Q Anon

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Bigger than You Can Possibly Imagine

11 Apr 2020 - 10:37:58 PM


Bigger than you can possibly imagine.
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User Name

Greatest poster ever

So I watched this video. Eye-opening, and I recommend it, although it is disturbing. I was already aware of about 75% of it from other sources, with around 25% of it being news to me.

This documentary proves that Fox News is controlled opposition and a part of the Mockingbird Media. Fox News had the owner of that pizza parlor on to declare him exonerated of all allegations.

Unfortunately, this documentary does not prove that Q is legit. My proof for this claim is that Trump became president on Jan. 20, 2016, and Jeffrey Epstein was not arrested until July 6, 2019. Do the math.

What did President Trump do about Epstein between 2016 and and 2019? If you guessed "Absolutely nothing," you guessed right. And Epstein was free to engage in his activities over the course of that entire time. You'd think Trump could have pulled some strings early on, but no, he didn't do anything.

"But wait!" you're thinking. "Q was posting about Epstein!" Well yes, Q did drop crumbs about Epstein. The first one that I can find came on November 11, 2017--A YEAR AND A HALF before he was rearrested. Why was there no action taken during that long length of time?

Neither Trump nor Q had anything to do with Epstein being rearrested in 2019. As I have stated elsewhere, Epstein was rearrested because a reporter for the Miami Herald named Julie K. Brown published reporting on the story. As her bio states, Ms. Brown:
Investigated criminal justice cases, including a series detailing how a former federal prosecutor, Alex Acosta, negotiated a secret plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein, a multimillionaire sex trafficker who molested hundreds of underage girls. The series led to Epstein's arrest, Acosta's resignation as U.S. labor secretary and three different investigations by the Department of Justice and a fourth by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.​

Source: https://www.visualcv.com/julie-kbrown/

So not only did Trump do nothing about Epstein for over 3 years AND have nothing to do with his rearrest, he even had Alexander Acosta working for him in his administration! When Ms. Brown's investigative reporting exposed Acosta, creating a national scandal, Trump defended Acosta! See here for those details: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/12/labo...tein-case.html

And not only did Trump defend Acosta, he also hired Jeffrey Epstein's personal friend and lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, to shill for him on Fox News and defend him in the impeachment trial! You do know who Alan Dershowitz is, right? Alan Dershowitz is a swamp lawyer who never met a rich murderer he didn't like.

Think about it! Trump is buddies with Epstein's buddies! How blind do you have to be not to see what is really going on here?

Which brings us back to Q. What's the deal with Q? What is Q's end game?

To me, the unavoidable conclusion is that Q is controlled opposition. Urban Dictionary defines controlled opposition as a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

In my estimation, Q is another arm of the Mockingbird Media. In fact, Q is worse because Q's goal is to make you think that something is being done behind the scenes about the corruption in the country, when in reality nothing is being done about it! So you think you are "woke," when in reality you are still asleep and dreaming that something is being done about it when it isn't.

That whole "Storm" thing? Not going to happen. Tens of thousands of sealed indictments? That's just there to make you think something big is really in the works when it isn't. So business for the Epsteins of the world is allowed to continue to proceed as normal, and you are made to think that Trump is your hero in the process, even though precious little to nothing is really being done about it.

At least, that's my estimate of the situation.

Bob Enyart might want to be made aware of this as well.


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Unfortunately, this documentary does not prove that Q is legit. My proof for this claim is that Trump became president on Jan. 20, 2016, and Jeffrey Epstein was not arrested until July 6, 2019. Do the math.

It would have been a waste of time to arrest Epstein back in January of 2016 because the courts were filled with Obama and Bush era swamp judges. Trump needed time to get his own judges on the bench. See https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing...r-federal-judges-uphold-constitution-written/

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It would have been a waste of time to arrest Epstein back in January of 2016 because the courts were filled with Obama and Bush era swamp judges. Trump needed time to get his own judges on the bench.

Trump also needed time to surround himself with Epstein supporters like Acosta and Dershowitz.

Gary K

New member
Trump also needed time to surround himself with Epstein supporters like Acosta and Dershowitz.

Stop with the fake news,

Acosta was ordered by the Obama DOJ to leave Epstein alone. They told him Epstein was a CIA asset and above his pay grade.

Remember the group of victims of Epstein who sued him? You know who was the ONLY person to help the lawyer representing those girls to find the evidence he needed to win that court case? He had sent out mailings to many politicians, wealthy people, celebrities, etc, asking for help finding the legal evidence he needed and only one person responded, and he responded without any threat of a subpoena or any other threat of legal action. He simply picked up the phone when informed who was calling and asked what he could do to help, He spent a few hours giving the lawyer everything he knew. It was that information that allowed the attorney to win that case and extract millions from Epstein's bank account for those girls. Who was that? Donald J. Trump.

And, no I will not do your research for you. The info is on the internet if you have enough of an interest to find the truth.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Stop with the fake news,

Acosta was ordered by the Obama DOJ to leave Epstein alone. They told him Epstein was a CIA asset and above his pay grade....And, no I will not do your research for you. The info is on the internet if you have enough of an interest to find the truth.

