You show that you only take one verse at a time!!! - And you could not have read the ((( Whole ))) Bible. - And saying untruths is a Sin!! -- I have never met a person who has READ the Whole Bible streight through, (( Every Word of it streight through, not looking for something; just reading it through; much less the Old Testament 22 times, and the New Testament 57 times. - I can't read it anylonger without being destracted by the rest while reading!!
Paul -- 032113
What have I said that is untrue? Why do you think that I could not have read the Whole Bible? I assure you that I have. I have even read the whole New Testament in the original Greek. You must not have met very many people if you haven't met one person who has read the whole Bible straight through. It is not very nice of you to claim that I am lying when I say that I have read through the whole Bible. Why would I even lie about that anyway? It isn't that big a deal. Anyone can do it. Read three chapters a day in the OT and one in the NT and you will have read through in about a year. My goal is to read the entire Bible in the original languages, Hebrew for the OT and Greek for the NT, plus the Septuagint in Greek.
Please do not accuse me of Sin without proof again. That is not your job, Satan is the accuser of the brethren. I don't believe that you want to take HIS job.