Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter



As you "stick your head in the sand," ignore our questions, spam "Darby," and ignore your family, and perverters of the gospel of Christ, because you are obsessed with us meanie MADists, who hurt your fragile feelings, spineless one.

I wouldn't touch a darby commentary with a million foot pole. He is bad news


The one size fits all that is the ilogic of your school's entire "thought" does see what it percieves as predictable. Not surprising; given that "all already happened."

You're just following your recurrent pattern once more, Daffy.

Daffy Duck - the Preterist Duck [insert sound of explosion here, along with image of Daffy singged to a crisp, and not to happy about it "urrgh- that darned Darby book got me again!"].

You and GT make quite the couple - the Energizer Bunny, still going in her own works, and Daffy Duck; unable rid himself of that darned Darby book that follows him around...

Next episode, same "already happened" one size fits all scenario, once more...

"Come here, Daffy" it beckons the fool once more...look at this here...

"Oooh!" says Daffy, "suh-suh-sufferin sucatash- uh, mistake in this Darby book that follows me around - hubba, hubba - a chance to get my prize - BOOOOOM!"

Yet more proof that you are embarrassed by the fact that Dispensationalism teaches that in the yet future there will be animal sacrifices as per Ezekiel 40-48.

C'mon Danoh the Dispy, why don't you explain to all of us how the animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48 will happen in the future despite how crystal clear the writer of Hebrews makes it that Christ Jesus made the one time sacrifice ending all sacrifices?

What are you afraid of Danoh?

You're embarrassed of your own belief system.


sorry but this sound like loser's comment.

Dispensationalism is a loser doctrine.

He, nor any other Dispensationalist (Darby follower) has an answer for the animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48, that they claim will happen in the future.


New member
The purpose for a Temple throughout Scripture has been to establish a location upon earth-which is under the curse of sin-for the presence of God that reveals through its ritual God's great holiness. God's plan for Israel includes a relation to them through a Temple since He wants to dwell in the midst of His people. Currently the church is God's spiritual Temple made of living stones (1 Cor. 3:16-17; Eph. 2:19-22). The millennium will return history to a time when Israel will be God's mediatory people but will also continue to be a time in which sin will be present upon the earth. Thus, God will include a new Temple, a new priesthood, a new Law, etc., at this future time because He will be present in Israel and still desires to teach that holiness is required to approach Him. This is contrasted with the fact that no Temple will exist in eternity (Rev. 21:22) because God and the Lamb are the Temple since there will be no sin in heaven, thus no need for ritual cleansing.


The purpose for a Temple throughout Scripture has been to establish a location upon earth-which is under the curse of sin-for the presence of God that reveals through its ritual God's great holiness. God's plan for Israel includes a relation to them through a Temple since He wants to dwell in the midst of His people. Currently the church is God's spiritual Temple made of living stones (1 Cor. 3:16-17; Eph. 2:19-22). The millennium will return history to a time when Israel will be God's mediatory people but will also continue to be a time in which sin will be present upon the earth. Thus, God will include a new Temple, a new priesthood, a new Law, etc., at this future time because He will be present in Israel and still desires to teach that holiness is required to approach Him. This is contrasted with the fact that no Temple will exist in eternity (Rev. 21:22) because God and the Lamb are the Temple since there will be no sin in heaven, thus no need for ritual cleansing.

:mock: Thomas Ice

From the article you linked by Ice:

"The burden on us is to determine how it fits-not its reality."

I've been saying this for years. Dispensationalists try to make the Bible fit the false teachings of John Nelson Darby instead of believing what the Bible says.

Thomas Ice confirms it.


Wow; you're right for once; your comment does sound like a loser's comment.

Okay, Chinese Gilligan, lol


How many posts are you going to make without actually addressing the animal sacrifices?

Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.


New member
How many posts are you going to make without actually addressing the animal sacrifices?

Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.

There are Mid-Acts people out there who go to great lengths trying to prove why their version of Mid-Acts is the end all, be all.

They are ever baiting others and all the rest - within our own camp.

Were you to see what we see, we'd up with one more individual like that.

Please, Daffy, stay where you are.

Towards that, I shall continue to not bother addressing your questions with other than the darts their particular dart board deserves - answering a fool according to his folly.

"Where's my award!"



There are Mid-Acts people out there who go to great lengths trying to prove why their version of Mid-Acts is the end all, be all.

They are ever baiting others and all the rest - within our own camp.

Were you to see what we see, we'd up with one more individual like that.

Please, Daffy, stay where you are.

