Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


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Thanks for making the case for Roy Moore. Roy Moore has gone beyond the "she said-he said" defense, as he's shown that the accusers were either lying or have ulterior motives (Doug Jones supporters, etc.) to smear his impeccable reputation.

Which of them are Doug Jones supporters? Because I heard that at least some of them were/are Trump supporters so it'd be strange to then also support Doug. Unless the reason they are for Doug is because the other guy is a pervert who tried to date/assault them. Or maybe I heard incorrectly about the Trump supporter part.


Well-known member
That he knew her. So when he said
“The allegations are completely false,” Moore said at a campaign event on Nov. 27.

“They are malicious. Specifically, I do not know any of these women.”

He was lying through his teeth.

“At 34 minutes and 56 seconds into the video, he says, unequivocally, I did not know any of them,” Gibson said.

In that moment, it changed my perspective. I knew he was a liar.”

So, derf. Why did he say he didn't know her? :think:

Like I said, I don't know the context. Do you have a link to the actual video itself, so I can listen to it?

Notice that Gibson's "perspective" changed AFTER that video. So before the video, she must not have thought that Moore did ANYTHING WRONG. And if SHE, one of his accusers, didn't believe he did anything wrong, SHE MUST NOT HAVE BEEN ONE OF HIS ACCUSERS! Thus, if he was saying he didn't know any of his accusers, but he knew Gibson, it provides context for his statement that he didn't know "any of these women", where "these women" is defined as those that are accusing him of wrongdoing.

This has been my argument on this thread from my first post--that there is NOTHING WRONG with a 32 year old man asking a 17 year-old woman to go out with him. Even Gibson didn't think it was wrong until he supposedly spurned her by saying he didn't know her. But before that she admits that she admired him AND STILL DID, even after she came forward to say that he dated her when she was 17.

Can YOU help me to understand what Gibson's allegation was in early November 2017, and why she still admired Moore until 27 November 2017?????????

The Barbarian

Has any other men from that time and area said they dated teenagers too?

Don't know. I suspect that Roy was an outlier, even in those times, since plenty of people remember his behavior being creepy. I'm just saying that he lived in an area where people were more tolerant of that kind of thing.

If part of the defense of Moore is that it was a different time, etc I'd be curious to know if anyone would stand up and say they attempted to date teenagers also. Maybe they cruised the local malls too.

I don't think they'd likely admit it. But then, Roy didn't admit it, either.


New member
Like I said, I don't know the context. Do you have a link to the actual video itself, so I can listen to it?

Sure, I can post it. Before I bother, would it change your opinion or perspective if you heard it from his own mouth?

Notice that Gibson's "perspective" changed AFTER that video.

Correct. He is effectively calling her a liar and she naturally took offense.
At a Nov. 29 rally at a church in the south Alabama town of Theodore, Moore said, "Let me state once again: I do not know any of these women, did not date any of these women and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone."

So before the video, she must not have thought that Moore did ANYTHING WRONG. And if SHE, one of his accusers, didn't believe he did anything wrong, SHE MUST NOT HAVE BEEN ONE OF HIS ACCUSERS!

Do you not even know who has accused him of what?

Thus, if he was saying he didn't know any of his accusers, but he knew Gibson, it provides context for his statement that he didn't know "any of these women", where "these women" is defined as those that are accusing him of wrongdoing.

This has been my argument on this thread from my first post--that there is NOTHING WRONG with a 32 year old man asking a 17 year-old woman to go out with him. Even Gibson didn't think it was wrong until he supposedly spurned her by saying he didn't know her. But before that she admits that she admired him AND STILL DID, even after she came forward to say that he dated her when she was 17.

Can YOU help me to understand what Gibson's allegation was in early November 2017, and why she still admired Moore until 27 November 2017?????????

This isn't that complicated. Gibson told her story of dating Moore when she was 17. Moore denied dating her. This then became an issue of credibility and if true, shows a pattern of Moore preferring younger girls. Now she is showing evidence that they did indeed have a bit of a relationship. If true, it further clouds his credibility by showing that if he is going to lie about dating her how is he credible when it comes to the more damaging accusations?


