Robb Elementary School shooting


like marbles on glass
"Today, we stand for Lexie, and as her voice, we demand action. We seek a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, we understand that for some reason to some people, to people with money, to people who fund political campaigns, that guns are more important than children...We seek to raise the age to purchase these weapons from 18 to 21 years of age, we seek 'red flag' laws, stronger background checks."

Uvalde Mom Ran Mile to School Before Discovering Daughter Was Among Killed



Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Came across this analogy:

You're at the playground with your
kids. You and all the other parents are
watching the youngsters play. One kid
picks up a stick and starts beating the
other kids.

Democrat's solution: Take the stick
away from the kid.

Republican's solution: Give all the
kids a stick.
:unsure: Quite an apt analogy...Personally, I think you are both idiots.

:cool: I taught my kids to defend themselves against sticks...Including the disarming of others of their sticks and the use of various sticks so they would be familiar with the different sticks. Fearful, panicky animals react and die...Informed humans solve problems with the tools and information at their disposal. Ignorance breeds fear.

As I see on this page every day. :rolleyes:

Gary K

New member
😑 Wait till you get the "assault rifles" banned and you start hearing about what a 12Ga. does at close range.

Do you suppose Joe will be so quick to recount how Jill goes out to the balcony and fires off a few blasts, if there's an intruder, when that's crawling across the bottom of CNN? 🤔
It's all emotion, emotion, emotion minus any factual information to demonstrate the argument. And wait till the shotguns are gone and we hear how deadly kitchen knives are and how much damage they can do to a human body. They can actually dismember a person.


like marbles on glass
It's all emotion, emotion, emotion

That's guilt talking because your side doesn't feel enough emotion for the murdered children. They're collateral damage to MAGA gun worship.

minus any factual information to demonstrate the argument. And wait till the shotguns are gone and we hear how deadly kitchen knives are and how much damage they can do to a human body. They can actually dismember a person.

I just gave factual information from a doctor who saw the bodies of the children, and from the mother who lost her daughter. Does that make you uncomfortable enough to rant about emotion? Good.

The rest is slippery slope nonsense. Shotguns are deadly protection at close range. I have one, I'm a pretty good shot, and I'd use it for self defense if I had to. AR-15s are a whole other level of destructive, with lighter, higher velocity rounds that cause greater destruction of the target - and you don't have to be up close. The fact that conservatives and Republicans react to another school shooting with outcries about gun rights says everything.


Note the all-caps words. There's a reason the right capitalizes certain words, they're dog whistles to their audience.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's guilt talking because your side doesn't feel enough emotion for the murdered children. They're collateral damage to MAGA gun worship.

I just gave factual information from a doctor who saw the bodies of the children, and from the mother who lost her daughter. Does that make you uncomfortable enough to rant about emotion? Good.

The rest is slippery slope nonsense. Shotguns are deadly protection at close range. I have one, I'm a pretty good shot, and I'd use it for self defense if I had to. AR-15s are a whole other level of destructive, with lighter, higher velocity rounds that cause greater destruction of the target - and you don't have to be up close. The fact that conservatives and Republicans react to another school shooting with outcries about gun rights says everything.


Note the all-caps words. There's a reason the right capitalizes certain words, they're dog whistles to their audience.
It was interesting seeing Matthew McConaughey on this:



like marbles on glass
Saw him on the news yesterday. Horrific.

And the surviving children will carry those images, sounds, smells, with them for the rest of their lives. It's indeed horrific, and it didn't have to happen. The shooter shouldn't have been able to buy the weapon at all, let alone buy it and walk out of the shop with it, and the failures of law enforcement have yet to be fully investigated.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's a good article, I saw him speak and he's already been dragged over the coals by right-wingers for it. I hope he continues on with this.
"Right-wingers" oppose Marxist gun grabs and forced submission to small bodies of imperious fascist rulers and are "dragged over the coals" by leftists for their stand for freedom and right.


Well-known member
And the surviving children will carry those images, sounds, smells, with them for the rest of their lives. It's indeed horrific, and it didn't have to happen. The shooter shouldn't have been able to buy the weapon at all, let alone buy it and walk out of the shop with it, and the failures of law enforcement have yet to be fully investigated.
The shooting did not have to happen. The school resource officer could have shot the perp. Teachers could have been armed. The FBI could have been looking for young terrorists intending to shoot up schools instead of wasting time tracking school parents opposed to teaching Marxism and racism in schools, and so forth. But not lefties. They stupidly think that it would be better for America to outlaw personal protections against threats to themselves, their neighbors, their family, and their nation as if that would stop murderers from murdering people.

China has a lower murder rate than the US but who wants to live in bondage like the Chinese? And people still get murdered in China also so what's the point of giving away American freedom for slavery?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And the surviving children will carry those images, sounds, smells, with them for the rest of their lives.
As do the children, overwhelmingly black, who live with the fact that every day in America 29 young Negroes are murdered

Every single day
It's indeed horrific, and it didn't have to happen.
I disagree. It necessarily did have to happen. IF we continue to have a free society and evil existd in the world. Those two facets of our society are incompatible with "it didn't have to happen"
The shooter shouldn't have been able to buy the weapon at all, let alone buy it and walk out of the shop with it,
Until you can discern the future there's no way to put that claim into practice
and the failures of law enforcement have yet to be fully investigated.
Law enforcement exists to enforce laws after they are broken. Law enforcement is designed to be reactive not proactive.

