red77's witness

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Lighthouse said:
If you were really concerned, you'd push for stricter laws against it, and for speedier punishments for those involved. Less people would do it, if they were gauranteed expedient, and painful punishment for such acts. And therefore less people would be hurt in the manner they are now. Not only the whores, but also the "Johns" and their families, and many other people...

None of this would make it any safer for those involved, it would just push it even further underground which would concern me more....


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
How would making prostitution legal make it safer for the women?

It would reduce 'pimping' and also lessen the chances of abuse from violent clients, many of the women have little to no rights (including human rights) in the eyes of their "employers" and that would at least change IMO. The question is - is the safety of these women more important than moral outrage? IMO yes it is - and that does not by association mean I advocate prostitution as moral - as has been stated in this thread

Mr. 5020

New member
red77 said:
It would reduce 'pimping' and also lessen the chances of abuse from violent clients, many of the women have little to no rights (including human rights) in the eyes of their "employers" and that would at least change IMO. The question is - is the safety of these women more important than moral outrage? IMO yes it is - and that does not by association mean I advocate prostitution as moral - as has been stated in this thread
How would it reduce 'pimping?' These women will still need employers.


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
How would it reduce 'pimping?' These women will still need employers.

But at least they'd be ones who would be answerable for any abuse and violence they dished out to the women - unlike now where many of them arent


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Mr. 5020 said:
What'd I say? :confused:
Something in the time between when I read the post before yours and the time I posted. Apologies. Friendly fire... :(

Mr. 5020

New member
red77 said:
But at least they'd be ones who would be answerable for any abuse and violence they dished out to the women - unlike now where many of them arent
Are you kidding? They'd be even more free to do what they want.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
red77 said:
None of this would make it any safer for those involved, it would just push it even further underground which would concern me more....
You are daft.


Merely Christian
red77 said:
Oh please, I understood just fine and supporting the advocacy of something is condoning it

I know it is. It seems you know it is.

- and you are yet to provide a post of mine that advocates or condones prostitution

Once again... it seems you need to change what I accused you of so you feel free to weasle out. You supported the advocacy of prostitution, and homosexuality and abortion. As I've said and will continue to say, you support the advocacy of all manner of immorality.

so your initial accusation is false, calling me a liar doesnt negate that....

Every time you post you prove my accusation true.


New member
Nineveh said:
I know it is. It seems you know it is.

Once again... it seems you need to change what I accused you of so you feel free to weasle out. You supported the advocacy of prostitution, and homosexuality and abortion. As I've said and will continue to say, you support the advocacy of all manner of immorality.

Every time you post you prove my accusation true.

I have no need to weasle out of anything Nineveh, I've never advocated prostitution and you're yet to show the link where I have......I've also never advocated abortion either, I questioned whether it was wrong in 100% of circumstances and I am pro life, If by advocating homosexuality you mean not wanting to jump on a bandwagon of killing them then by all means feel free to think that I advocate immorality,
My conscience is clear


Merely Christian
red77 said:
I have no need to weasle out of anything Nineveh, I've never advocated prostitution

What more can I say, weasel? I never said you advocated prostitution, I said you support those who do. In fact many times I have said you support all manner of immorality. You can be found judging Christians for judging immorality while patting the Godless on the back on a regular basis.

and you're yet to show the link where I have.

No weasel, I can't provide the link to the lie you keep telling. But I did provide many links to threads where you can indeed be seen patting the Godless on the back, judging Christians and supporting those who promote immorality.

.....I've also never advocated abortion either, I questioned whether it was wrong in 100% of circumstances and I am pro life,

First link: "...If its wrong for women to terminate their pregnancies because of risk to their health or life then I'm yet to see it, the same with victims of rape,..."

Second link: "...If a victim of rape falls pregnant as a result should she be forced to endure the emotional and physical trauma of going through with the pregnancy and childbirth or should she be allowed to abort if she wishes? I think she should be allowed,..."

It appears you do advocate murder. Perhaps that is why it is so hard for you to stand by God's Command to put murderers to death, because in your heart, you feel the murder of an innocent baby "should be allowed".

If by advocating homosexuality you mean not wanting to jump on a bandwagon of killing them

Actually no, you go one worse. You support people who believe abominations should adopt kids. Starting about page 19 of the 4th link you start in judging Christians who are standing against homos adopting. You make statements such as, "I dont believe anyone will be able to show you where Jesus said we're to hate homosexuals - but then of course its not 'hate' that causes people here to want to kill them....its 'love'.............." As if you have any clue what Godly Love is while you side with those supporting homosexuality, let alone putting children in their care.

then by all means feel free to think that I advocate immorality, My conscience is clear

I fail to see why you would even want to call yourself by the Name of a God that obviously offends your personal brand of morality. At every turn you stand against the commands of God while patting pagans on the back and judge Christians. You have no shame. Even when presented with your own words you try to twist, weasel and ignore your way out of it. I expect nothing more from a liar.