Well-known member
Sure, I can post it. Before I bother, would it change your opinion or perspective if you heard it from his own mouth?
I'm not a wholly devoted fan of anybody on this earth. Roy Moore can sin just like the worst of us, except he seems not to have been doing so most of his 70 years of life. For most of those 70 years, his reputation is impeccable, even when the whole country turned against him, and even with a majority of those that are being counted as his "accusers". You have to admit that, even if you don't agree with what he did as AL supreme court chief justice.

I'm willing even to let slide some indiscretions when he was 32 or so, based on his behavior since then.
If we can't allow that with him, we won't find anyone worthy of a senate seat. But if he's intentionally lying about this stuff now, that's not past indiscretions, that's current, flagrant, unrepentant sin.

Let me repeat what I've said several times. Dating a woman who is 16 or older in Alabama is not sexual misconduct, even if the man is 140 years old. You may not like that, but that's what Alabama law says. I would question what a 16-year-old would see in a 140 year old man, but that's her choice, and the people of Alabama think she's old enough to make that choice without the WaPo telling she's wrong. You can't really "forcibly date" someone, can you? That would be called kidnapping.

Correct. He is effectively calling her a liar and she naturally took offense.
At a Nov. 29 rally at a church in the south Alabama town of Theodore, Moore said, "Let me state once again: I do not know any of these women, did not date any of these women and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone."

Do you not even know who has accused him of what?
You completely ignored what I said. His concern, from what I could tell, was that some women were accusing him of sexual misconduct. He said he did not know or date any of the women that were accusing him of sexual misconduct. And yes, I wrote a whole post about the accusations, listing who was "accusing" him of what. Gibson did not accuse him of any sexual misconduct--period.

So he wasn't talking about her. She took offense at what he said about someone else.

How do we know that she didn't accuse him of any sexual misconduct? Because she said her perspective on him changed--before she did not think he was guilty of any sexual misconduct. Now she does. That change in perspective happened after the 27 Nov video. She came forward with information BEFORE 27 Nov. So the information she came forward with was NOT an accusation IN HER OWN MIND--she still held him in high regard.

I think this kind of conversation is why the FBI never can find anybody guilty of anything except lying to them.
This isn't that complicated. Gibson told her story of dating Moore when she was 17. Moore denied dating her. This then became an issue of credibility and if true, shows a pattern of Moore preferring younger girls. Now she is showing evidence that they did indeed have a bit of a relationship. If true, it further clouds his credibility by showing that if he is going to lie about dating her how is he credible when it comes to the more damaging accusations?

If it isn't that complicated, why can't you understand what I'm pointing out to you? Moore did not deny dating her. He said he didn't recall dating her, but said, "If I did, I did." The "denial" of knowledge of Gibson only occurs if you lump the ones he knew (and dated, probably) with some others that he probably didn't know.

This has been the WaPo's strategy from the beginning, I believe--providing some credible sources (not allegations) and some non-credible sources (serious allegations), and then never separating the two groups.

Thus the "9 allegations" number is thrown around, but there aren't 9 allegations. There are maybe 3, and only 1 of them is regarding an underage girl.
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Which of them are Doug Jones supporters?

Deborah Wesson Gibson

Woman Who Accused Roy Moore Posted “Doug Jones for U.S. Senate” Material on Facebook

Because I heard that at least some of them were/are Trump supporters so it'd be strange to then also support Doug.

Liberals and Libertarians are a queer bunch of people. Many of them crossed Party lines to help elect the current Degenerate in Chief, without a doubt the first time in their miserable lives that they'd voted Republican.

Unless the reason they are for Doug is because the other guy is a pervert who tried to date/assault them. Or maybe I heard incorrectly about the Trump supporter part.

Like Trump, Doug Jones is pro sodomy and for women's "choice".

Why don't you get together with WizardofOz/SabbathMoon and discuss more unsubstantiated gossip, because they will be more interested in what you have to say than I am.

patrick jane

One of Moore's accusers admits today that she wrote some of the content of the yearbook signing, including the date and location.


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One of Moore's accusers admits today that she wrote some of the content of the yearbook signing, including the date and location.

Beverly Young Nelson had earlier said:
"He wrote in my yearbook as follows: 'To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say Merry Christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love, Roy Moore, Olde Hickory House. Roy Moore, DA,'".

