So I watched this video. Eye-opening, and I recommend it, although it is disturbing. I was already aware of about 75% of it from other sources, with around 25% of it being news to me.
This documentary proves that Fox News is controlled opposition and a part of the Mockingbird Media. Fox News had the owner of that pizza parlor on to declare him exonerated of all allegations.
Unfortunately, this documentary does not prove that Q is legit. My proof for this claim is that Trump became president on Jan. 20, 2016, and Jeffrey Epstein was not arrested until July 6, 2019. Do the math.
What did President Trump do about Epstein between 2016 and and 2019? If you guessed "Absolutely nothing," you guessed right. And Epstein was free to engage in his activities over the course of that entire time. You'd think Trump could have pulled some strings early on, but no, he didn't do anything.
"But wait!" you're thinking. "Q was posting about Epstein!" Well yes, Q did drop crumbs about Epstein. The first one that I can find came on November 11, 2017--A YEAR AND A HALF before he was rearrested. Why was there no action taken during that long length of time?
Neither Trump nor Q had anything to do with Epstein being rearrested in 2019. As I have stated elsewhere, Epstein was rearrested because a reporter for the Miami Herald named Julie K. Brown published reporting on the story. As her bio states, Ms. Brown:
. Investigated criminal justice cases, including a series detailing how a former federal prosecutor, Alex Acosta, negotiated a secret plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein, a multimillionaire sex trafficker who molested hundreds of underage girls. The series led to Epstein's arrest, Acosta's resignation as U.S. labor secretary and three different investigations by the Department of Justice and a fourth by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
So not only did Trump do nothing about Epstein for over 3 years
AND have nothing to do with his rearrest, he even had Alexander Acosta working for him in his administration! When Ms. Brown's investigative reporting exposed Acosta, creating a national scandal, Trump defended Acosta! See here for those details:
And not only did Trump defend Acosta, he also hired Jeffrey Epstein's personal friend and lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, to shill for him on Fox News and defend him in the impeachment trial! You do know who Alan Dershowitz is, right? Alan Dershowitz is a swamp lawyer who never met a rich murderer he didn't like.
Think about it! Trump is buddies with Epstein's buddies! How blind do you have to be not to see what is really going on here?
Which brings us back to Q. What's the deal with Q? What is Q's end game?
To me, the unavoidable conclusion is that Q is controlled opposition. Urban Dictionary defines
controlled opposition as a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their
adversaries. Notably
Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
In my estimation, Q is another arm of the Mockingbird Media. In fact, Q is worse because Q's goal is to make you think that something is being done behind the scenes about the corruption in the country, when in reality
nothing is being done about it! So you think you are "woke," when in reality you are still asleep and dreaming that something is being done about it when it isn't.
That whole "Storm" thing? Not going to happen. Tens of thousands of sealed indictments? That's just there to make you think something big is really in the works when it isn't. So business for the Epsteins of the world is allowed to continue to proceed as normal, and you are made to think that Trump is your hero in the process, even though precious little to nothing is really being done about it.
At least, that's my estimate of the situation.
Bob Enyart might want to be made aware of this as well.