
Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
:nono: I'm not full blackfoot, but I've a quarter. There is no such thing as bad press, only bad intent. I was never offended by the honor of a team choosing to represent the indian nation. "Indian" isn't offensive either. My redskin seems a bit thicker, even only being a quarter of the thickness. If I were black, I'd be a proud black and would let no other race give offense. Whatever God made me, He intended. End of story, you cannot offend me for being what I am as God intended. I'll take 'savage' over 'white-Milquetoast' any day.
Brother, move to Browning and start claiming your fortunes:




Well-known member
well to be politically correct I wont tell anyone my race or skin color but nowadays i am highly offended with the name "WHITEhouse" that is especially since there is a black President,and many other Hispanic or other races of congresspeople and senators so I say that since our Government's headquarters is not onley for the "WHITE PEOPLE" lets force them to change their name,,,,,,



New member
Hall of Fame
Did anyone at all even bother to check the link I posted?

There seems to be a willful rush to offend, and an eagerness to be crude, that's behind defense of the name. Maybe it's an American thing.:idunno:


New member
Did anyone at all even bother to check the link I posted?
I did :) though I'm clearly in the minority.
There seems to be a willful rush to offend, and an eagerness to be crude, that's behind defense of the name. Maybe it's an American thing.:idunno:
Probably not just an American thing (sadly?). Though it seems like this would be a much more clear cut issue if the name were the New York Nig... (you can figure out the rest - sites censors it) or Adelaide Abos (the latter is a derogatory reference to indigenous Australians)


New member
Hall of Fame
At the very least, it's a crude, distasteful nickname. It should've been changed by now and it seems inevitable that eventually it will be.

I would think it quite appealing to be seen as fighters and winners to the American Indians, so much so that others would like to be called by their name.

If anyone should be offended by something, it should be the liberals who treat them so shamefully on reservations. If anyone wants to know what liberal government will ultimately end up looking like, need only look at the American Indian.

It doesnt offend the indians that we have sports teams depicting them, it offends the whiny easily offended liberals who need something else to get the focus off what they really stand for and do, and who wants everyone to feel like a victim.


Well-known member
I did :) though I'm clearly in the minority.
Probably not just an American thing (sadly?). Though it seems like this would be a much more clear cut issue if the name were the New York Nig... (you can figure out the rest - sites censors it) or Adelaide Abos (the latter is a derogatory reference to indigenous Australians)
So if we call a team the Crackers, the Paleskins, or the Palefaces, that'd be an offense to white people? No, in fact it would not be. Football teams aren't looking for names that are derogatory, they are looking for names that are tough and mascots that they take pride in.


New member
Right, red skinned potatoes.
Unless we're gonna change the potato names as well.

Well ya! Red potatoes, yellow potatoes too!
I wuz thinkin maybe just call the teams by letters in the alphabet, but, then, jeepers! Who gets to be called "The "A" Team?
Everybody else will have hurt feelings.
Or else give the teams fruit names, like "The Apples" or "The Oranges" but then, jeepers again! Who is gonna like being called "The Lemons"?


New member
Hall of Fame
So if we call a team the Crackers, the Paleskins, or the Palefaces, that'd be an offense to white people? No, in fact it would not be. Football teams aren't looking for names that are derogatory, they are looking for names that are tough and mascots that they take pride in.



New member
Hall of Fame
I would think it quite appealing to be seen as fighters and winners to the American Indians, so much so that others would like to be called by their name.

If anyone should be offended by something, it should be the liberals who treat them so shamefully on reservations. If anyone wants to know what liberal government will ultimately end up looking like, need only look at the American Indian.

It doesnt offend the indians that we have sports teams depicting them, it offends the whiny easily offended liberals who need something else to get the focus off what they really stand for and do, and who wants everyone to feel like a victim.

Would you call an American Indian a redskin to their face?