Now she admits that she added some of the text, ........ but did not specify exactly how much she added.

That bolded part bothers me.
Did the person interviewing Beverly with this latest admission just not ask her to specify what she added, or did she just refuse to reveal any more specific details?
I would find it very suspect that the one interviewing did not ask her to be specific about what she added.
I would also find it suspect that Beverly would not say exactly what she added.

This just makes the accuracy of Beverly's claim even more fishy.

patrick jane


Beverly Young Nelson had earlier said:
"He wrote in my yearbook as follows: 'To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say Merry Christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love, Roy Moore, Olde Hickory House. Roy Moore, DA,'".

Now she admits that she added some of the text, ........ but did not specify exactly how much she added.

That bolded part bothers me.
Did the person interviewing Beverly with this latest admission just not ask her to specify what she added, or did she just refuse to reveal any more specific details?
I would find it very suspect that the one interviewing did not ask her to be specific about what she added.
I would also find it suspect that Beverly would not say exactly what she added.

This just makes the accuracy of Beverly's claim even more fishy.
I want to say it was on ABC today, I'm sure we'll see the footage. If I'm not mistaken, Bev is the one who claims she was 14, the only accuser that would be illegal for Moore. Not to mention the holes in her story of working at the diner.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I want to say it was on ABC today, I'm sure we'll see the footage. If I'm not mistaken, Bev is the one who claims she was 14, the only accuser that would be illegal for Moore. Not to mention the holes in her story of working at the diner.
Beverly is not the 14 year old.
The 14 year old's name was Leigh Corfman.
Beverly claims she was 15 and working at the Old Hickory diner where she says Moore ate at all the time.
But other waitresses that worked there at the time say they never saw Moore eat there (Not that they didn't see him there much, but never saw him there even 1 time. And they also claim that one had to be at least 16 to be employed there. And they do not recall Beverly working there at all.)

Gary K

New member
There is an interesting story that just came out that Tim Miller, a former Jeb Bush campaign operative, is the source for planting the Roy Moore story in the Washington Post. This story makes the Roy Moore story in the press look even slimier than it did before, and it looked really slimy even then. And people want to say that there is a difference between the political parties? Tim Moore has also bragged about raising money for Doug Jones, Moore's opponent in the Senate race in Alabama. He said he raised more money for Doug Jones than he ever did for Jeb Bush. Wow. What a classy guy.


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Beverly Young Nelson had earlier said:
"He wrote in my yearbook as follows: 'To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say Merry Christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love, Roy Moore, Olde Hickory House. Roy Moore, DA,'".

Now she admits that she added some of the text, ........ but did not specify exactly how much she added.

That bolded part bothers me.
Did the person interviewing Beverly with this latest admission just not ask her to specify what she added, or did she just refuse to reveal any more specific details?
I would find it very suspect that the one interviewing did not ask her to be specific about what she added.
I would also find it suspect that Beverly would not say exactly what she added.

This just makes the accuracy of Beverly's claim even more fishy.

Asked by ABC News about Moore and his defenders’ saying discrepancies in the inscription would damage her credibility, Nelson said, “He wrote the note and signed his name.”

“I had wrote under it where it happened at,” she added, referring to where she said they were when she said he signed the book. “I want to make this straight."

Gary K

New member
To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say Merry Christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love, Roy Moore

Wow. What a an obscene and gross message. That is just sick. To say someone is sweet and beautiful is just so deviant it's beyond belief.

Do you have any idea how many times these types of complements have been given to young girls in the history of the world? This was standard behavior by gentleman in the South for hundreds of years. They always handed out compliments like this, and after they said this they would bend at the waist and lift the girl's hand to their mouth and kiss her hand. I would have zero problems with an adult man giving a daughter of mine a compliment like that. Now if he said, Wow, You are hot, and leered at her that would be another story altogether. If Roy Moore wrote those words this is still a tempest in a teapot. It's been blown so far out of proportion it's hard to understand.

patrick jane


Asked by ABC News about Moore and his defenders’ saying discrepancies in the inscription would damage her credibility, Nelson said, “He wrote the note and signed his name.”

“I had wrote under it where it happened at,” she added, referring to where she said they were when she said he signed the book. “I want to make this straight."
Thanks, that settles it.