New member
Nineveh said:
What more can I say, weasel? I never said you advocated prostitution, I said you support those who do. In fact many times I have said you support all manner of immorality. You can be found judging Christians for judging immorality while patting the Godless on the back on a regular basis.

You said I supported the advocacy of whoredom which by association means I also advocate prostitution itself, which I do not so your claim is still false,

No weasel, I can't provide the link to the lie you keep telling. But I did provide many links to threads where you can indeed be seen patting the Godless on the back, judging Christians and supporting those who promote immorality.

Right, so you cannot provide a link to a "lie I keep telling"? You cant be looking very hard then can you? If I've advoctated the support of prostitution so many times then I would have thought it would have been pretty easy to provide a relevant link by now.....

As for this 'judging Christians and patting the 'Godless' on the back'.....
Well, its ironic that you accuse me of judging other christians when you are not averse to doing so yourself - usually because they dont agree with you on certain matters, seeing as this is a theology forum ther's bound to be many differences on different issues even purely amongst Christians - and i am certainly not at odds with all Christians on this for 'patting the godless on the back', I make no apologies for finding compassion/empathy and kindness among those who dont claim to have faith, perhaps you should read the parable of the good samaritan to have a better idea of what I'm saying, often its peoples fruit is that is important - not their faith icon, one of the most unchristian things was said to me by another Christian on this forum which was inexcusable - so you'll excuse me if I dont think that because someone has a Christian faith icon I should automatically be in agreement with them

First link: "...If its wrong for women to terminate their pregnancies because of risk to their health or life then I'm yet to see it, the same with victims of rape,..."

Second link: "...If a victim of rape falls pregnant as a result should she be forced to endure the emotional and physical trauma of going through with the pregnancy and childbirth or should she be allowed to abort if she wishes? I think she should be allowed,..."

It appears you do advocate murder. Perhaps that is why it is so hard for you to stand by God's Command to put murderers to death, because in your heart, you feel the murder of an innocent baby "should be allowed".

This is a contentious subject amongst many Christians and I made no claim to be absolutely right on this issue as I stated in the thread,
As for the death penalty I have already answered you on the appropriate thread many times already, I have no disagreement with putting murderers to death as you mistakenly seemed to assume, I will not support the death penalty in a system where there will be innocent victims which you on the other hand seem willing to sacrifice as 'accidents',

Actually no, you go one worse. You support people who believe abominations should adopt kids. Starting about page 19 of the 4th link you start in judging Christians who are standing against homos adopting. You make statements such as, "I dont believe anyone will be able to show you where Jesus said we're to hate homosexuals - but then of course its not 'hate' that causes people here to want to kill them....its 'love'.............." As if you have any clue what Godly Love is while you side with those supporting homosexuality, let alone putting children in their care.

What was the title of that thread again? Wasnt it about whether it would be better for either an abusive heterosexual couple to adopt or a loving gay couple? Given the parameters on which the thread was based I wouldnt change my answer at all, you think it would be better for a kid to be abused by a couple because they're straight? Given that these were the only two options which one would you choose? Perhaps you can also show me where Jesus mentions homosexuality while ministering on Earth? I suspect you'll find that as difficult as providing a link where I promote the support of prostitution, and quite frankly the blatant homophobic hate on here is an excuse for people to air how 'grossed' out they are by people because of their sexuality and nothing more, I wont dress it up as anything other than what it is....

I fail to see why you would even want to call yourself by the Name of a God that obviously offends your personal brand of morality. At every turn you stand against the commands of God while patting pagans on the back and judge Christians. You have no shame. Even when presented with your own words you try to twist, weasel and ignore your way out of it. I expect nothing more from a liar.

This is just nothing more than a pathetic ad hom which sadly enough is what I've grown accustommed to expecting from you, what exactly I'm supposedly trying to 'weasel' my way out of is anyones guess, if I was trying to take back my own words you might have had a point but i stand by everything I've said, I do not support sexual immorality and until you find one of the supposedly many links where I have expressly condoned it then your quite frankly arrogant accusations mean precisely nothing


Merely Christian
red77 said:
You said I supported the advocacy of whoredom which by association means I also advocate prostitution itself, which I do not so your claim is still false,

What I claimed is exactly what you did, supported the advocacy of whoredom. If by association you can see such actions supports whoredom itself then you become doubly the hypocritical liar.

Right, so you cannot provide a link to a "lie I keep telling"?

You keep falsely accusing me of saying you support whoredom among other things. It seems your nature to lie to weasel out of what you are guilty of. For intance:

... If I've advoctated the support of prostitution....

