Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died


like marbles on glass
Big deal.

It was a big deal. What they had to do to clear the crowd for that despicable photo op he dragged the military into (Defense Secretary Esper and Gen. Mark Milley) and tear-gassed a minister out of the church for his grandstanding - was yes, a big deal.

A familiar tactic the Socialist wing of the Democratic Party is to accuse their opponent of what they are guilty of. There are scores of examples.

Whataboutism is common in every demographic. How many times do we hear "but the Democrats..." here? All the time. It can be tempting for most of us to say "what about..." and as for using specific Alinsky tactics, I've been observing for quite a while now that the right has become very good at it, so much so that I'd started seeing references to it, so I don't think it's going to be possible for the right to claim innocence of the tactic, not anymore.

Tea Party leader and “the co-founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter” Michael Patrick Leahy has written an entire book based off of Alinsky's “shocking” work, deftly entitled: Rules for Conservative Radicals: Lessons from Saul Alinsky[!] the Tea Party Movement and the Apostle Paul in the Age of Collaborative Technologies. In his book, “Leahy argues that today's conservative radical should follow the tactics of Saul Alinsky, but apply the morals and ethics of Martin Luther King."

James O'Keefe is also a fan. The Los Angeles Times reported that O'Keefe found an “unlikely source of inspiration” in Alinsky and O'Keefe “took to heart” Alinsky's principle to: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

Also, on Fox News' Glenn Beck, David Horowitz advocated for conservatives to follow “what Saul Alinsky argues”​
I don’t know the circumstances of your wife’s divorce. If her husbands were abusive OR committed adultery, she was right to get rid of them. No man or woman should put up with abuse or adultery. And YES, you not cheating on one another makes you morally superior to people such as trump.
Romans 8:1 - Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:2 - For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.
Romans 8:3 - For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh,
Romans 8:4 - so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. [NASB]

Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
Ephesians 2:9 - not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. [NASB]

Insofar as the rest of your post, unless your are one of those red-hat wearing freaks chanting “lock her up” and gleefully salivating over the sight of little, brown kids locked n cages, you are not who I am speaking of.

The cages you speak of come from President Obama and Vice President Biden. Check your sources because they are faulty and biased. I suggest you focus your rage on the real cause of the "cages".

I do not wear a red hat nor do I riot when I don't get my way, kill unarmed people for no apparent reason, loot and pillage private property, put others in danger, etc. I don't yell out defund the Police which is the stupidest thing thugs could argue as they're trying to rape, kill and subjugate innocent people. I suspect you don't either, but I could be wrong. I only know what you write.

I will leave you with this. trump believed the only people who would die of the pandemic were those who were not his “base” which is why he was rooting for the virus until just recently. IF Biden is elected, I know that any vaccine will be developed for the health and welfare of ALL Americans. Being that trump is only fast tracking a vaccine to get elected, for the first time in my life, I will refuse it based on the fact that he has delegitimized the safety and process.

You are projecting again on someone else (President Trump) that which you have been programmed to believe about him by the Lame Stream Media. There was no vaccine for H1N1 when Vice President Biden was in office with President Obama and there still isn't! But those with convenient memories tend to forget that. My wife and I both came down with that particular virus and I missed a number of work days and a weekend. It was about 8 days before my wife recovered. What do you think? President Trump has some secret laboratory in the White House like some mad scientist?


I suppose you believe ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN are real news organizations. 😦

By not saying President Trump you are showing disrespect to the office of the US Presidency. I had the same problem with people not showing respect for President Obama even though I didn't vote for him. If you ever see me disrespect a current or former president or presidential candidate, bring it to my attention and I'll correct it, if I can.

My Christian wife and I have been married for 40 years. We married at the my age of 30, she was 27. Are you condemning her because she was married thrice and divorced twice before me? Would you condemn me because I was still a virgin at age 29? Are we better because we've never cheated on one another?

Big deal.

