

New member
how about you rex?

can you explain how the whiners are "impacted"?

Not in terms that you would understand, sadly. You've never watched your culture mown down and nearly destroyed, and then appropriated by the group doing the mowing, and I've never seen any evidence that you can place yourself on someone else's shoes.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Intent matters. But it isn't the only thing. It might be a defense of some kind at the first instance of a slight that no insult was intended, but when the insult continues, even after a significant number of the impacted have objected, it begins to look as if you simply are indifferent to what they think, especially when you refer to them as "stupid, petty, and a pathetic waste of time".

I refer to their whine as stupid, petty and a pathetic waste of time along to being indifferent to the PC do-gooders.

That's a bait-and-switch response. TH didn't suggest that there was an equivalence between the name of sports teams and the murder of civil rights activists or black kids during the civil rights movement. He pointed out the silliness of your intimation that liberals are weak by means of example.

TH used it a contrast in his last post so I used it to show the pettiness of this issue, being they are not even remotely linked.

Didn't you just complain about TH allegedly blurring two issues together?

I believe they are linked and I showed why. I think that it is a proper distraction from what should be a seen as real injustice but, being you are aligned with that behavior you want to dismiss it also. I wouldn't expect less from you...


Not in terms that you would understand, sadly. You've never watched your culture mown down and nearly destroyed, and then appropriated by the group doing the mowing....

you're talking about my culture that has been taken over by liberals and democrats, my culture that since my youth has welcomed perversity and abomination?

my culture which now welcomes abortion, homosexuality, divorce, adultery, pornography, "recreational" drug use, etc?

that one?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
you're talking about my culture that has been taken over by liberals and democrats, my culture that since my youth has welcomed perversity and abomination?

my culture which now welcomes abortion, homosexuality, divorce, adultery, pornography, "recreational" drug use, etc?

that one?

Kind of brings the great liberal achievements of our time into prospective now doesn't it?


New member
you're talking about my culture that has been taken over by liberals and democrats, my culture that since my youth has welcomed perversity and abomination?

my culture which now welcomes abortion, homosexuality, divorce, adultery, pornography, "recreational" drug use, etc?

that one?

Your culture of straight protestant white male privilege? It never was a culture on its own. There's a difference between a culture being forced to allow everyone in it to have a voice, and to make their own choices, and being forced out by a separate culture.


New member
I refer to their whine as stupid, petty and a pathetic waste of time along to being indifferent to the PC do-gooders. they aren't stupid. Just what they do is stupid? Yeah, that's so much better.

TH used it a contrast in his last post so I used it to show the pettiness of this issue, being they are not even remotely linked.

I believe they are linked and I showed why. I think that it is a proper distraction from what should be a seen as real injustice but, being you are aligned with that behavior you want to dismiss it also. I wouldn't expect less from you...

I don't think you're being very honest here. Go back and reread it.


Kind of brings the great liberal achievements of our time into prospective now doesn't it?

my ancestors from western ny were active in the progressive movements of the 1800's - abolitionists and suffragettes

they'd be rolling over in their graves if they knew how much we've "progressed" :nono:


New member
my ancestors from western ny were active in the progressive movements of the 1800's - abolitionists and suffragettes

they'd be rolling over in their graves if they knew how much we've "progressed" :nono:

Perhaps. I think it's more likely they'd react that way to how much you're regressed though.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What is that number?
Well, as I noted, it was supported by the following Native American groups: the Cherokee, Comanche, Oneida and Seminole tribes. Also by the National Congress of American Indians. So more than a few/less than all, though I still don't see numbers as being meaningful here, unless the objection were unreasonable prima facie and the numbers reflected that.

The fact remains that the name was never picked as a slight or insult but as an image of strength, honor, and power,
Except that isn't really a fact. It's your spin. I think it's more likely the play was on the ferocity associated with the name and image, linked to a couple of generation's perception. People who grew up watching westerns were the savage redskins were something to fear.

You don't tend to honor a people by placing them in that light or having white cheerleaders do faux war dances, etc. That said, I don't think the point was to offer insult either. I don't think much thinking went into that angle one way or another.

But here's the thing: it doesn't matter. When I was a kid I came home from another kid's house and called my brother the N-word in front of my black nanny. I didn't know it was a term that caused her pain, just understood it as an insult until I saw her response to it. Taught me a valuable lesson about knowledge. Never happened again, because ignorance isn't a defense once you know.

..hopefully in the end they will lose.
Why? Hopefully the name that has traditionally been used to marginalize and insult people will continue to be used when there are any number of alternatives that wouldn't? Why would anyone hope for that?