But that isn't what I said, now it is it? I said you support the advocacy of it, which you do and the links are here on this thread for all to read. Now if you are capable of seeing that supporting those who support immorality is also supporting the immorality itself, that means you are confessing to supporting it yourself. But that is a charge you have leveled against yourself in your attempt to escape accepting that you do indeed support the advocacy of all manner of immorality.

What a tangled web you've weaved.

As for this 'judging Christians and patting the 'Godless' on the back'.....
Well, its ironic that you accuse me of judging other christians when you are not averse to doing so yourself
Unlike you, I take God at His word. We are supposed to judge rightly, not like hypocrites. What is the goal of your judgments? To turn the pagans to Christ by inaccurate hypocritical judgments against Christians? Edify with your inaccurate judgments? Or make a few pagan friends who will pos rep you and come to your defence whan you say things only godless pagans can agree with?

- usually because they dont agree with you on certain matters, seeing as this is a theology forum ther's bound to be many differences on different issues even purely amongst Christians - and i am certainly not at odds with all Christians on this for 'patting the godless on the back', I make no apologies for finding compassion/empathy and kindness among those who dont claim to have faith, perhaps you should read the parable of the good samaritan to have a better idea of what I'm saying, often its peoples fruit is that is important - not their faith icon, one of the most unchristian things was said to me by another Christian on this forum which was inexcusable - so you'll excuse me if I dont think that because someone has a Christian faith icon I should automatically be in agreement with them

red, It's not a matter of interpretation that your opinion is often found to be in direct opposition to the God you claim to serve. It is not a matter of honesty that you can be found on any given thread giving :thumb: to pagans while judging or mocking Christians.

God gave us His Law. It has not changed. For we know what the Law says it says to those under the Law. As a professing Christ follower, every time you support a pagan in their immorality, or find comfort for the unrepentant by promoting disobedience toward God, you are supporting their unbelief.

You may be able to lie to all of the world, but lying to yourself about what you believe is truly sad indeed.

This is a contentious subject amongst many Christians and I made no claim to be absolutely right on this issue as I stated in the thread,
As for the death penalty...

Thing is hypocrite, you are so concerned with the innocent being murdered by the government you are willing to rip the teeth out of the Law against God's command. Yet innocent lives doesn't seem to even factor in when it comes to innocent abortion rape victims.

But let's not let this next lie of yours escape notice: "I've also never advocated abortion either,". Your professed ignorance on the matter does not alleviate your advocacy of murdering innocent children. You did advocate abortion, when your own words were given back to you, do you repent for lying? Nope. Change your stand on murdering kids? Nope. You blithely ignore your lie and move right along....

I have already answered you on the appropriate thread many times already, I have no disagreement with putting murderers to death as you mistakenly seemed to assume, I will not support the death penalty in a system where there will be innocent victims which you on the other hand seem willing to sacrifice as 'accidents',

Oh yes you do. You say out one side of your face you agree with God murderers are to be put to death, but where the rubber meets the road, you stand against the death penalty. Your mouth saying one thing and your heart/mind saying another is hypocritical. Just like innocence is sooooooooooooo important in your excuses to keep murderers alive yet plays absolutely no role where a baby is concerned.

What was the title of that thread again? Wasnt it about whether it would be better for either an abusive heterosexual couple to adopt or a loving gay couple? Given the parameters on which the thread was based I wouldnt change my answer at all, you think it would be better for a kid to be abused by a couple because they're straight? Given that these were the only two options which one would you choose? Perhaps you can also show me where Jesus mentions homosexuality while ministering on Earth? I suspect you'll find that as difficult as providing a link where I promote the support of prostitution, and quite frankly the blatant homophobic hate on here is an excuse for people to air how 'grossed' out they are by people because of their sexuality and nothing more, I wont dress it up as anything other than what it is....

Still supporting those who advocate homoism.... What did you say about that? That is does indeed mean you are advocating the thing itself? Wow... you mean you support all manner of immorality here at TOL? Golly... whodda thunk it.

This is just nothing more than a pathetic ad hom which sadly enough is what I've grown accustommed to expecting from you, what exactly I'm supposedly trying to 'weasel' my way out of is anyones guess, if I was trying to take back my own words you might have had a point but i stand by everything I've said, I do not support sexual immorality and until you find one of the supposedly many links where I have expressly condoned it then your quite frankly arrogant accusations mean precisely nothing

Wow. Talk about pathetic. red, you are the poster chile.


New member
You disgust me. With all your double-mindedness, and reverse logic. You advocate the legalization of prostitution. Therefore you advocate prostitution. You're a twit to think otherwise.


New member
Aletheia said:
You disgust me. With all your double-mindedness, and reverse logic. You advocate the legalization of prostitution. Therefore you advocate prostitution. You're a twit to think otherwise.

Oh please,if this is the most thought out argument you've got then get back when you have something useful to contribute
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