Hunter Biden: _as_an_official_act.html

A familiar tactic the Socialist wing of the Democratic Party is to accuse their opponent of what they are guilty of. There are scores of examples.

President Trump was surrounded by experts, since he isn't and never claimed to be, and they had conflicting recommendations. That's probably why he dismissed what WHO said because they had a political agenda interfere with the science. After reading many books and articles on viruses, and building Level 2-3 Containment labs to work on some "nasty bugs" for a pharmaceutical company, I do know a bit more than your average man/woman/other on the street. I have a bit more faith in the CDC than I do for WHO. But the CDC is not without their faults too.

Hatred of his predecessor? A psychologist might say you're projecting. But I think you may have closed your mind to other sources of news since they don't fit your narrative. But I could be completely wrong. I don't understand the hatred of President Trump supporters or Conservatives.

Since I am a Trump Supporter you are in effect calling me a deplorable person and a hypocrite. Is that really your opinion of me?



Well-known member
The Lincoln P.roject and real news organizations that are not in trump’s back pocket ...
But another's? At least it shows the consistent value of a people, but news hasn't been the paragon of integrity as Walter Cronkite gave us. They tried to give it without any kind of bias.

No one made trump cheat on three wives and divorce two. No one made trump hold the Bible upside down for a photo op.

No one made trump blackmail Ukraine for made up dirt on his opponent.
This one seems slanted. I do have a bit of time to weed out what is true and not without a vested interest in any particular slant.

No one decided to allow almost 200,000 Americans to die by downplaying the virus.
Any president in office would have taken this flak, I don't believe the numbers would have changed. In WA, the whole state is almost all democrat yet we have some of the highest numbers (Seattle area). While many do blame the men and women in charge, I don't think viruses care about who is in office. I do believe masks have helped. I'm not on page with Trump on this one either.

No one other then his fellow deplorable members in the GOP is trying to make sure healthcare is taken away from millions of Americans during a deadly pandemic fbased on his hatred for his predecessor.
It's that 'deplorable' that causes extremes in sides. Either 'deplorable' on one side or 'nasty' on the other. Generally, mudslinging is left behind after the vote, but I've always hated it even during an election. I hated them calling Obama a chimpanzee (among other poor comments) too.

The only hypocrisy is on the side of every trump supporter.
For me, the choices have been terrible. I would have voted Dr. Ben Carson in, in a second :(

I find it absolutely amazing that so many trump supporters spout family values while supporting such an evil individual.
I think it is, in a sense, about the support rather than the person? I don't know, I've tried to figure it out too. Some have said it isn't 'Trump' but his support so I know its true for some of them.


Well-known member
Big difference between the Ginsburgs and the Conways, Lon.
Meh, Google...

The Lincoln Project was founded by Republicans. Maybe it's you who isn't getting it.
After fact checking, it 'seems' you are correct but there is a lot of democrat involvement and $ of a group that is just 'anti-Trump.'

Anyway, nothing more needs to be said. I just didn't want Justice Ginsburg and her husband unjustly accused.
Because I've been disinterested, I've not followed as closely these past couple of years and so I appreciate the correction. It doesn't change much, I'll still vote third party this round, but It does help to get the facts right.


Well-known member
Yeah as really wonder what it will do for the elections? As hope that it will not interfere but could change things. May not had always cared about her politics there but may she RIP!


like marbles on glass
Meh, Google...

I don't think it was Google's error.

After fact checking, it 'seems' you are correct

No need for scare quotes.

Because I've been disinterested, I've not followed as closely these past couple of years and so I appreciate the correction. It doesn't change much, I'll still vote third party this round, but It does help to get the facts right.

Happy to help.
It was a big deal. What they had to do to clear the crowd for that despicable photo op he dragged the military into (Defense Secretary Esper and Gen. Mark Milley) and tear-gassed a minister out of the church for his grandstanding - was yes, a big deal.

