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COVID-19 Mass Hysteria is Being Pumped To Help D's Gain Support for Changing Voting Methods
8 Apr 2020 - 12:49:22 PM
What is the primary benefit to keep public in mass-hysteria re: COVID-19?
Think voting.
Are you awake yet?
Don't think so.
Folks with underlying health problems who are infected with coronavirus are dying from covid-19! If they had NOT been infectred with coronavirus then nearly all of these people would still be alive today.
A nursing him in England lost several patients to Covid-19 yesterday. All had other health issues bit all would be alive today but for covid-19.
Ergo......... covid-19 is recognised to be the sickness that caused their deaths.
If folks keep banging the 'it's all for hysteria' drum, and if listeners then relax on the isolation and lockdown guidance, then the results might indeed by very very frightening. Who would you blame then, eh? Democrat politicians? ...... What a very strange kind off politics.