Towards that, I shall continue to not bother addressing your questions with other than the darts their particular dart board deserves - answering a fool according to his folly.

"Where's my award!"


Like I said, most Dispensationalists put their heads in the sand when confronted about the future animal sacrifices.

You are Exhibit A of a Darby follower (Dispensationalist) when confronted with the animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48


New member
Like I said, most Dispensationalists put their heads in the sand when confronted about the future animal sacrifices.

You are Exhibit A of a Darby follower (Dispensationalist) when confronted with the animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48

Whatever we can do to keep you in the dark, Daffy.

patrick jane

How many posts are you going to make without actually addressing the animal sacrifices?

Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.

i'll explain it - when i'm good and ready -

even though you ignore all proof and scripture -

i didn't know the thread changed to explaining Ezekiel 40-48 for you -

besides, it's difficult to take you serious because of your pre terrorism -


i'll explain it - when i'm good and ready -

I already know all the Dispies explanations.

They're all a joke

even though you ignore all proof and scripture -

I'm the one who believes the scripture. You guys (Dispensationalists) are the ones who have to make scripture fit the false teachings of John Nelson Darby.

i didn't know the thread changed to explaining Ezekiel 40-48 for you -

Since not one of you could reconcile 2 Peter 3 with Galatians, the thread morphed into Ezekiel 40-48 animal sacrifices.

Both topics show how flawed Dispensationalism is, but that won't stop you Darby followers from still defending Darby.

besides, it's difficult to take you serious because of your pre terrorism -

I don't care who you're conversing with, you can't explain the animal sacrifices that Dispensationalists claim will happen in the future.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are Exhibit A of a Darby follower (Dispensationalist) when confronted with the animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48

Shut up, you satanic clown, as you spam that "Exhibit A...Darby" cute, little saying to every dispensationalist, and TOL laughs at you, and your miserable, obsessed "existence." You really think that girly "man" "Exhibit A" is so original, and "cool," don't you, sweetie?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dispensationalism is a loser doctrine.

He, nor any other Dispensationalist (Darby follower) has an answer for the animal sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48, that they claim will happen in the future.

Spam, from the spineless, satanic "Partial Preterist."

And get a job, Craigie, instead of spending have your waking hours on TOL, sponging off others to support your addiction/obsession.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Give it a shot, you can't say anything stupider than Thomas Ice did.

You'd never name call, "insult," attack," others, now do you/would you, actress, habitual liar Craigie, per...

“According to John W, you insult the other person by calling them names, and tell them they are a liar. Or, according to Nick M and Elyon, you call them names, tell them they are not saved, and that they are going to hell. Or, according to Lighthouse, you just call them idiots and morons…. Therefore, when I encounter a fellow believer who has a different understanding of scripture than I do, I do not rebuke them by calling them names, telling them they are not saved, insulting them, or calling them a liar like you do….You on the other hand, when encountering a believer who believes differently than you, are convinced that you know the 100% objective truth of the Bible, so you call the fellow believer names, and call them a liar…. just look at the name calling by Nick M, Butterfly, Lighthouse, and John W; this is what being a MADist is all about. When they are shown scripture they don’t like, they turn into little kids…. You are doing exactly as Johnny, and most of the other MADists do, and that is when you can’t do it with scripture, you attack the person.… If what I post is not true, than a well educated believer such as yourself should easily be able to show me where I am wrong instead of running away, or attacking me…. I have questioned some of Andy's posts, as has Godrulz. We can do it without calling him names, and without just copying and pasting the same thing over and over and over againTherefore, I stand by my original statement that calling someone a name who does not agree with how you understand the Bible makes no sense since there is the possibility you could be wrong. MADists don't want to hear this, since they live to correct people, and call them names.. and when that doesn’t work, you resort to name calling…. Don't make me laughYou and Johnny and Nick M are the biggest name callers on TOL.”-Tet


Well, Craigie?

Fraud. Punk.

"If what I post is not true, than a well educated believer such as yourself should easily be able to show me where I am wrong instead of running away, or attacking me…. I have questioned some of Andy's posts, as has Godrulz. We can do it without calling him names, and without just copying and pasting the same thing over and over and over again"-noTettosterone

Vs. "Darby..."-noTettosterone copying pasting "Darby" 666 times on TOL, in the last month

No, punk, you don't "just copying and pasting the same thing over and over and over again," do you?

Actress, explaining why you are one of the lepers of TOL, avoided/ignored, for the most part, except by the perverters of the gospel of Christ, since you are one of them.