Check out Snopes which proves this story is false. Spreading lies makes one ... Well I stop there. That cost me too much the last time I finished a sentence like that. But if I'm wrong, I would want to be corrected. Is there a different standard to be applied for those on the political left? Must we tread on water around them hoping not to offend with, gasp, the TRUTH.

I hope this works. It seems like I've forgotten how to insert a link. My Brain Booster supplement needs a boost.

Whataboutism is common in every demographic. How many times do we hear "but the Democrats..." here? All the time. It can be tempting for most of us to say "what about..." and as for using specific Alinsky tactics, I've been observing for quite a while now that the right has become very good at it, so much so that I'd started seeing references to it, so I don't think it's going to be possible for the right to claim innocence of the tactic, not anymore.

I haven't once mentioned Saul Alinsky.

I don't read or watch: Michael Patrick Leahy; David Horowitz; Glenn Beck; James O'Keefe, Saul Alinsky; etc. I haven't read the Los Angeles Times since I moved from LA. I wasn't aware there was still a Tea Party Movement. I don't read anything media matters writes. So maybe I live a sheltered life.

God bless both you and Rusha


like marbles on glass
Check out Snopes which proves this story is false. Spreading lies makes one ... Well I stop there. That cost me too much the last time I finished a sentence like that. But if I'm wrong, I would want to be corrected. Is there a different standard to be applied for those on the political left? Must we tread on water around them hoping not to offend with, gasp, the TRUTH.

I'm not talking about how he was holding the bible, I'm talking about what he did to get to that point.

I haven't once mentioned Saul Alinsky.

No you didn't, I did. Accusing an opponent of what one is guilty of is projection, a common human behavior regardless of ideology, but it can also be weaponized via Alinsky's Rule #4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

I don't read or watch: Michael Patrick Leahy; David Horowitz; Glenn Beck; James O'Keefe, Saul Alinsky; etc. I haven't read the Los Angeles Times since I moved from LA. I wasn't aware there was still a Tea Party Movement. I don't read anything media matters writes. So maybe I live a sheltered life.

God bless both you and Rusha

Because I was inspired to by chrysostom, I read Rules for Radicals not too long ago. I found out Alinsky wasn't the bogeyman I'd been taught for decades to believe he was. The Tea Party movement as a political movement is alive and well, it's morphed over time under the Trump banner and various patriot militias. I try to read as much as I can from a lot of different sources. Take care yourself, I really don't think we have much common ground between us and I don't think it can be bridged, but these are the times we live in.
I'm not talking about how he was holding the bible, I'm talking about what he did to get to that point.

The protesters were not and haven't been peaceful. Why are you defending thugs?

No you didn't, I did. Accusing an opponent of what one is guilty of is projection, a common human behavior regardless of ideology, but it can also be weaponized via Alinsky's Rule #4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

Are we enemies now? Is it unacceptable for me to have an opinion now?

Because I was inspired to by chrysostom, I read Rules for Radicals not too long ago. I found out Alinsky wasn't the bogeyman I'd been taught for decades to believe he was. The Tea Party movement as a political movement is alive and well, it's morphed over time under the Trump banner and various patriot militias. I try to read as much as I can from a lot of different sources. Take care yourself, I really don't think we have much common ground between us and I don't think it can be bridged, but these are the times we live in.



like marbles on glass
The protesters were not and haven't been peaceful. Why are you defending thugs?

The vast majority of protestors have been peaceful and aren't thugs. Millions have marched. Are they all thugs?

Are we enemies now? Is it unacceptable for me to have an opinion now?

Of course not, and of course you can, I never said otherwise. We're all here giving our opinions, yes?


like marbles on glass
Anyone who supports trump is, at the very least, an enabler for everything he stands for. What’s 200,000 plus American lives anyway. After all, he thought it was confined to *blue states*.

Anyone who voted for Trump and doesn't regret it by now doesn't want to look too closely at what and who Trump and his GOP really are, or are in ideological agreement.