Considering the macabre history of the word (again, check out that link) I consider it derogatory and gruesome. To say nothing of the fact that the name for the time sprang from an outright racist and segregationalist.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:nono: I'm not full blackfoot, but I've a quarter.
A while back the reply would have gone something like, "Good, then you can call for help." :)

There is no such thing as bad press, only bad intent. I was never offended by the honor of a team choosing to represent the indian nation.
A lot of people aren't, but the term was and is offensive for many, especially among the full and half bloods who don't have the option of "passing" as someone of a different ethnic origin. It wasn't that long ago that team had cheerleaders doing a phony war dance in stadium.

"Indian" isn't offensive either.
It wasn't coined to be. Redskin...look it up in Merriam Webster. It's usually an offensive term in usage. Well, why adopt a term that's mostly used to insult a people?

My redskin seems a bit thicker, even only being a quarter of the thickness. If I were black, I'd be a proud black and would let no other race give offense.
Oh, I'd bet if you were black, grew up being identified as black by the majority and one day one of that majority bought a sports team, slapped the silhouette of your race in profile and called them the "Raging Spear Chuckers" you'd probably end up offended and it would be reasonable for you to be.

So if we call a team the Crackers, the Paleskins, or the Palefaces, that'd be an offense to white people?
Those the nickname of a disenfranchised people systematically oppressed and ridiculed with the full force of law? :nono:

Then there's no meaningful parallel there, only a technical one, even in the hypothetical.

Football teams aren't looking for names that are derogatory, they are looking for names that are tough and mascots that they take pride in.
They were looking for something catchy for their mostly white audience, I suspect. Growing up the way we did, on diets of movies where John Wayne shot six "indians" (often Italians) off of horses with a single shot, we largely found it exciting instead of what it was...okay, I doubt anyone meant anything by it beyond that and we didn't mostly know better. No willful foul.

Now we do and our response to it deserves a very different treatment.


New member
Hall of Fame
I consider it derogatory and gruesome.
And i consider being refered to as a warrior, fighter and winner to be a compliment and so do some of the indians i know, they have never had a problem with sports teams being called by their name in a complimentary manner and thats what it is.

They dont worry about petty junk like this, they worry about much more important things.

To say nothing of the fact that the name for the time sprang from an outright racist and segregationalist.

Sorry you are so easily offended.

I don't find it offensive for someone to notice i have white skin, and yes i know indians and know they don't think having red skin to be an offensive thing.

They don't see everything on earth being about race, racists do.

The real racists are those who see race in everything instead of people. They are those who keep other people on reservations instead of seeing them as worthy of the same rights of others.

Why are you all not worried about their owning their own land instead of a team complimenting them by wanting to be called by their name?

Which is more important do you think?


New member
So if we call a team the Crackers, the Paleskins, or the Palefaces, that'd be an offense to white people? No, in fact it would not be. Football teams aren't looking for names that are derogatory, they are looking for names that are tough and mascots that they take pride in.
So can I then take it you would see no problem with someone creating the New York Nig....? (darn it even TOL doesn't like the word and censors it!)


New member
Hall of Fame
And i consider being refered to as a warrior, fighter and winner to be a compliment and so do some of the indians i know, they have never had a problem with sports teams being called by their name in a complimentary manner and thats what it is.

Would you call an American Indian a redskin to their face?

They dont worry about petty junk like this, they worry about much more important things.

Some of them clearly do. And yes, given the horrendous treatment at the hands of our government and the rampant troubles in reservations, there are bigger fish to fry. Which should make this issue a slam dunk. It's easy.

Making up for genocide is a little tougher, but here we are.

I don't find it offensive for someone to notice i have white skin, and yes i know indians and know they don't think having red skin to be an offensive thing.

Would you be okay with walking into a reservation and greeting the proprietor with "Hey there, redskin! How goes it?"

Desert Reign

There seems to be a willful rush to offend, and an eagerness to be crude, that's behind defense of the name. Maybe it's an American thing.:idunno:

What people don't like - and you'll find it the world over - is being told what not to think and what not to say, what words they can and cannot use. I know sometimes this can be offensive but really the moment there is a hint of the thought police arriving, the majority of normal people will throw a wobbly.

Rules of conduct should be basic. If you try too hard, people will rebel and start doing the exact opposite to what you want. A healthy society springs from itself not from imposition.