In America, the war on drugs has been a dismal failure.
It has wasted billions and billions of government dollars and has done nothing to prevent drug use or addiction.
It has merely created an industry for illegal drugs and drug dealing.
It has put too many people in jail who should not even be there
and ruined the lives of harmless people with no record of violent crime who were caught by the police with a small amount of marijuana.
Criminals are not harmless. They harm others around them by committing a crime.
It is a crime (maybe not according to America's laws, but certainly by God's laws) to use drugs in order to get oneself high, because they put not only themselves in danger, but also those around them.
Because of this disastrous war, America has the highest percentage of people in jail in the world.
It's not just because of the war on drugs. No, it's because we have bad law, bad government, and prisons.
No other country comes even remotely close.
WE have only a small percentage of the world's people, but one quarter of the world's population of prisoners in America!
It's outrageous, I know.
Colorado legalized marijuana not too long ago, and the murder rate there was quickly cut in half!
Yeah, probably because they're too
stoned busy damaging their DNA, losing IQ points, and becoming even more of a loser than they already are. (
When something is illegal, it automatically creates a demand for it on the black market.
Not really. What creates a demand for crime is criminals who find it relatively easy to commit crime. In other words. It's the lack of appropriate punishment for crime that drives the demand for it up.
Our idiot attorney general Jeff Sessions is adamantly opposed to making marijuana legal or decriminalizing it.
Good for him. But I'd rather we not even HAVE an attorney general, or any attorney or lawyer for that matter.
And he also doesn't want to do this because he has invested in private for profit prisons.
All prisons should be shut down.
and if these are abolished, he stands to lose a lot of money.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
These private prisons SHOULD be abolished.
All prisons, private and government controlled, should be abolished. They don't work.
They have caused numerous non-violent offenders to be put in jail because of the owners greed.
Which is why ALL prison systems should be abolished. Or what, you think the government prisons don't cause numerous non-violent "criminals" to be put in jail because of the government's greed?