This is not about blacks in Mississippi, or any other great injustice which you can conjure,
That was my answer to your bizarre association with weak and liberal. That camp traditionally stands up to the empowered and numerically, fiscally stronger side. Seemed a peculiar and wrong headed description, whatever you think of their politics.

it is about the name of a NFL football team, try to keep it in prospective.
Said the fellow arguing against ideologies instead of the issue.

It is also about liberals like that turd Whorehouse Harry Reed that are whipping this into a frenzy, attempting to deflect attention from real injustices like using a government agency to target average Americans.
Unlike Limbaugh, Drudge and almost everyone with a show on the most popular news channel in the world? :rolleyes: That said, Reed is a doofus. But do you see what you're doing there? You're standing with your group (because the targets of that were a particular group of Americans, weren't they) because you don't care for the treatment.

Good on you. that is injustice, so yes, it is about a bunch of white liberals in Washington politicizing this case because it suits their purpose as a national distraction from real issues.
The first time you used that charge it was forgivable. Now you're just yelling "N-word" with your fingers in your ears. The issue is the issue, not who does or doesn't try to hijack it to their purpose.

Now THAT'S perspective.

By the way, why is TOL so PC with the N-word? :plain: It's not swearing, just an ugly reminder of how some people thought and think. Where's my freedom to shine a light on that? :plain:


New member
First off, we agree on everything to this point so congrats are in order.


As to this, I didn't see it as a fallacy at all.

Which is why you said "Don't care", when I pointed out the fallacy? :confused:

Because I didnt' want to get into it with you

But you already have, and if you're going to respond then give a reasoned response. If you pardon yourself from fallacious arguments, as sloppily as you have been, then my response is going to be caustic.

and more specifically because that whole post was taxing my patience (not these last two, kudos), I didn't want to bother.

Then don't.

I don't believe it was a fallacy

Then make a reasoned argument to that effect; "Don't care" isn't going to fly.

slippery slope or otherwise. Every lawsuit sets precedence.

Again we're talking about a term and it's connotations.


Well-known member
Which is why you said "Don't care", when I pointed out the fallacy? :confused:
Read back now so I don't have to tell you why again.

But you already have, and if you're going to respond then give a reasoned response. If you pardon yourself from fallacious arguments, as sloppily as you have been, then my response is going to be caustic.
Cart before the horse, you were already acting that way.

Then don't.
I wonder if you just hit 'response' and then read. Not the best way to do internet discussion. Yes reading takes time but not that much.
Even when I do, I simply open both windows so I can read both comments at the same time and do some back log reading as well.

This particular, as I said, had to do with that initial post.

Then make a reasoned argument to that effect; "Don't care" isn't going to fly.
Again, I didn't want to at the time. You engaged me, not vise versa and I my patience with you was short because of your tenor. Go back and read yourself and try to be empathetic. What would you have addressed if you responded to yourself? Seriously, try it:
So you're not even going to pretend, that what you said wasn't incredibly stupid.

This sums up perfectly why your opinion on this doesn't matter.

Again we're talking about a term and it's connotations.
Did you happen to see Rocketman's link? The thread and lawsuit should be over imho. It is the proverbial nail as far as most would be concerned.


New member
Read back now so I don't have to tell you why again.

It's no more convincing the second time.

you were already acting that way.

I beg to differ, but irrelevant regardless.

I wonder if you just hit 'response' and then read.

I find that intriguing coming from someone who responded to say that he didn't want to respond. If you don't want to respond, then don't.

Yes reading takes time but not that much.

Your patronizing attitude grows weary on me.

Again, I didn't want to at the time.

Then again, don't.

You engaged me, not vise versa


What would you have addressed if you responded to yourself?

I would have never had responded "Don't care" to an accusation of a fallacy, and had I, then the criticism would have been apt.

Did you happen to see Rocketman's link? The thread and lawsuit should be over imho. It is the proverbial nail as far as most would be concerned.

No, but I don't see how it changes the debate. It's already understood that opinion amongst native Americans is mixed, and you've already indicated that the percentage that object to a term, doesn't matter to you.


DS: Your argument here seems to be contingent on the proportion that oppose it. So Lon, what percentage of women would have to oppose your greeting before you considered abstaining from it?

Lon: Imo? I'm not politically correct and think those people need to get a life. If someone means something derogatory, take it on a case by case basis.


King cobra

It seems to me that the term in question was not originally a pejorative but merely descriptive. Similarly, black and white (based on skin color after all). Then, terrorists some 150 years past confiscated said term to spread their hate. Are we letting those terrorists of long ago win?

I applaud those American Indians who see through all the “p.c.” and stand unoffended by a descriptive moniker used for a show of strength.


I have a really simple solution.

Washington can keep the name "Redskins".....all they have to do is change their logo from an Indian to a potato.