The judicial system is designed to be proactive. It has failed to do so. Swift harsh punishment is meant to be a deterrent to others. That rarely happens today.
Marke posted a news article about a fellow in Texas I believe who committed the rape and murder of a child in 1983. It was newsworthy yesterday because he was just executed.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The shooter shouldn't have been able to buy the weapon at all ...
Like most idiots on the left you're focused on the weapon and not the perpetrator wielding it. Imagine that you would have been able to stop this fellow from buying the weapon that he bought. How would you stop him from buying a different weapon? How would you stop him from going into a garden center in a Walmart for example and buying a backpack sprayer? How would you stop him from going to a gas station and buying 3 gallons of gasoline and a lighter? How would you stop him from going into the school through that unlocked door with a backpack sprayer full of gasoline and a lighter and burning everybody in the building to death?


Well-known member
And the surviving children will carry those images, sounds, smells, with them for the rest of their lives. It's indeed horrific, and it didn't have to happen. The shooter shouldn't have been able to buy the weapon at all, let alone buy it and walk out of the shop with it, and the failures of law enforcement have yet to be fully investigated.
Why don't lefties listen to moms of gun violence victims?

Gun violence victim's mother tells Congress she doesn't want more gun control laws so she can defend herself 'from evil'​

Rebecca Cohen
Wed, June 8, 2022, 12:55 PM·3 min read

Conservative activist Lucretia Hughes speaks during The House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing about gun violence on June 8, 2022 in Washington, DC.

Conservative activist Lucretia Hughes speaks during The House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing about gun violence on June 8, 2022 in Washington, DC.Jason Andrew/AFP via Getty Images
  • A gun violence victim's mother told Congress she does not want more gun control laws because she wants to protect herself "from evil."
  • "Gun owners are not the enemies, and gun control laws are not the solution," she said.
  • She called on Congress to ban gun-free zones and to fund non-partisan firearm education programs.
The mother of a man who died from gun violence told Congress Wednesday that she doesn't want more gun control laws because she wants to protect herself "from evil."
"How about letting me defend myself from evil?" Lucretia Hughes, a conservative gun-rights activist, asked lawmakers at the House Oversight and Reform Committee's hearing on gun violence. "You don't think that I am capable and trustworthy to handle a firearm? You don't think that the Second Amendment doesn't apply to people that look like me?"

"You, who are calling for more gun control, are the same ones that are calling to defund the police," she added. "Who is supposed to protect us? We must prepare to be our own first responders, to protect ourselves and our loved ones."
Hughes, of the DC Project — Women for Gun Rights, was one of several witnesses who spoke to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform about gun violence and gun rights in the United States.
A survivor of the Uvalde, Texas, mass shooting at Robb Elementary School also spoke, telling lawmakers that she's now afraid another shooting will happen at school. Another witness was the mother of a 20-year-old who was shot in the Buffalo mass shooting at a Tops grocery store last month. She told lawmakers that her son still has bullet fragments in his back.
Hughes told Congress that her 19-year-old son, Emmanuel, was shot "point-blank in the head and was killed while playing dominoes" at a party in April 2016.
"Our gun control lobbyists and politicians claim that their policies will save lives and reduce violence," Hughes said. "Well, those policies did not save my son."


like marbles on glass
Why don't lefties listen to moms of gun violence victims?

I just posted the story of a mom of a Uvalde victim. Didn't you read it? Or because she called for better gun regulations you ignored her? Why didn't you listen to her?

Gun violence victim's mother tells Congress she doesn't want more gun control laws so she can defend herself 'from evil'​

And she is free to testify to her personal truth, and she did, and as a mom my heart hurts for her.

So what's your complaint exactly? Everyone in that committee listened to her, and her remarks have been posted by the MSM you despise.

Another witness was the mother of a 20-year-old who was shot in the Buffalo mass shooting at a Tops grocery store last month. She told lawmakers that her son still has bullet fragments in his back.

Here's the rest of this mom's testimony, from the link in your article:

"My son Zaire has a hole in the right side of his neck, two on his back, and another on his left leg. Caused by an exploding bullet from an AR-15," Zeneta Everhart told Congress in a hearing on gun violence in the U.S. Wednesday.

"As I clean his wounds, I can feel pieces of that bullet in his back. Shrapnel will be left inside his body for the rest of his life," she continued.

She then called out politicians who refuse to act on gun violence in the country.

"I invite you to my home," she said, "to help clean Zaire's wounds so that you can see up close the damage that has been caused to my son and my community."

"As an elected official it is your duty to draft legislation that protects Zaire and all of the children and citizens in this country. Common-sense gun laws are not about your personal feelings or beliefs. You are elected because you have been chosen and trusted to protect us. But let me say here today: I do not feel protected," she said.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
:unsure: Quite an apt analogy...Personally, I think you are both idiots.

:cool: I taught my kids to defend themselves against sticks...Including the disarming of others of their sticks and the use of various sticks so they would be familiar with the different sticks. Fearful, panicky animals react and die...Informed humans solve problems with the tools and information at their disposal. Ignorance breeds fear.

As I see on this page every day. :rolleyes:
I don't know if you remember the Umpqua community college shooting. It was a topic of hot discussion here at the time. I took a lot of heat for my view that the students who cowered in fear, who were locked in with the crazed gunman as he killed them one by one, that those students who were cowering in fear were cowards by definition. And I didn't blame them. Modern kids are raised to be cowards. They aren't raised to defend themselves. They aren't raised to defend others.