Reasons against homeschooling?


Well-known member
That's why I asked.

Then you basically agreed with me. I said a "preference" for homosexuality does not make one a sinner, it's the act that makes one a sinner, no matter what sin you might have interest in committing.

If you have an interest in coveting, but you don't covet, you're not covetous.

It defines lust by delimiting it. Wherever chastity is offended, there is lust.
Now you'll need to define "chastity", and explain how an inanimate, non-concrete thing can be offended. For instance, love (as an entity) cannot be offended (because it isn't an entity), but a person who loves can be. "Chastity" isn't an entity, and therefore cannot be offended, but a person who is chaste, or perhaps merely a person who seeks to be chaste, can be offended. Is that what you mean?
Do not covet your neighbor's wife.
Because? Jesus said why, based on my citation. In other words, coveting is a sin, perhaps, because you are not content with what is rightfully yours, but Jesus took it a step further, as did Paul, by saying it is unloving toward your neighbor, as much as actually taking her physically.
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
OK. That explains why not to be covetous, but it doesn't explain why coveting your neighbor's wife isn't adultery.
Right. Paul agrees with me too.
Maybe he will after you've finished explaining yourself.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Cite please. I'm aware of the study showing increased chances that a male becomes homosexual when he was abused as a boy (that is real), but it was nothing like "very nearly all" cases. It was many, but it wasn't even a majority, let alone "very nearly all" of them.

So if you've got some other literature, let's have it.
Citing this information would be very nearly impossible to do today. It's too politically incorrect to have such truths published any longer. In the 90s it was common knowledge that homosexuality is a psychosis brought on by prolonged sexual contact between a child between the ages of 5-8 years of age an adult male. And very nearly all is quite an accurate way to state it. The number is beyond 90%. Ask any male homo you know. They're often not shy about telling people about it because it doesn't register as violence to them. They think its love, just like Michael Jackson used to think.

Most good sources of information have been scrubbed from the internet. One that I can specifically remember is a book entitled "What to Do Till the Psychiatrist Comes" by Dr. J. C. McKinney. If you do a Google search for "What to Do Till the Psychiatrist Comes" by Dr. J. C. McKinney" it's as if the book never existed, Dr. J. C. McKinney has no Wikipedia page nor can you find anything else he's ever written, including all four of the following titles...
  • "What to Do Till the Psychiatrist Comes" – As mentioned, this book discusses various psychological issues and offers practical advice for coping until professional help is available.
  • "The Full Cycle of Mental Illness" – This book explores the entire spectrum of mental health issues, including prevention, treatment, and recovery.
  • "In the Shadow of the Mind" – In this work, McKinney delves into the complexities of mental health and human behavior, exploring various psychological theories and practices.
  • "The Mental Health Handbook" – A guide aimed at providing information and resources for those seeking to understand mental health issues more deeply.
I still own a copy of the What to Do..." book in paper back. It's in a box in my attic somewhere. It has lists of things to do to raise a homosexual, to raise a lesbian, to raise a sociopath, etc. and they were all based on scientific studies none of which are available today for reference nor would any similar studies even be allowed to be performed today must less published.

I wrote a long post which started a thread on this website about how almost all serial killers are homosexuals. That was one gruesome post. WOW! I remember feeling obliged to get Knight's permission to post it. I wonder if it still exists somewhere? I might have a copy of it on my computer somewhere.

N.A.M.B.L.A. (North American Man Boy Love Association) had (perhaps still has) as their slogan, "Sex before eight or its too late.". That's how well known this fact is among the pervert community.

Also, eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way. Twin registers are growing from many tens of thousands towards record keeping on hundreds of thousands of siblings. Meanwhile, even studies with pro-homosexual authors show that about 90% of men and 86% of women with a homosexual twin sibling are themselves heterosexual. I tried to find the source of this information and aside from it being cited on Bob Enyart's website, it no longer exists anywhere on the internet that I can find. Even the citation links provided by Bob's website no longer link to active sites. It's as if they never existed.
Last edited:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Cite please. I'm aware of the study showing increased chances that a male becomes homosexual when he was abused as a boy (that is real), but it was nothing like "very nearly all" cases. It was many, but it wasn't even a majority, let alone "very nearly all" of them.

So if you've got some other literature, let's have it.
I was actually able to find an online article that both quotes from and links to some of the genetic studies that really do prove that a person is not born gay....

