Predestination, All Things are Determined by God, Even the Outcome of a Dice


No, I do not talk back to God, but am simply asking YOU for explanation of how God made men in His image, and why. This seems to be missing from your treatise.

Nang... his treatise is closer to Calvin's true message than yours or AMR's. Does it disgust you when fellow Calvinist's can't cloak their theological bigotry?


No, I do not talk back to God, but am simply asking YOU for explanation of how God made men in His image, and why. This seems to be missing from your treatise.

Whilest your question is good, being made in the image of God is an entirely different topic from predestination. I do have a separate study on this, but what I will say, in short, is this... being made in the image of God relates to the Father, who cannot be contained by creation in accordance with scripture, chose to create beings in his own representation in creation, whereupon through his own representations, he express qualities of himself, one of which is authority, hence why even Adam, who was made in the image of God, was granted authority to rule over the earth, which relates to the greater authority granted to Jesus Christ, who is a higher image of God, which also relates to the authority that will be granted to the elect to rule on the earth, who are being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. This authority, as representations of God, means to be like God, hence why we have an example of Moses being made "like God" and Aaron his prophet, because he was acting in representation of God having authority to bring forth powerful judgments against Egypt.


TOL Subscriber
Whilest your question is good, being made in the image of God is an entirely different topic from predestination. I do have a separate study on this, but what I will say, in short, is this... being made in the image of God relates to the Father, who cannot be contained by creation in accordance with scripture, chose to create beings in his own representation in creation, whereupon through his own representations, he express qualities of himself, one of which is authority, hence why even Adam, who was made in the image of God, was granted authority to rule over the earth, which relates to the greater authority granted to Jesus Christ, who is a higher image of God, which also relates to the authority that will be granted to the elect to rule on the earth, who are being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. This authority, as representations of God, means to be like God, hence why we have an example of Moses being made "like God" and Aaron his prophet, because he was acting in representation of God having authority to bring forth powerful judgments against Egypt.

This answer speaks to Federalist Theology (representation & authority), but does not
answer my question about human moral accountability.


This answer speaks to Federalist Theology (representation & authority), but does not
answer my question about human moral accountability.

I've already answered your question, all will be judged by their deeds, hence,

The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. (Revelation 20:13 [NIV])


TOL Subscriber
I've already answered your question, all will be judged by their deeds, hence,

The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. (Revelation 20:13 [NIV])

What is the criteria for God's judgement of human deeds?