Porn. The Elephant in the room.


There is not one example on TOL in all of your years of posting where you have ever stated "he was wrong".

That's because you all consistently put blame on men all the time. Never fails.
Even when there is a concern for men, it's always only halfway- a cheap, watered down compassion that doesn't dump accountability on women's heads much like how it's always done with men.

The nonsense you are identifying is ... your own. Neither partner (the wife OR the husband) have a valid excuse for cheating or violence.

Perfect example, right here- state a moral but don't actually acknowledge the complexity of causes or mitigation for a man doing something wrong.
With women, you'd all sit there all day and you have, especially when it comes to so called sexual harassment and violence.

Or perhaps he is just a pervert ...

A sexually frustrated man is not a 'pervert'. This is another perfect example- no compassion, at all. You may as well assign Satan as prosecutor.

Using your standard, if a wife cheats or watches pornography, *he* is not doing his part AS A HUSBAND.

Cheating and watching pornography are not the same thing, which is why the man may opt to do the lesser of the two because it's not that he wants to cheat on his wife, but his wife is also not being a wife.

Any woman who gets bent out of shape to the extent that this woman I spoke of did, they are excessively haughty and selfish, plain and simple.


New member
PJ. You probably should remove your last lengthy post. It is quite explicit and probably should be linked to with selected quotes that are clean and your comments.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It is small potatoes compared to securities fraud, where millions of innocent people lost there homes and money.


New member
What an odd logic:

Watching porn is mortally sinful

It's totally cool to have sex with multiple women until one marries you


You got that from what I said????

You don't have to be lonely and you don't have to have sex not to be lonely. Surely you understand that?


You don't have to be lonely and you don't have to have sex not to be lonely.

1st World society hinges on a 'mini-marriage' construct where you have sex with a potential partner. That's the way it is- there is nothing kosher about gentile society.

We can sit here and preach about what is holy, but let's look at reality..


While the Bible is silent on porn, our Magisterium is not:
Text 2354 Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other. It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others. It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. It is a grave offense. Civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic materials.​
Habakkuk 2:15 is the closest thing to Sacred Scripture addressing the matter directly IMO. The passage seems to assume that nobody would ever voluntarily permit their neighbors to look upon them while undressed.

Job 31:1 must be read and understood IMO in the context of Job 34:3-4 & 5-6 & 7-8 & 9. I don't think that what many have read in that verse is actually there. IOW, I don't think it was a good thing, the "covenant" that he had made. Job was a legalist, is Elihu's point, again IMO.

Greg Jennings

New member
1st World society hinges on a 'mini-marriage' construct where you have sex with a potential partner.

That's interesting.....especially considering that America, Canada, and the European West all have lower rates of monogamous relationships than in every country in the Middle East. :think:


Hall of Fame
That's because you all consistently put blame on men all the time. Never fails.

Wrong ... though you consistently fabricate stories and intentionally misrepresent others.

Even when there is a concern for men, it's always only halfway- a cheap, watered down compassion that doesn't dump accountability on women's heads much like how it's always done with men.

:yawn: Cool story ... perhaps someday you will grow up and meet reality.

Perfect example, right here- state a moral but don't actually acknowledge the complexity of causes or mitigation for a man doing something wrong.
With women, you'd all sit there all day and you have, especially when it comes to so called sexual harassment and violence.

Gender has nothing to do with whether or not sexual harassment and domestic violence is wrong. Why is it so hard for you to state "Men AND women need to keep their hands to themselves!"? Outside of protecting a child, there is not one good reason for either spouse to hit one another.

A sexually frustrated man is not a 'pervert'. This is another perfect example- no compassion, at all. You may as well assign Satan as prosecutor.

A sexually frustrated man is no different than a sexually frustrated woman. If either of them are cheating, they are adulterous slimebags. IF they are watching porn, aka other men and women having sex, they are a perverts.

Cheating and watching pornography are not the same thing, which is why the man may opt to do the lesser of the two because it's not that he wants to cheat on his wife, but his wife is also not being a wife.

OR he could just be an adulterous slimebag ... and pervert.

Any woman who gets bent out of shape to the extent that this woman I spoke of did, they are excessively haughty and selfish, plain and simple.

:yawn: Cool story ...


Exhibit A:

Wrong ... though you consistently fabricate stories and intentionally misrepresent others.

:yawn: Cool story ... perhaps someday you will grow up and meet reality.

Gender has nothing to do with whether or not sexual harassment and domestic violence is wrong. Why is it so hard for you to state "Men AND women need to keep their hands to themselves!"? Outside of protecting a child, there is not one good reason for either spouse to hit one another.

A sexually frustrated man is no different than a sexually frustrated woman. If either of them are cheating, they are adulterous slimebags. IF they are watching porn, aka other men and women having sex, they are a perverts.

OR he could just be an adulterous slimebag ... and pervert.

:yawn: Cool story ...

Where I state something and the person opposing it outright exhibits what they oppose.

Irony :plain:


Hall of Fame
Exhibit A:

Where I state something and the person opposing it outright exhibits what they oppose.

Irony :plain:

It's amusing as well as telling that you were incapable of responding to my post with anything other than "you oppose what I said ... I am right, you are wrong!".

The one thing that never changes about you ... is the fact that you are always predictable.


It's amusing as well as telling that you were incapable of responding to my post with anything other than "you oppose what I said ... I am right, you are wrong!".

You're just repeating the same drivel, which I called you on. You pretty much affirmed what I stated :idunno:

The one thing that never changes about you ... is the fact that you are always predictable.

At least I'm consistent.


Hall of Fame
You're just repeating the same drivel, which I called you on. You pretty much affirmed what I stated :idunno:

Oh ... here I was talking about reality as compared to your deluded, make-believe fantasy world. My bad.

At least I'm consistent.

Consistently hypocritical, misogynistic, out of touch with reality and flat out wrong.

Yep, you are consistent. :chuckle:


Oh ... here I was talking about reality as compared to your deluded, make-believe fantasy world. My bad.

I have time and time again showed the exact opposite to be true- you and certain others profess in perpetuating all the popular lies and biases of society. There is nothing about you all that doesn't ring with the same nonsense and attitude I could hear from a college feminist.

Consistently hypocritical, misogynistic, out of touch with reality and flat out wrong.

Yep, you are consistent. :chuckle:

You've never proven me wrong on anything of this subject, ever. That is why you all spam the word 'misogynistic' and otherwise act like a bunch of fault finding fools. Just like..