Pro-life and Democrat


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Well, yes I do. But that's a subject for another time.

That seems to work for you. Others take a more secular approach.

There IS NO SECULAR APPROACH to morality.

You can't have morality if there is no standard higher than man. Any morality that a man comes up with on his own can only be less than himself. It can never be equal to or greater than himself.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
JR quotes facts about the developing child:
Physical facts? You mean like the fact that the baby in the womb is sucking his thumb at 12 weeks? Starts moving around from 9 weeks?

Facts like those?

quip, for whatever strange reason I can't fathom, does exactly as i predicted and characterizes those facts as emotional arguments:
C'mon guys...less emotion, more objectively based rebuttal!

looks like we're done here quip - my interests in this were trying to understand how pro-choicers like you could rationalize the inconsistencies in their position

looks like the answer, at least with quip, lies in a realization that he's either a retard or dishonest

or both

either way, impervious to logic, reason and facts

and a waste of time


JR quotes facts about the developing child:

quip, for whatever strange reason I can't fathom, does exactly as i predicted and characterizes those facts as emotional arguments:

looks like we're done here quip - my interests in this were trying to understand how pro-choicers like you could rationalize the inconsistencies in their position

looks like the answer, at least with quip, lies in a realization that he's either a retard or dishonest

or both

either way, impervious to logic, reason and facts

and a waste of time
Ad hom. Meh.


JR quotes facts about the developing child:

quip, for whatever strange reason I can't fathom, does exactly as i predicted and characterizes those facts as emotional arguments:
Well, tell me what good is envisioning an embryo sucking its thumb in the womb if not from a manipulative appeal to pity? ...replete with sordid thoughts of aborting the cute little thing!

It's a morality play; a pity induced entreaty.. NOT an honest open debate.


You can't have morality if there is no standard higher than man. Any morality that a man comes up with on his own can only be less than himself. It can never be equal to or greater than himself.

Don't delude yourself into thinking your moral standard is morally superior to others....that just begets and promulgates more self-serving immorality.
See how that works?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, tell me what good is envisioning an embryo sucking its thumb in the womb if not from a manipulative appeal to pity?

when we study fetal development in A&P, we note the behavioral development at each stage - indeed many of the stages are defined by behavioral development

and we do it without a manipulative appeal to pity

if you see manipulation and pity in JR's statement of fact, that's your skewed perspective, perhaps informed by your own guilty conscience

...replete with sordid thoughts of aborting the cute little thing!

again, that speaks more to your guilt than to what JR posted

It's a morality play; a pity induced entreaty..

no, it was a statement of fact that you found objectionable for reasons you won't examine

NOT an honest open debate.

i don't believe you're interested in an honest open debate quip, i think you're only interested in playing games

retarded games where you make claims that aren't supported by the facts in order to get a response

in other words quip, you're a troll

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There IS NO SECULAR APPROACH to morality.

You can't have morality if there is no standard higher than man. Any morality that a man comes up with on his own can only be less than himself. It can never be equal to or greater than himself.

his argument disintegrates when secular morality is applied, because there's no coherent secular morality argument that can be made to differentiate between killing an unborn child and killing a newborn child

we've seen him flail about throughout this thread attempting to make the secular morality argument and failing repeatedly

first it was "autonomy"

then it was "dependency"

in both cases it was demonstrated to him that they weren't able to reconcile the unborn/newborn dilemma

and his response in each case - false accusations, avoidance, deflection - every dishonest trick in the book when it comes to debate


when we study fetal development in A&P, we note the behavioral development at each stage - indeed many of the stages are defined by behavioral development
Yet, only one stage of development requires the womb. Hence, the debate over abortion.

You seem to be under the impression that your mere declaration is the end of the debate...I assure you it's only the start. So, where do you proceed? By posting emotion laden pics! :idunno:
If you have more...go with it.

and we do it without a manipulative appeal to pity
Restjng upon declared facts are's why you must employ guilt, pity, shame to your bag of's vital to your moral imperative.

if you see manipulation and pity in JR's statement of fact, that's your skewed perspective, perhaps informed by your own guilty conscience
Yes, this is exactly the tactic. It seems I'm to concede the argument based upon the pitying, guilt ridden view (else I'm "skewed" and/or "guilty") al. are presenting. It's not a rational appeal.

i don't believe you're interested in an honest open debate quip, i think you're only interested in playing games

No, not with the manipulative and dishonest. Games are all that's left.

retarded games where you make claims that aren't supported by the facts in order to get a response

in other words quip, you're a troll

Not agreeing with you makes me a troll?
If so...stop feeding the troll.