Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.

"Therefore, I stand by my original statement that calling someone a name who does not agree with how you understand the Bible makes no sense since there is the possibility you could be wrong. MADists don't want to hear this, since they live to correct people, and call them names.. and when that doesn’t work, you resort to name calling…"-notetosterone

No, you "stand by" your own assessment that your father the devil is "high fiveing" you now.


New member
Originally Posted by tetelestai
Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.

"Therefore, when I encounter a fellow believer who has a different understanding of scripture than I do, I do not rebuke them by calling them names,... insulting them, ...."-habitual liar Tet.

Lol, what a phony he continues to prove himself to be.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by tetelestai
Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.

Lol, what a phony he continues to prove himself to be.

Yes, D. noTetosrerone Craigie is "Exhibit A"(he taught us that-we learned that from him), of what happens to a "man," such as him, who gets his feelings hurts, and pouts, because not many are listening to him at "church," or on the circuit, such as TOL, and stays at home, bored, with hours, and hours, of free time, and plots to get revenge against all those meanie "dispies" that made him cry a few years ago, as he gets ensnarled in satanic "doctrine," such as "AD 70-ism," and Preterism, as the devil, the father of all lies, and his minions, see him mentally bloodied, slumped over, in his "Lazy Boy" recliner at home, and they attack his feeble/wimp mind, pumping him full of mysticism, and Buddhism, and habitual lying, and Academy Award acting, "declawing" him, turning him into a spineless, w/o vertebrae jellyfish, so much so, that he can't think straight.

It's called anti thinking, AKA Preterism.


New member
Yes, D. noTetosrerone Craigie is "Exhibit A"(he taught us that-we learned that from him), of what happens to a "man," such as him, who gets his feelings hurts, and pouts, because not many are listening to him at "church," or on the circuit, such as TOL, and stays at home, bored, with hours, and hours, of free time, and plots to get revenge against all those meanie "dispies" that made him cry a few years ago, as he gets ensnarled in satanic "doctrine," such as "AD 70-ism," and Preterism, as the devil, the father of all lies, and his minions, see him mentally bloodied, slumped over, in his "Lazy Boy" recliner at home, and they attack his feeble/wimp mind, pumping him full of mysticism, and Buddhism, and habitual lying, and Academy Award acting, "declawing" him, turning him into a spineless, w/o vertebrae jellyfish, so much so, that he can't think straight.

It's called anti thinking, AKA Preterism.

Lol, just now, I'm reading that while sitting in a Lazy Boy recliner myself - that's just too funny.


8 posts by Danoh and Johnny boy, and not one reference to the animal sacrifices from Ezekiel 40-48 that Danoh and Johnny boy claim will happen in the future.

That's because Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sins at the cross.

Dispensationalists know this, yet they still claim there will be animal sacrifices in the future.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Dispensationalists know this, yet they still claim there will be animal sacrifices in the future.

I have no problem with it. The people bringing sacrifices will be no different than those in the past who did it. They received remission until they receive the atonement.


I've heard of it, and I know it is about a priesthood, of which those bringing sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48 are not members.

Hebrews tells us that when the priesthood changes, the law changes.

(Heb 7:12) For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also.

The priesthood did change, and the law did change.

Yet, you think in the future people are going to go back to the old priesthood and the old law.

(Ezekiel 44:15) "'But the Levitical priests, who are descendants of Zadok and who guarded my sanctuary when the Israelites went astray from me, are to come near to minister before me; they are to stand before me to offer sacrifices of fat and blood, declares the Sovereign LORD.

You have Levitical priests (old priesthood) offering animal sacrifices (old law) in the future.


I've heard of it

Under the old covenant, the Day of Atonement consisted of 3 parts

1) the priest slew the sacrificial animal

2) the priest entered the Holy of Holies with the blood to make atonement in the presence of God.

3) the priest returns and appears to the people of Israel at the door of the tent.

The Israelites waited anxiously because the return by the priest meant God accepted the atonement.

Now, jump to the first century.

1) Jesus was the sacrifice on the cross in 30AD

2) Jesus entered the true most Holy of Holies with His own blood to make atonement for all sins.

3) Jesus' returning or appearing “a second time, apart from sin, for salvation” to those eagerly waiting for Him happened in 70AD

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
8 posts by Danoh and Johnny boy, and not one reference to the animal sacrifices from Ezekiel 40-48 that Danoh and Johnny boy claim will happen in the future.

That's because Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sins at the cross.

Dispensationalists know this, yet they still claim there will be animal sacrifices in the future.

