No, it wouldn't, but I wonder if the SouthEast is still stupid.I'm praying for Jones to win. A Moore victory will give ammunition to those who want to destroy religious liberty in America.
No, it wouldn't, but I wonder if the SouthEast is still stupid.I'm praying for Jones to win. A Moore victory will give ammunition to those who want to destroy religious liberty in America.
Jones Wins
It's more of a referendum on Moore than it is Trump.I'm starting to believe.
It's more of a referendum on Moore than it is Trump.
Damning statement from Senate Leadership Fund CEO Steven Law: “This is a brutal reminder that candidate quality matters regardless of where you are running. Not only did Steve Bannon cost us a critical Senate seat in one of the most Republican states in the country, but he also dragged the President of the United States into his fiasco.”
Oh, for sure. Still doesn't help Trump to see the pedophile he backed go down in flames.
Sometimes so is CNN and MSNBC.
Alleged pedophile.
I have seen signs of how the SouthEast might go crackerbread liberal soon. This tends to prove it. You have black chunk of the population which I call the voting bloc. You have homosexuality spreading in the SouthEastern bible belt of all places, and you have victories for abortion in the SouthEast.
The SouthEast United States is out of touch.
The good news for you is that you won't have a Senator Yosemite Sam to keep embarrassing his party. But that's about it. Otherwise, the GOP civil war continues to be a loss for the party, and the dreaded establishment is winning.
Not really I just think Roy Moore was damaged goods after the wapo arcticle. notice the main reason so many people went for Jones in the first place was becasue he was the only viable anti Roy moore candiate on the ballet. Any rebulican besides Roy Moore would have won tonight.
Any rebulican besides Roy Moore would have won tonight.