Just more of her trolling.
GT is like Meshak on steroids.See?
Troll, with her [?] schtick down pat.
GT is like Meshak on steroids.
Are you admitting we have to obey what Jesus says when he walked the earth?Yep.
Just more of her trolling.
Good day to you, sir. Blessings. LOL.
Jesus is God come in the flesh as a Son, and he was returning to God the Father who is invisible and lives in unapproachable light.Explain to me what Jesus meant when he said that he was returning to "my God." You didn't answer my question.
Someone staying alive spiritually is alot different than a conscious part of that person staying alive after the person has died. They are two different situations, and, in fact, the latter situation is spurious. It is exactly what Satan wants you to believe. "You surely will NOT die." (Genesis 3:4)
I am not impressed by scholars. God hid His Truth from the wise and learned, so you should not be bragging on them being world-recognized scholars.That scripture isn't from God. Someone inserted it long after the Apostle John had left the scene. That is what I learned from world-recognized Bible scholars. I'm kind of surprised that you don't know that.
A scholar by the name of F.H.A. Scrivener wrote: "We need not hesitate to declare our conviction that the disputed words were not written by St. John: they were originally brought into Latin copies in Africa from the margin, where they had been placed as a pious and orthodox gloss on verse 8. From the Latin they crept into two or three LATE Greek codices, and thence into the printed Greek text, a place to which they had no rightful claim." (A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament; Cambridge, 1883, 3rd edition; p.654)
A footnote in The Jerusalem Bible, a Catholic translation, says that these words are "not in any of the early Greek manuscripts, or any of the early translations, or in the best manuscripts of the Vulgate itself."
A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament by Bruce Metzger (1975, pp.716-718) traces in detail the history of the spurious passage. He states that the passage is first found in a treatise entitled Liber Apologeticus, of the FOURTH century, and that it appears in Old Latin and Vulgate manuscripts of the Scriptures beginning in the sixth century. Modern translations as a whole, both Catholic and Protestant, do not include them in the main body of the text, because of recognizing their spurious nature."
The Revised Standard, the Good News Bible, the Jerusalem Bible, the New American Bible, and the New International Version are just a few examples of versions that leave out the erroneous verse under discussion.
Erasmus was a 16th-century scholar, and when he translated his Greek New Testament he "appealed to the authority of the Vatican Codex to omit the spurious words from I John chapter 5, verses 7 and 8." He was right but in 1897 Pope Leo XIII wanted to keep the corrupted Latin text of the Vulgate. Only with the publication of modern Roman Catholic translations has this textual error been acknowledged.
Can you ever humbly admit to being wrong?
You know what you did.
I can see you do not care about the truth. More importantly, God sees it.
That means you cannot say, "But I am a Christian."
There is no dispensationalist anywhere, not here on TOL or anywhere else, that claims that we are not to obey God. Not one single dispensationalist has ever uttered the words, "We do not HAVE TO OBEY ANYTHING Jesus says when he walked on the earth" or anything similar to it.
You know, I really don't even get it. Why lie? Isn't there something that dispensationalists ACTUALLY believe and teach that you can find to disagree with and argue against? Why bother saying such transparently fallacious things? You're like the liberal politician who couldn't win a real debate about the issues if his life depended on it and so instead of making real arguments, spouts anything at all that sounds like it might make an emotional point with the audience so long as it doesn't address anything real. But why come to the theology forum if your intent is to bypass people's minds? Who exactly do you think you're going to convince? You're certainly not going to convince a dispensationalist of anything (except that you're a lunatic) by screaming about things he doesn't even believe! So why do it? I don't get it.
Resting in Him,
Why don't you go to Islamic nations and tell them they are wrong?
Why don't you say to them all the creepy things you say to me? LOL
There is no dispensationalist anywhere, not here on TOL or anywhere else, that claims that we are not to obey God. Not one single dispensationalist has ever uttered the words, "We do not HAVE TO OBEY ANYTHING Jesus says when he walked on the earth" or anything similar to it.
You know, I really don't even get it. Why lie? Isn't there something that dispensationalists ACTUALLY believe and teach that you can find to disagree with and argue against? Why bother saying such transparently fallacious things? You're like the liberal politician who couldn't win a real debate about the issues if his life depended on it and so instead of making real arguments, spouts anything at all that sounds like it might make an emotional point with the audience so long as it doesn't address anything real. But why come to the theology forum if your intent is to bypass people's minds? Who exactly do you think you're going to convince? You're certainly not going to convince a dispensationalist of anything (except that you're a lunatic) by screaming about things he doesn't even believe! So why do it? I don't get it.
Resting in Him,
Yes, Christians are forgiven for sins that they had done in the past.
How can anyone be forgiven for sins they haven't committed yet?:doh:
I believe that we could mess up and sin, and struggle to get out of it by doing what Jesus says.
and struggle to get out of it
Dear woman, I was referring to that works based salvation heresy of Roman Catholicism (aka Romanism) that all who deny the sufficiency of the Cross basically subscribe to, whether or not they are Roman Catholic.
Sheesh - think a little, will ya...