Too late. I've heard all that and don't buy a word of it. That's just their excuse. You're also glossing over the fact that Trump welcomed Dershowitz into his circle, and Q even dropped Dershowitz a "welcome aboard" message, and I quote:

Alan Dershowitz joins POTUS Legal Team

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 11 Apr 2018 - 6:22:02 PM

Thank you Alan.
Welcome aboard.

Source: https://qmap.pub/read/1132

That alone should tell you all you need to know about Q!

Gary K

New member
Too late. I've heard all that and don't buy a word of it. That's just their excuse. You're also glossing over the fact that Trump welcomed Dershowitz into his circle, and Q even dropped Dershowitz a "welcome aboard" message, and I quote:

Source: https://qmap.pub/read/1132

That alone should tell you all you need to know about Q!

So having a very talented, experienced, and knowledgeable lawyer on constitutional issues on your impeachment defense team is evil. Riiight..... The only reason Trump would hire him for his legal skills is because he's actually a twin of Dershowitz in every aspect of Dershowitz's life and agrees with him on everything he's ever said or done. Ummmm, yeah, right. It's just not possible that Trump hired Dershowitz for his knowledge and skills. Wow. That is just crazy talk to think anyone would hire a lawyer on that basis.

You're quite inventive with your accusations. According to your reasoning anyone Dershowitz has ever defended is a pedophile. Wow. That's a shotgun type of reasoning. Also by your reasoning anyone who has ever hired a lawyer must agree with everything that lawyer says and does. It's just pure fallacious reasoning. But it's what I expect from you on anything related to Trump and conservatives. .

Yeah, you've disproved the lawyer who sued Epstein and whom Epstein sued after he lost his case. And then had to pay him again because of Epstein's ridiculous reasoning and legal actions in his countersuit. That lawyer just has to be lying if he said Trump did anything good. I mean, how could he be doing anything but unless he came out and accused Trump of being a bad guy and legal fraud.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Acosta was ordered by the Obama DOJ to leave Epstein alone.

I'd like to know where you got this lie from, because Epstein was investigated by authorities in 2005, at which time he got Dershowitz on the job, and he secured his non-prosecution agreement in mid-2008. Guess who was president at that time? Hint: It wasn't Obama.

You really don't know what you're talking about, do you.


Active member
Q Anon originates from 4chan /pol/. Why anybody would hinge their ideology on an anonymous poster on a white supremacist board on a site that peddles pornography and trolling almost exclusively baffles me to no end

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Q Anon originates from 4chan /pol/. Why anybody would hinge their ideology on an anonymous poster on a white supremacist board on a site that peddles pornography and trolling almost exclusively baffles me to no end

I thought 4chan was a gamer site?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
4chan is an "Anything Goes" site with almost no moderation. There are plenty of democrats on 4chan. That doesn't make 4chan a democrat site.

OK - I troll leftists groups on FB for fun and a lot of the other trolls often refer to 4chan

in language that an old fogey like me often finds impenetrable :noid:


Active member
I thought 4chan was a gamer site?

Anonymous image board. So there is a video game board, and of course I'd say most users play video games. Q Anon is a guy on /pol/, once a politics board but now a white supremacist board (swastikas, n words, hitler did nothing wrong etc). Also has /b/, the random board, birthplace of memes and occasional distribution of child porn. Also has a pornography board, if that's your thing.

Keep that in mind when people discuss Q Anon. A cesspit of trolling and 'pranks' might not be the most reputable source.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Anonymous image board. So there is a video game board, and of course I'd say most users play video games. Q Anon is a guy on /pol/, once a politics board but now a white supremacist board (swastikas, n words, hitler did nothing wrong etc). Also has /b/, the random board, birthplace of memes and occasional distribution of child porn. Also has a pornography board, if that's your thing.

Keep that in mind when people discuss Q Anon. A cesspit of trolling and 'pranks' might not be the most reputable source.

it's surely a different world than I was raised in (60's and 70's) or that my children were born into (90's)

scary to imagine where we'll be when my grandchildren come along, or my great grandchildren

I was fortunate to know many older people, in my youth, who could remember and describe a world largely without electricity, telephones, the automobile. A world in which an orange - a simple orange - was a valued and cherished Christmas gift - a holiday treat


Active member
it's surely a different world than I was raised in (60's and 70's) or that my children were born into (90's)

scary to imagine where we'll be when my grandchildren come along, or my great grandchildren

I was fortunate to know many older people, in my youth, who could remember and describe a world largely without electricity, telephones, the automobile. A world in which an orange - a simple orange - was a valued and cherished Christmas gift - a holiday treat

I'm still pretty young and my son who is one will reach his formative years in a world that will surely overwhelm me, given the exponential growth of tech. I'm glad he is half black, because I'd worry about the online white supremacist stronghold and how it starts fun for young white dudes at first. Hitler jokes, holocaust jokes et al turned, over some years, into genuine white supremacy, gauzed over in the 'lol I'm just joking y u mad' veneer.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
4chan is an "Anything Goes" site with almost no moderation. There are plenty of democrats on 4chan. That doesn't make 4chan a democrat site.

So where do you think the original "Q anon" persona comes from or group? You put such stock in it after all?
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