The ‘Born Gay’ Myth: When Ideology Masquerades as Science

Not quite the citation you asked me for but its a step in the right direction.

P.S. Found two more similar articles....

New Twin Study: People Not Born Gay
Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic
Last edited:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

I did some looking into what I have saved on my own computer and it turns out that I had two books confused. The book, "What to Do Until the Psychiatrist Comes" is indeed a good source of information about this topic but it was not the book that had various lists of how to raise perverted children of one flavor or another. That was a different book entitled, “Christian Child-Rearing and Personality Development” by Paul Meier. It could be that both books have such lists but I know for sure that Meier's book includes the following...


The following is from “Christian Child-Rearing and Personality Development” by Paul Meier, Donald Ratcliff & Fredrick Rowe pages 28-34.

How to Develop an Alcoholic or Drug Addict
[These are also linked with other psychological problem as well]

1. Give the child everything he or she wants.
2. When the child does wrong, nag but never spank (or only spank when he or she shows signs of independence).
3. Do not allow your husband, wife, or the child’s teachers to punish the child.
4. Encourage the child to be overly dependent on the parent, so drugs or alcohol will replace you when he or she gets older.
5. Make all the decisions for the child; solve all the child’s problems so he or she will always run to you when the going gets tough.
6. Always bail the child out of trouble; never let him or her suffer the consequences of the misbehavior.
7. Criticize the child’s father or mother openly.
8. Dominate your husband or wife; it helps if at least one of you is an alcoholic.
9. Take a lot of prescription drugs, so taking illegal drugs will be easier for your child.

How to Develop a Homosexual
[The above steps 1 through 9 are often found in the family backgrounds of homosexuals as well.]

10. Protect your son very carefully; never let him play football or baseball with other boys, because he might get hurt, and don’t let him ever be a newspaper boy or patrol boy because he might catch pneumonia.
11. Don’t let boys spend much time with their fathers or other adult males. For girls, don’t let them spend time with their mothers. (in addition, youngsters are more likely to become homosexuals when their first sexual experiences are with those of the same sex, either as a child or in adolescence).
12. Teach your son to sow, cook, and knit, and be sure he dislikes traditional male roles. Encourage your daughter to play football and other rough and tumble activities.
13. Be sure your son plays consistently with the neighborhood girls, or sisters and their friends. Never let your daughter play with other girls, but only with brothers and other boys.
14. Give your son a feminine name and tell him what a cute girl he would have been; you might even dress him up in his big sister’s clothes when he is little. Give your daughter a masculine nickname and never encourage her to wear a dress.

How to Develop of Sociopath
(a criminal with no conscience)
[Again, follow the steps for developing an alcoholic, with the following additions or substitutions.]

15. Never spank you child. That’s a thing of the past, and is one of the few things considered to be immoral today.
16. Let you children express themselves any way they want, including temper tantrums and calling you names.
17. Let your child run your life. Allow the child to manipulate you and play on your guilt. Give in to temper tantrums, and never cross the child when he or she is angry.
18. Never enforce the household rules. That way the child will be able to choose which laws of society to break when older, and will not fear any consequences because he or she never suffered any.
19. Never require chores; do all the chores for the child. That way he or she will be irresponsible when older and blame others when things do not go well.
20. Believe or encourage lying. Tell a few lies yourself, and be sure to cheat on your income taxes.
21. Criticize others whenever possible, and never let the child associate with religious people.
22. Give the child a big allowance but don’t ever make the child do anything for it. IF he or she has to work for money, the child may get the idea one has to work for a living. If the child happens to do something worthwhile, always reward it with a lot of money because you would never want him or her to get the idea that responsibility is its own reward.

How to Develop of Histrionic
(someone emotionally unstable, immature, and self-centered, a problem more common among females)
[The nine steps for developing an alcoholic are also associated with this problem, but add the following]