Funny, referring to me as a "boy," when your rep on TOL is a spineless wimp. Of course, you challenged to meet me in DFW, with your wife, and I accepted, but you "scurried like a cockroach when the light is shined"(you taught me that), didn't you, Craigie? You bailed, like you did in the Hilston "debate."

More proof, that this fraud/actress is a jellyfish? Watch.

-I deny that the NC is in place today, Craigie.

-I affirm that there will be sacrifices, in the future, according to prophecy.

Now, as I've asked you, over, and over:

Do I deny that "Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sins at the cross," and am therefore, lost?

Come on, Craigie. Prove, for once, that you have a vertebrae/spine, and that you are not a wimp, and that you have a purpose in life, such as rebuking those, regardless of whether they are of the "dispensational persuasion," who pervert the gospel of Christ, who "deny that "Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sins at the cross," other than getting up every morning, logging into TOL, and losing your mind, as you plot to get even, with those meanie "dispies," who hurt your feelings, a few years back.

You won't.

Fraud. Obsessed, spineless, satanic Preterist punk.

God's Truth

New member
Funny, referring to me as a "boy," when your rep on TOL is a spineless wimp. Of course, you challenged to meet me in DFW, with your wife, and I accepted, but you "scurried like a cockroach when the light is shined"(you taught me that), didn't you, Craigie? You bailed, like you did in the Hilston "debate."

More proof, that this fraud/actress is a jellyfish? Watch.

-I deny that the NC is in place today, Craigie.

-I affirm that there will be sacrifices, in the future, according to prophecy.

Now, as I've asked you, over, and over:

Do I deny that "Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sins at the cross," and am therefore, lost?

Come on, Craigie. Prove, for once, that you have a vertebrae/spine, and that you are not a wimp, and that you have a purpose in life, such as rebuking those, regardless of whether they are of the "dispensational persuasion," who pervert the gospel of Christ, who "deny that "Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sins at the cross," other than getting up every morning, logging into TOL, and losing your mind, as you plot to get even, with those meanie "dispies," who hurt your feelings, a few years back.

You won't.

Fraud. Obsessed, spineless, satanic Preterist punk.

What makes you any different than a bully, or a verbally abusive spouse, or a person with Tourette's?

Why is everyone you verbally abuse a 'woman', a 'she' to you?

Why does it seem as if you cannot control yourself?

Why is it you verbally abuse continually?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hebrews tells us that when the priesthood changes, the law changes.

(Heb 7:12) For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also.

The priesthood did change, and the law did change.

Yet, you think in the future people are going to go back to the old priesthood and the old law.

(Ezekiel 44:15) "'But the Levitical priests, who are descendants of Zadok and who guarded my sanctuary when the Israelites went astray from me, are to come near to minister before me; they are to stand before me to offer sacrifices of fat and blood, declares the Sovereign LORD.

You have Levitical priests (old priesthood) offering animal sacrifices (old law) in the future.

You have stated, on record, that Paul, along with Peter, John, and "the early Act'ster's," were lost, as they all followed the law, "post resurrection," and, now say that everyone is saved, as you assert that these 2 scriptures are errors, and should not be in the bible:

Galatians 3:24 KJV

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Romans 3:20 KJV

Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
You have everyone being saved today, the above 2 scriptures being deleted by yourself. Deleting scripture is satanic, but must be done, by AD 70-ists/Preterists, such as Craigie, to "justify" their devlish "belief system."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
3) Jesus' returning or appearing “a second time, apart from sin, for salvation” to those eagerly waiting for Him happened in 70AD

Who saw Him? Names, specifics. You said "everyone" could see Him.

Hebrews 9 KJV

27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 28 so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Who is this "them,' that were looking for Him, in...

"unto them that look for him?"

We will wait,punk. Be careful.

God's Truth

New member
I have no problem with it. The people bringing sacrifices will be no different than those in the past who did it. They received remission until they receive the atonement.

So then, you believe that there is going to be a reenactment, and that the Jews will have a chance to do it right this time?

God's Truth

New member
STP, how is it that you think the Jews will have a chance to reenact and do it right when the truth is that when Jesus comes again it will NOT be to bear sin?

Where is there second chance reenactment if there is no bearing their sin of rejection of Christ, or of any of their sins?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What makes you any different than a bully, or a verbally abusive spouse, or a person with Tourette's?

Why is everyone you verbally abuse a 'woman', a 'she' to you?

Why does it seem as if you cannot control yourself?

Why is it you verbally abuse continually?

"I do not sin..."-you


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
So then, you believe that there is going to be a reenactment, and that the Jews will have a chance to do it right this time?

The priesthood will do it right.

Malachi 3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

Malachi 3:2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:

Malachi 3:3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.

Malachi 3:4 Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.