Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


TOL Subscriber
I am a Reformer as you are well aware and I hold to the doctrine of Limited Atonement BECAUSE I believe that the death of Jesus Christ was substitutional and penal.

That is not to disagree that Jesus was lifted up bearing the sin of mankind. He was. He did.

But He suffered the wrath of God for only those the Father gave Him to redeem and He died their death in their stead. John 10 and 17 reveals this elect love and purpose of God very clearly, as do the various covenant promises to only a select few persons throughout bible history.

A wonderful and exhaustive work on Limited Atonement is John Owen's "The Death of Death in the Death of Jesus Christ"

To modify the Truth that Jesus died for His people alone, is to lose substitutional redemption, which destroys the power and purpose of the cross.

That was my point. They don't understand Calvinism. They have a caricature of it.


New member
You left out the belief part . . .

Please keep in mind that from the beginning, God commanded man to believe Him.

What has been evidenced on this forum is that you are unable to substantiate what you aver. You've been challenged repeatedly and you offer nothing.

It's pleasing that this is the case.


New member
I am a Reformer as you are well aware and I hold to the doctrine of Limited Atonement BECAUSE I believe that the death of Jesus Christ was substitutional and penal.

That is not to disagree that Jesus was lifted up bearing the sin of mankind. He was. He did.

But He suffered the wrath of God for only those the Father gave Him to redeem and He died their death in their stead. John 10 and 17 reveals this elect love and purpose of God very clearly, as do the various covenant promises to only a select few persons throughout bible history.

A wonderful and exhaustive work on Limited Atonement is John Owen's "The Death of Death in the Death of Jesus Christ"

To modify the Truth that Jesus died for His people alone, is to lose substitutional redemption, which destroys the power and purpose of the cross.

Piper the woefully disingenuous?

What happened to tell it like it is?
You know the shock that would greet you if you told the (your) truth.

Cross Reference

New member
You left out the belief part . . .

Please keep in mind that from the beginning, God commanded man to believe Him.

Never did God commanded man to believe. NEVER!

God looked for obedience and then left him [Adam] alone just as He did Jesus to see if he would turn to Him for HIS strength and protection in the matter. That is the reason David is called by God "a man after His own heart".


TOL Subscriber
What has been evidenced on this forum is that you are unable to substantiate what you aver. You've been challenged repeatedly and you offer nothing.

It's pleasing that this is the case.

You are a pain. You will be ignored and not answered at all due to your silly attitude.


New member
You are a pain. You will be ignored and not answered at all due to your silly attitude.

Misleading your auditors when seemingly telling them that Christ did something special for them is a big deal. You don't seem to be able to recognise that as a truism.
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New member
If you believe that God chose you because you chose Him. That either you were smarter or wiser to choose to believe or just had better or holier desires. Even if you hold that belief you are still stuck with unconditional election because if you do have something in you whether it be holier desires or wisdom that makes you make the right choice for Jesus Christ than this is not something you have that was not given to you. Why do you boast as if God had not given it to you. You will say God gave me the ability to choose and I chose rightly. Is not your choosing rightly also from God? Or can you boast and say I made the right choice and this was not from God

You don't know if you are elected.

What is elected is God's Plan of Salvation, NOT a particular individual.

I did not choose God. God chose me. Jesus the Christ said "Come unto me" and I did.


New member
If you're a professing Believer engaging on this forum, you should know these terms even if you learn them now.

Stop insisting everything has to be dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator.

How did you ever learn to talk? Good thing everybody didn't just keep silent because you didn't know what ANY words meant.

Not dumbing down at all au contraire. Simply preach the Gospel. Those fancy words you are using will never, ever help a lost person. Not a one, even if they use fancy words exactly like you.

There is nothing worst than a religious person. As Jesus said, ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in (Matthew 23:13).


I look around and all you do is bicker with real Christians. Since you're a fake, all you can do is bicker with real Christians.

Being that Reformed doctrine is the most fundamental Christianity, which all non-Catholic sects either built on or stole from, I find your statement severely ironic.


New member
Sonnet is not a Christian and has said so himself. So your false accusation falls flat.

Maybe because he encountered someone like you or PneumaPsucheSoma?

You know the kind that Jesus said, "ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in" (Matthew 23:13).


New member
Every soul is held accountable and responsible for their own unbelief. Such offense against God can not be blamed upon another, or upon the world at large, for that matter.

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. (Luke 17:2)

Be careful not to put stumbling blocks before those God is trying to reach.