23. Spoil your daughter and let her get own way, especially if she pouts or cries.
24. Marry an immature husband and do not meet his sexual needs; that way he will seek warmth and affection by becoming too close to the daughter.
25. Lie to yourself a lot, so your daughter will learn that habit as well.
26. Always praise your daughter for her appearance, never for her character.
27. When your child runs away, be sure to run after her and apologize for not letting her have her way in the first place.
28. If your child pretends to be sad or fakes a suicide attempt, be sure to show her how guilty you feel for not letting her have her own way.
29. Encourage you daughter to become a movie star, because she is already a very dramatic actress.
30. Get divorced and remarried a number of times so your daughter will learn that all men are good-for-nothing. You might also live with someone you are not married to.
31. Encourage your daughter to wear the seductive clothing you can find. She will naturally do this to please her father, who always praises her appearance rather than character, and with whom she may be sexually involved (note: about one-third of the histrionic females treated by Paul Meier have been sexually abused by their fathers or stepfathers).
32. When your daughter comes home late from a date, scold her for her behavior, then ask her for all the exciting details and enjoy every moment of the telling, by try to hide your obvious enjoyment.
33. Reward your son or daughter whenever the child plays sick; this will help make the child a hypochondriac, which often goes with the histrionic disorder.

How to Develop a Schizophrenic
(a person seriously out of touch with reality)
[The nine steps for developing an alcoholic, again, are a start, with the following exceptions]

34. Tell the child you love him or her, but never hug or show any genuine warmth. Never let the child snuggle, even when a baby. Always be cold and impersonal when you tell the child of your love.
35. Promise the child you will do things with him or her, but always think of excuses not to when the time comes.
36. Follow the policy that husbands should be seen but not heard, and they should be seen only when they have their wives’ permission.

How to Develop a Compulsive Child
(an overly rigid perfectionist)

37. Talk all the time, but don’t be physically active. Never listen to what your child has to say.
38. Expect perfect manners from your child: never tolerate mistakes.
39. Don’t go around other people very much, and be as critical as possible of everyone around you.
40. Be a real snob.
41. The wife should always dominate the husband.
42. Teach your child that morality should always be a way of being considered superior to other or of getting to heaven.
43. Never make any serious commitments to God and be critical of other people’s religious convictions, especially the child’s grandparents.
44. Tell your child the father is the boss, but always be sure that the mother is really the boss.
45. Expect the child to be completely toilet trained by twelve months of age.
46. Be careful with every penny you spend. Save for the future and don’t let the future ever come.
47. Emphasize the letter of the law. Make your rules quote rigid and never allow any exceptions.
48. Shame your child for any interest in sexuality.

How to Develop an Accident-Pone Child

49. Get into lots of serious arguments with your spouse, especially about the child. That way the child will blame himself or herself and react to the feeling of guilt by hurting self in some way.
50. Ignore your child, especially when confidence or good character traits surface. Only notice the child when he or she gets hurt, then overreact with extreme sympathy for every scrape or bruise (because of your guilt for ignoring him or her the rest of the time).
51. Both husband and wife should be gone most of the time. Leave the child in the care of brothers and sisters, or a babysitter who does not care much for the children. Always be too tired and busy to notice the child when you are at home.

How to Develop an Obese or Anorexic (Extremely Underweight) Child

52. Support every aspect of women’s liberation, but often express your frustration at how little is improving for women.
53. Give you children lots of food instead of lots of love.
54. The father should be passive in the home, even if intelligent and financially successful.
55. The mother should be overweight, overprotective, and the boss in the home.
56. The wife should never show respect for the husband.
57. The mother should be dominant and restrictive. There might even be a nearby grandmother who also dominates the household.
58. Marry a husband who was bossed around by his mother and doesn’t like women very much (not even sexually). It also helps if he is obsessed with his work and other activities.
59. Encourage the husband to direct his hostility toward the daughter.

