Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you ever write anything original, or do always have to rely on borrowing off of something that I've written?
It's the perfect way to display your hypocrisy. You think your behavior is justified yet call into question the salvation of others based on theirs.
I would love to have a discussion with you as to whether a person can be a follower of Jesus Christ yet promote the things He (God) abhors. I can see it now:
Non repentant moral relativist being allowed into Heaven:
"God, this is the way we're going to do things up here from now on".
I can't think of a bigger hypocrite on TOL. Do you think God approves of your lying and deceit?
I want nothing but the best for you and your fellow secular humanists Aaron. We were all unrepentant sinners at one time (but not all of us were proud of it like many on here are). You're in my prayers daily hoping that you'll accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, which of course means accepting His (God's) Word as seen in Holy Scripture.