Romans 2 is a brilliant chapter to show how those who say they know God should behave, and Paul clearly says that if they don't, they face the wrath of God.
And why do you suppose that is, when Christians face NO wrath at all?
It's that Romans 2 was written by Paul, and addressed to....
Drumroll please...
You're right God only forgives those that repent, but my point is, how can they repent of they have never heard the truth?
Because they have a conscience, or in other words, God's law was written on their heart.
King David would disagree with you, and Psalm 139 and Jeremiah indicate that God is familiar with and knows the baby in the womb. Meaning that they knew God at some point. Scripture also says that God put eternity in our hearts, which is the sense that we will exist for eternity.
and God forgives ignorance!
Please support this statement with scripture.
But when we hear the truth we are to repent,
Which makes it all the more important to condemn that which is sin, even if it hurts feelings, as you seem so careful to try to avoid doing. Condemning sin points people to the Truth, Jesus Christ. Coddling those in open rebellion against God, even if they deny He exists, sends people to Hell.
and repentance means to regret and turn away from what we are doing, and for us that is sin! We are not to wilfully sin. Jesus quite clearly says that will turn away workers of iniquity.
Who did Jesus say that to? (Hint: it starts with "Isra" and ends with "EL")
You say that God forgives sin once we repent,
Not me. Paul.
yet you also say that we can wilfully sin and still be saved?
Go read Romans 6. You question was answered by Paul.
Make your mind up, which one is it? Do you think you can wilfully sin and then repent after knowing that what you did purposely before God was wrong? God won't be mocked!
You've got it all wrong.
The following describes believers post-Acts 9 (henceforth called "Christians"), it does not describe believers prior to Acts 9.
I'm saying that once someone turns to Christ, God forgives them. They are sealed by God, and that seal says "Forgiven." Even if they sin again, no matter how many times, that seal will never be broken. They are FORGIVEN. Past tense. That forgiveness covers all their sins, past, present, and future. When God looks at that person, He sees His Son, Jesus, in place of him, because Last Adam (Jesus) took the place of First Adam (Adam, and subsequently, all of mankind).
If someone rejects God (ie, they die "unforgiven"), they are rejecting that replacement, and are willfully saying "I don't want you, God. I'd rather live alone."
As for the "willfully sinning" part....
Read Romans 7. CAREFULLY.
I'm glad you admit it.
but i hope that I don't wilfully sin.
Again, See Romans 7.
If I do then I believe that God will punish me.
Probably because you're thinking like a Jew under the Law. Which means either A) you're not a Christian, saved by GRACE, or B) you're a very misled Christian who thinks the Law can save, in which case you STILL need to read Romans 7.
And when I realise I've sinned then I believe that I am to go to God and pray for forgiveness and put it right if I can.
Which is what makes me (and others) think you're not saved.
You don't need forgiveness if you're already forgiven.
You should apologize for sinning, and then ask God for help not to do that sin again, but you don't need to be forgiven again. Asking for a perfect bike when you've already been given a perfect bike just doesn't make too much sense.
And those who lead others to hell, are those who teach that you are still saved even if you knowingly sin before God. These are blind guides leading the blind,
So Paul was a blind guide then? Heresy.