Protestantism was falsified here on TOL


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Finito doneski DOA, in February 2016, over five years ago.

It was an impromptu battle royale debate, many participants (many of whom have ceased participating on TOL, which I don't think is coincidental), during which a group of Catholic users and an Orthodox user and a Noncatholic-Nonprotestant user, defeated every other Protestant view on the matter of the Real Presence of Christ in the (validly celebrated) Eucharist.

This thread's a hundred pages long, but you only have to read to like page four to see the end. Nobody, not a single Protestant, could argue the point. In this thread it was proven that the whole Church believed in the Real Presence going all the way back as far as we can tell.

That makes Catholicism and Orthodoxy the only two serious contenders for the real Church in the Bible.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A little play-by-play.

OP and Catholic @chrysostom says " this could be the most interesting collection of posters I have ever had in one of my threads" at post 283, which is long after the outcome of this impromptu 'battle royale' has already been determined.

Catholic @Cruciform shows up at post 57, and Protestant @csuguy shows up post 98. And then the eventual victor Orthodox @brewmama 'enters the ring' at post 108 and is immediately engaged by Protestant @SaulToPaul.

csuguy is in the final battle with brewmama, which begins post 136, when brewmama takes on csuguy directly.

At post 115 brewmama sets out the eventual winning claim in the debate, which is the common belief of both Orthodoxy and Catholicism regarding the Eucharist: the 'Real Presence' of the Lord Jesus Christ in the altar bread and wine of Holy Communion (Holy Orthodoxy & Holy Catholicism both "subscribe to the Real Presence" cite).

Posts 216 and 217 end the debate, with brewmama the winner, polishing off csuguy with two posts not replying directly to csuguy but instead to Jehovahs Witness @KingdomRose as a proxy.


csuguy presented the most powerful (Protestant) argument I've ever seen against the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist being a true Christian doctrine, like the Trinity and Christ's Resurrection, that the Church should believe and confess. brewmama handled csuguy's argument, and that is consistent with the Real Presence being the truth, which means Protestantism is false.

Sayonara Protestantism. RIP. Q E D

PS I have to admit, there is a lot of Protestant @God's Truth skubalon to sift through, even in the span from posts 136-217 which is where the entire final battle occurs. Word of warning! lol

Bradley D

Well-known member
Jesus told his disciples to have communion in "remembrance" of His sacrifice on the cross. That is how I see it today.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Jesus told his disciples to have communion in "remembrance" of His sacrifice on the cross. That is how I see it today.
That's how Orthodoxy and Catholicism sees it. We also acknowledge that His sacrifice is eternal, which means everlasting. So Mass isn't a sacrifice over and over again, it is the same one sacrifice that is forever, which is what eternal means.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
csuguy denies the deity of Christ. He does not represent any Christian of any persuasion.
Red herring or ad hominem fallacy. In any case it doesn't affect the outcome of the debate. Protestantism is false.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Sure, in a way. But do you think that it's fair that your "debate" has an UNBELIEVER arguing the other side?
csuguy argued the exact same belief as you and as every Protestant believes about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. iow csuguy argued your position. And lost!

So is Romanism. Romanism is even worse.

It's wonderful that I don't follow either.
As the linked thread therefore shows, then you're only left with: Holy Orthodoxy.

No other option.

Gary K

New member
So, idolater believes human arguments determine what is true. Really? Finite sinful human beings are the arbiters of the truth about an infinite God. Where do you come up with these ludicrous assertions?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So, idolater believes human arguments determine what is true. Really?
Nope. Truth is confirmed by evidence. Evidence is always consistent with truth, and evidence is never inconsistent with truth. Evidence never conflicts with truth.
Finite sinful human beings are the arbiters of the truth about an infinite God. Where do you come up with these ludicrous assertions?
I never said or implied such a thing.

Right Divider

Body part
Your position was defeated in the OP's linked thread. It was over by post 217. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is true.
No, it's not. Your religion is full of nonsense, bluff and bluster.
The Bible tells a different story.
If you'd like to start a thread, I'd be happy to try to help you.
And still your view is dead on arrival.
Nope. Bluff and bluster. Puffed up religionist nonsense.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Bible tells a different story.
The Bible contains the primary evidence consistent with the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Christ's own words! And Paul's.

All that's left is the evidence that the earliest Church believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which was set out in the OP's linked thread.

Your view /Protestantism (csuguy's view!) was roundly defeated.
If you'd like to start a thread, I'd be happy to try to help you.
The thread debating this matter was already done, and your position has already been defeated. See the OP.

Right Divider

Body part
The Bible contains the primary evidence consistent with the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Christ's own words! And Paul's.
Perverted by the RCC and believed by dupes like you.
All that's left is the evidence that the earliest Church believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which was set out in the OP's linked thread.
The "earliest Church" was not the body of Christ. It was ISRAEL.
You are HUGELY confused.
Your view /Protestantism (csuguy's view!) was roundly defeated.
My view is neither Protestantism nor csuguy's (an unbelieving Christ rejecter).
The thread debating this matter was already done, and your position has already been defeated.
Only in your feeble and confused mind.
See the OP.
I did. It proved absolutely nothing.

P.S. Post #2 is HILARIOUS.

At post 115 brewmama sets out the eventual winning claim in the debate, which is the common belief of both Orthodoxy and Catholicism regarding the Eucharist: the 'Real Presence' of the Lord Jesus Christ in the altar bread and wine of Holy Communion (Holy Orthodoxy & Holy Catholicism both "subscribe to the Real Presence" cite).
The "common belief of both" is not proof of anything! It is funny that you think that this was the "eventual winning claim".
You are a confused religionist that cannot accept what the Bible actually says.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Perverted by the RCC and believed by dupes like you.

The "earliest Church" was not the body of Christ. It was ISRAEL.
You are HUGELY confused.

My view is neither Protestantism nor csuguy's (an unbelieving Christ rejecter).

Only in your feeble and confused mind.

I did. It proved absolutely nothing.

P.S. Post #2 is HILARIOUS.


The "common belief of both" is not proof of anything! It is funny that you think that this was the "eventual winning claim".
You are a confused religionist that cannot accept what the Bible actually says.
You're continuing on as if your view (same as csuguy's view!) still has any logical chance of being true.

It does not. DOA. RIP Protestantism.

Long live the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist!

Right Divider

Body part
You're continuing on as if your view (same as csuguy's view!) still has any logical chance of being true.

It does not. DOA. RIP Protestantism.

Long live the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist!
I enjoy how you never actually engage in discussion or debate.

You are dupe of the RCC, which is a demonic organization.

DOA RCC. Long live the truth in the Bible!
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I enjoy how you never actually engage in discussion or debate.
I don't enjoy how you never engage this OP.

The debate is over. The Protestant view on communion is dead. And the Protestant view is your view, whether you want to face the reality that you are a Protestant.

Or not.

See OP.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...the RCC... is a demonic organization.
That's hilarious! lol!
...Long live the truth in the Bible!
Of course!

Like all the many passages that declare the altar bread and wine of the Church to be the body and blood of Christ!

And like all of the other many passages which make zero sense unless the Eucharist is the Real Presence of Christ!