There you have it: 59 ways to ruin a child.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Now you'll need to define "chastity", and explain how an inanimate, non-concrete thing can be offended. For instance, love (as an entity) cannot be offended (because it isn't an entity), but a person who loves can be. "Chastity" isn't an entity, and therefore cannot be offended, but a person who is chaste, or perhaps merely a person who seeks to be chaste, can be offended. Is that what you mean?
Maybe you have involuntary, diabolic generated fantasies enter your thoughts sometimes, that's not coveting, but when you deliberately and knowingly fantasize, actively, then that's lust, or coveting. Maybe you lust after one of your offensively wealthy neighbor's Lamborghinis. Maybe your eyes are drawn like magnets to it, but that's not lust or coveting, because Lambos are absolutely beautiful, of course, like flowers in bloom, they attract your eyes. That is in part why they look the way they do, to attract eyeballs, that's part of the game. But the magnetic attraction of your eyeballs aside, that's always where it ends when it comes to lusting after your neighbor's Lambo. Of course every time he takes it out for a spin, or hand washes it in the driveway, you're going to want to sneak a peak. It's a gorgeous car. And even, thought experiment, if everybody had a Lambo, you'd still look when one drove by, because they're just so spectacular and attractive. That's not lust, that's not coveting, that's not the "preference" for your neighbor's Lambo. The "preference" would be consenting to act, to acquire or procure, through theft even, or false testimony, or maybe even murder, your neighbor's Lamborghini. Perhaps even associating such mental deliberation and premeditation with ideas that the car speaks to you and desires you to seize possession without justification, to usurp, to commit treason against your neighbor. But you're making the choice that if things go sideways, you're going to through illicit and wicked means, humiliate your neighbor if possible. Because you're covetous. It's a choice, and when you covet your neighbor's wife, or any other thing in the category of sins Paul frequently calls porneia, then that's an offense against the value or virtue of chastity, and lust or coveting is called a capital sin among many thoughtful Christian writers throughout history, going all the way back to Evagrius. But that lust is coveting particularly porneia, which is an umbrella, catch-all term, meaning more than the more narrow reading which is just prostitution. The lust for money or someone's car is envy. That's considered a distinct capital sin from lust (like lusting after a woman), and plus, lust covers porneia that doesn't necessarily involve your neighbor at all, it might be coveting the comission of impurity with oneself, rather than the comission of impurity with your neighbor's wife.

Because? Jesus said why, based on my citation. In other words, coveting is a sin, perhaps, because you are not content with what is rightfully yours, but Jesus took it a step further, as did Paul, by saying it is unloving toward your neighbor, as much as actually taking her physically.

OK. That explains why not to be covetous, but it doesn't explain why coveting your neighbor's wife isn't adultery.

Maybe he will after you've finished explaining yourself.
Jesus and Paul agree with me.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I was actually able to find an online article that both quotes from and links to some of the genetic studies that really do prove that a person is not born gay....

The ‘Born Gay’ Myth: When Ideology Masquerades as Science

Not quite the citation you asked me for but its a step in the right direction.

P.S. Found two more similar articles....

New Twin Study: People Not Born Gay
Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic
Yeah, the idea that homosexual inclination is genetic is D.O.A. for sure. It's not genetic. It might be lots of things, but it's not in the D.N.A.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

I did some looking into what I have saved on my own computer and it turns out that I had two books confused. The book, "What to Do Until the Psychiatrist Comes" is indeed a good source of information about this topic but it was not the book that had various lists of how to raise perverted children of one flavor or another. That was a different book entitled, “Christian Child-Rearing and Personality Development” by Paul Meier. It could be that both books have such lists but I know for sure that Meier's book includes the following...


The following is from “Christian Child-Rearing and Personality Development” by Paul Meier, Donald Ratcliff & Fredrick Rowe pages 28-34.

How to Develop an Alcoholic or Drug Addict
[These are also linked with other psychological problem as well]

1. Give the child everything he or she wants.
2. When the child does wrong, nag but never spank (or only spank when he or she shows signs of independence).
3. Do not allow your husband, wife, or the child’s teachers to punish the child.
4. Encourage the child to be overly dependent on the parent, so drugs or alcohol will replace you when he or she gets older.
5. Make all the decisions for the child; solve all the child’s problems so he or she will always run to you when the going gets tough.
6. Always bail the child out of trouble; never let him or her suffer the consequences of the misbehavior.
7. Criticize the child’s father or mother openly.
8. Dominate your husband or wife; it helps if at least one of you is an alcoholic.
9. Take a lot of prescription drugs, so taking illegal drugs will be easier for your child.

How to Develop a Homosexual
[The above steps 1 through 9 are often found in the family backgrounds of homosexuals as well.]

10. Protect your son very carefully; never let him play football or baseball with other boys, because he might get hurt, and don’t let him ever be a newspaper boy or patrol boy because he might catch pneumonia.
11. Don’t let boys spend much time with their fathers or other adult males. For girls, don’t let them spend time with their mothers. (in addition, youngsters are more likely to become homosexuals when their first sexual experiences are with those of the same sex, either as a child or in adolescence).
12. Teach your son to sow, cook, and knit, and be sure he dislikes traditional male roles. Encourage your daughter to play football and other rough and tumble activities.
13. Be sure your son plays consistently with the neighborhood girls, or sisters and their friends. Never let your daughter play with other girls, but only with brothers and other boys.
14. Give your son a feminine name and tell him what a cute girl he would have been; you might even dress him up in his big sister’s clothes when he is little. Give your daughter a masculine nickname and never encourage her to wear a dress.

How to Develop of Sociopath
(a criminal with no conscience)
[Again, follow the steps for developing an alcoholic, with the following additions or substitutions.]

15. Never spank you child. That’s a thing of the past, and is one of the few things considered to be immoral today.
16. Let you children express themselves any way they want, including temper tantrums and calling you names.
17. Let your child run your life. Allow the child to manipulate you and play on your guilt. Give in to temper tantrums, and never cross the child when he or she is angry.
18. Never enforce the household rules. That way the child will be able to choose which laws of society to break when older, and will not fear any consequences because he or she never suffered any.
19. Never require chores; do all the chores for the child. That way he or she will be irresponsible when older and blame others when things do not go well.
20. Believe or encourage lying. Tell a few lies yourself, and be sure to cheat on your income taxes.
21. Criticize others whenever possible, and never let the child associate with religious people.
22. Give the child a big allowance but don’t ever make the child do anything for it. IF he or she has to work for money, the child may get the idea one has to work for a living. If the child happens to do something worthwhile, always reward it with a lot of money because you would never want him or her to get the idea that responsibility is its own reward.

How to Develop of Histrionic
(someone emotionally unstable, immature, and self-centered, a problem more common among females)
[The nine steps for developing an alcoholic are also associated with this problem, but add the following]

23. Spoil your daughter and let her get own way, especially if she pouts or cries.
24. Marry an immature husband and do not meet his sexual needs; that way he will seek warmth and affection by becoming too close to the daughter.
25. Lie to yourself a lot, so your daughter will learn that habit as well.
26. Always praise your daughter for her appearance, never for her character.
27. When your child runs away, be sure to run after her and apologize for not letting her have her way in the first place.
28. If your child pretends to be sad or fakes a suicide attempt, be sure to show her how guilty you feel for not letting her have her own way.
29. Encourage you daughter to become a movie star, because she is already a very dramatic actress.
30. Get divorced and remarried a number of times so your daughter will learn that all men are good-for-nothing. You might also live with someone you are not married to.
31. Encourage your daughter to wear the seductive clothing you can find. She will naturally do this to please her father, who always praises her appearance rather than character, and with whom she may be sexually involved (note: about one-third of the histrionic females treated by Paul Meier have been sexually abused by their fathers or stepfathers).
32. When your daughter comes home late from a date, scold her for her behavior, then ask her for all the exciting details and enjoy every moment of the telling, by try to hide your obvious enjoyment.
33. Reward your son or daughter whenever the child plays sick; this will help make the child a hypochondriac, which often goes with the histrionic disorder.

How to Develop a Schizophrenic
(a person seriously out of touch with reality)
[The nine steps for developing an alcoholic, again, are a start, with the following exceptions]

34. Tell the child you love him or her, but never hug or show any genuine warmth. Never let the child snuggle, even when a baby. Always be cold and impersonal when you tell the child of your love.
35. Promise the child you will do things with him or her, but always think of excuses not to when the time comes.
36. Follow the policy that husbands should be seen but not heard, and they should be seen only when they have their wives’ permission.

How to Develop a Compulsive Child
(an overly rigid perfectionist)

37. Talk all the time, but don’t be physically active. Never listen to what your child has to say.
38. Expect perfect manners from your child: never tolerate mistakes.
39. Don’t go around other people very much, and be as critical as possible of everyone around you.
40. Be a real snob.
41. The wife should always dominate the husband.
42. Teach your child that morality should always be a way of being considered superior to other or of getting to heaven.
43. Never make any serious commitments to God and be critical of other people’s religious convictions, especially the child’s grandparents.
44. Tell your child the father is the boss, but always be sure that the mother is really the boss.
45. Expect the child to be completely toilet trained by twelve months of age.
46. Be careful with every penny you spend. Save for the future and don’t let the future ever come.
47. Emphasize the letter of the law. Make your rules quote rigid and never allow any exceptions.
48. Shame your child for any interest in sexuality.

How to Develop an Accident-Pone Child

49. Get into lots of serious arguments with your spouse, especially about the child. That way the child will blame himself or herself and react to the feeling of guilt by hurting self in some way.
50. Ignore your child, especially when confidence or good character traits surface. Only notice the child when he or she gets hurt, then overreact with extreme sympathy for every scrape or bruise (because of your guilt for ignoring him or her the rest of the time).
51. Both husband and wife should be gone most of the time. Leave the child in the care of brothers and sisters, or a babysitter who does not care much for the children. Always be too tired and busy to notice the child when you are at home.

How to Develop an Obese or Anorexic (Extremely Underweight) Child

52. Support every aspect of women’s liberation, but often express your frustration at how little is improving for women.
53. Give you children lots of food instead of lots of love.
54. The father should be passive in the home, even if intelligent and financially successful.
55. The mother should be overweight, overprotective, and the boss in the home.
56. The wife should never show respect for the husband.
57. The mother should be dominant and restrictive. There might even be a nearby grandmother who also dominates the household.
58. Marry a husband who was bossed around by his mother and doesn’t like women very much (not even sexually). It also helps if he is obsessed with his work and other activities.
59. Encourage the husband to direct his hostility toward the daughter.

There you have it: 59 ways to ruin a child.
Yeah. Kids don't learn from making their own mistakes, they need to be actively instructed and educated, otherwise they're not only likely but almost guaranteed to come up with the most bizarre and wrong ideas about how to live their lives when they grow up. I mean they're just not going to grow up basically, and then they'll vote Democrat.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Citing this information would be very nearly impossible to do today. It's too politically incorrect to have such truths published any longer. In the 90s it was common knowledge that homosexuality is a psychosis brought on by prolonged sexual contact between a child between the ages of 5-8 years of age an adult male. And very nearly all is quite an accurate way to state it. The number is beyond 90%. Ask any male homo you know. They're often not shy about telling people about it because it doesn't register as violence to them. They think its love, just like Michael Jackson used to think.

Most good sources of information have been scrubbed from the internet. One that I can specifically remember is a book entitled "What to Do Till the Psychiatrist Comes" by Dr. J. C. McKinney. If you do a Google search for "What to Do Till the Psychiatrist Comes" by Dr. J. C. McKinney" it's as if the book never existed, Dr. J. C. McKinney has no Wikipedia page nor can you find anything else he's ever written, including all four of the following titles...
  • "What to Do Till the Psychiatrist Comes" – As mentioned, this book discusses various psychological issues and offers practical advice for coping until professional help is available.
  • "The Full Cycle of Mental Illness" – This book explores the entire spectrum of mental health issues, including prevention, treatment, and recovery.
  • "In the Shadow of the Mind" – In this work, McKinney delves into the complexities of mental health and human behavior, exploring various psychological theories and practices.
  • "The Mental Health Handbook" – A guide aimed at providing information and resources for those seeking to understand mental health issues more deeply.
I still own a copy of the What to Do..." book in paper back. It's in a box in my attic somewhere. It has lists of things to do to raise a homosexual, to raise a lesbian, to raise a sociopath, etc. and they were all based on scientific studies none of which are available today for reference nor would any similar studies even be allowed to be performed today must less published.

I wrote a long post which started a thread on this website about how almost all serial killers are homosexuals. That was one gruesome post. WOW! I remember feeling obliged to get Knight's permission to post it. I wonder if it still exists somewhere? I might have a copy of it on my computer somewhere.

N.A.M.B.L.A. (North American Man Boy Love Association) had (perhaps still has) as their slogan, "Sex before eight or its too late.". That's how well known this fact is among the pervert community.

Also, eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way. Twin registers are growing from many tens of thousands towards record keeping on hundreds of thousands of siblings. Meanwhile, even studies with pro-homosexual authors show that about 90% of men and 86% of women with a homosexual twin sibling are themselves heterosexual. I tried to find the source of this information and aside from it being cited on Bob Enyart's website, it no longer exists anywhere on the internet that I can find. Even the citation links provided by Bob's website no longer link to active sites. It's as if they never existed.
The study I saw definitely linked adult homosexual identifying men with being abused as a boy. There was as little doubt as there is that smoking two packs of cigrits¹ a day isn't good for you, as boys getting abused leads to homosexual identity. But the study I saw did not indicate that it was like 80-90% of the explanation, more like 25-33%–still a very, and unmistakably strong factor. A boy who is abused is as likely to develop homosexual identity when he gets older, as a two-packs-a-day smoker is to develop emphysema, cancer or heart disease. It's a very strong link and it is definitely true.

¹ (Trailer Park Boys reference.)


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The study I saw definitely linked adult homosexual identifying men with being abused as a boy. There was as little doubt as there is that smoking two packs of cigrits¹ a day isn't good for you, as boys getting abused leads to homosexual identity. But the study I saw did not indicate that it was like 80-90% of the explanation, more like 25-33%–still a very, and unmistakably strong factor. A boy who is abused is as likely to develop homosexual identity when he gets older, as a two-packs-a-day smoker is to develop emphysema, cancer or heart disease. It's a very strong link and it is definitely true.

¹ (Trailer Park Boys reference.)
It should be made clear that I do not mean to say the 90+ percent of molested children become homosexuals. That is definitely and thankfully not true. What is true, however, is the converse of that. Nearly all homosexual males are victims of childhood sexual abuse. Their first sexual experiences happen with a member of the same gender, during the time of their lives when their own personal identities are being formed in the brain.

It's correct for you to have drawn the parallel between the relationship between smoking and lung cancer. Around 10-15% of smokers develop lung cancer during their lifetime and, conversely, about 85-90% of lung cancer patients are either current or former smokers.


Well-known member
Yeah. Kids don't learn from making their own mistakes, they need to be actively instructed and educated, otherwise they're not only likely but almost guaranteed to come up with the most bizarre and wrong ideas about how to live their lives when they grow up. I mean they're just not going to grow up basically, and then they'll vote Democrat.
Kids can learn from making their own mistakes, providing 1) that they face the appropriate consequences for their mistakes, and 2) that they live through the experience. Our society, most importantly for this conversation, and possibly for the purpose of assuring #2 (or even anything close to #2, like "feeling bad for a moment") has done everything it can to eliminate #1.


Well-known member
Maybe you have involuntary, diabolic generated fantasies enter your thoughts sometimes, that's not coveting, but when you deliberately and knowingly fantasize, actively, then that's lust, or coveting. Maybe you lust after one of your offensively wealthy neighbor's Lamborghinis. Maybe your eyes are drawn like magnets to it, but that's not lust or coveting, because Lambos are absolutely beautiful, of course, like flowers in bloom, they attract your eyes. That is in part why they look the way they do, to attract eyeballs, that's part of the game. But the magnetic attraction of your eyeballs aside, that's always where it ends when it comes to lusting after your neighbor's Lambo. Of course every time he takes it out for a spin, or hand washes it in the driveway, you're going to want to sneak a peak. It's a gorgeous car. And even, thought experiment, if everybody had a Lambo, you'd still look when one drove by, because they're just so spectacular and attractive. That's not lust, that's not coveting, that's not the "preference" for your neighbor's Lambo. The "preference" would be consenting to act, to acquire or procure, through theft even, or false testimony, or maybe even murder, your neighbor's Lamborghini. Perhaps even associating such mental deliberation and premeditation with ideas that the car speaks to you and desires you to seize possession without justification, to usurp, to commit treason against your neighbor. But you're making the choice that if things go sideways, you're going to through illicit and wicked means, humiliate your neighbor if possible. Because you're covetous. It's a choice, and when you covet your neighbor's wife, or any other thing in the category of sins Paul frequently calls porneia, then that's an offense against the value or virtue of chastity, and lust or coveting is called a capital sin among many thoughtful Christian writers throughout history, going all the way back to Evagrius. But that lust is coveting particularly porneia, which is an umbrella, catch-all term, meaning more than the more narrow reading which is just prostitution. The lust for money or someone's car is envy. That's considered a distinct capital sin from lust (like lusting after a woman), and plus, lust covers porneia that doesn't necessarily involve your neighbor at all, it might be coveting the comission of impurity with oneself, rather than the comission of impurity with your neighbor's wife.

Jesus and Paul agree with me.
As do I, about what you wrote here, at least in large part. My point from before was that mental (non-physical) fornication, including the homosexual kind, is a type of adultery where a spouse of yours or the other party's exists, and even when there's no adultery, is a way of not loving your neighbor.


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As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Preference is a soft word - desire is probably more descriptive. , Everyone has sinful desires. Part of spiritual maturity is putting to death those sinful desires.