”

“Don’t call the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens,” Trump also said he told Pence, who leads the U.S. response to the coronavirus.​
I have. I watched them live. I watched them march. From live helicopter feeds and on the ground live streams.

If you're watching CNN or MSNBC, you are getting a censored live stream. That's been well documented on Fox News.

I don't think any Walmart employee should be open carrying on the job unless they're trained security.

You want to take my guns away from me and my wife?


like marbles on glass
If you're watching CNN or MSNBC, you are getting a censored live stream. That's been well documented on Fox News.

I don't watch Fox propaganda. I watched live streams. That means live.

Did you not read the link I provided regarding the overwhelmingly peaceful protests?

You want to take my guns away from me and my wife?

Why are you twisting my words? I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the Walmart employee. That was very clear, you could not have misunderstood me.


Hall of Fame
I know you've got your facts straight.

Trump says he told Pence not to call governors who aren’t ‘appreciative’ of White House coronavirus efforts
Trump said that Pence “calls all the governors. And I tell him, I’m a different type of person, and I say, ’Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington. You’re wasting your time with him.”

“Don’t call the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens,” Trump also said he told Pence, who leads the U.S. response to the coronavirus.​

I know but I don’t expect honesty from Coronavirus Don’s base. It would mean admitting their loyalty is to party over country.


like marbles on glass
Doesn't matter.

It does, though. You blamed Google for your misunderstanding, which goes to the core of probably all the discussions I've had with you, you don't ever think you're wrong. You told me I didn't "get it" when it was you who didn't "get it," and twice you passed the blame to Google.


Well-known member
"Fox news"?

Oh, well, there's no bias or propaganda going on with that channel at all, is there?


On any side. There are very few genuine news sources any more that try to inform all people. Everything is division at this point. It'll take awhile to heal rifts, but as long as one side doesn't care about the other, the rift is ripe for causing a lot of friction.

While people don't like Trump, they fall to his level in mudslinging and politics. Look at the baby balloon a good many Brits were behind of an orange Trump in baby diapers. It all speaks of the manners of people MAKING the comments, I think, more than the disdain of the actual. There may have been attempts to take the high road, but I don't think we can blame Trump for the ills of the whole world in ill-response. It is a clear reflection and something we SHOULD ALL eschew.
I don't watch Fox propaganda. I watched live streams. That means live.

Did you not read the link I provided regarding the overwhelmingly peaceful protests?

Fox has live streams. That means live not censored live. Give me a break.

Time magazine is a pitiful source for news.

Why are you twisting my words? I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the Walmart employee. That was very clear, you could not have misunderstood me.

He was legally within his rights to open carry. The 2nd Amendment is an important Constitutional provision to me. A President Biden with his gun confiscation agenda is not desirable to me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
On any side. There are very few genuine news sources any more that try to inform all people. Everything is division at this point. It'll take awhile to heal rifts, but as long as one side doesn't care about the other, the rift is ripe for causing a lot of friction.

While people don't like Trump, they fall to his level in mudslinging and politics. Look at the baby balloon a good many Brits were behind of an orange Trump in baby diapers. It all speaks of the manners of people MAKING the comments, I think, more than the disdain of the actual. There may have been attempts to take the high road, but I don't think we can blame Trump for the ills of the whole world in ill-response. It is a clear reflection and something we SHOULD ALL eschew.

The thing is Lon, the whole reason that orange balloon came about is because of how Trump acted and I'm not going to deny that I found it funny and apt. There used to be a satirical show in the UK called "Spitting Image" that used unflattering puppets and it was as subversive as it got and took no prisoners where it came to politics, celebrity culture etc. It didn't play favourites whatsoever and I'm glad to say, it's coming back!

Just saw the Donald Trump puppet earlier this evening. :rotfl: