Pope on Climate Change


Well-known member
No, it wasn't.
Says Stripe who doesn't believe in any science that he thinks contradicts his view of genesis.

The rest of us follow the data.

It doesn't matter how quickly it is burned, only as much as went in can come out.
It does, actually. Doing something over a long period of time has a very different effect to "all at once".

Or perhaps none of the doomsday prophecies — many of which have already failed — will emerge.
Which ones are those?
The temperature predictions from the 60s and 70s are right on track.


New member
Thing is the Pope is actually following scripture as far as his attitudes on the poor.

As far as climate goes apparently most of you think burning ten billion tons of coal per year won't have any effect on the earth. (That's on top of other fossil fuels)

Do you deniers also deny CO2 levels are increasing?

So, are you proposing that people should freeze to death?


New member
So, are you proposing that people should freeze to death?
Hmm, not sure where you got that from his post. I believe the idea is that we should begin investing in alternatives to ween us from the fuel sources that are harmful for the environment.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Says Stripe who doesn't believe in any science that he thinks contradicts his view of genesis.
And you don't believe anything that contradicts your precious evolutionism.

The rest of us follow the data.

It does, actually. Doing something over a long period of time has a very different effect to "all at once".

For example, bending a rock leads to fracture once sufficient force has been exerted regardless of over what timeframe the force is applied.

Which ones are those?
Almost every prediction of adverse effects slated to have happened by now has failed.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

For example, bending a rock leads to fracture once sufficient force has been exerted regardless of over what timeframe the force is applied.
On the other hand, taking a cask of black powder and laying down a long line of powder and lighting it gives a very different result than if you light the powder while its all still in its cask.


:eek:linger: Does he even have a bachelor's degree? :dizzy: Surprise, surprise
the church (Jud 11 :burnlib:) gets it wrong on science.


Global Warming

Galileo ~ Indigo Girls



Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

The grasshoppers are going to be peeved.

"Re 11:18 nations were angry. No longer terrified (cf. 6:15–17), they will be filled with defiant rage. Their hostility will shortly manifest itself in a foolish attempt to fight against Christ—a doomed, futile effort that is the apex of human rebellion against God (16:14; 19:17–21). Your wrath. Almighty God answers the feeble, impotent fury of the nations (cf. Ps. 2:1–9). The 24 elders speak of God’s future wrath (20:11–15) as if it were already present, signifying its certainty. That God will one day pour out His wrath on rebellious men is a major theme in Scripture (cf. Is. 24:17–23; 26:20, 21; 30:27–33; Ezek. 38:16ff.; 2 Thess. 1:5–10)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 2007). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


Well-known member
So, are you proposing that people should freeze to death?

What are you talking about? Dealing with climate change doesn't mean the earth is going to freeze. We already have a lot of warming built in. It also doesn't mean we stop using electricity to heat and cool our homes. We simply need to use sources that do not release CO2, or we efficiently recapture the CO2 we release from burning.

It's only a question of paying less now or more later when the problems are much much bigger.

Jose Fly

New member
Geez you guys, it's right there in the first part of the page...

"When CO2 levels were higher in the past, solar levels were also lower".

Then later in the more detailed text, it walks through the data that supports this conclusion. I get the impression that none of you actually bothered to read the material?


Well-known member
Fixed. :up:

When you're ready to deal with my post, let us know.

Geez you guys, it's right there in the first part of the page...

"When CO2 levels were higher in the past, solar levels were also lower".

Then later in the more detailed text, it walks through the data that supports this conclusion. I get the impression that none of you actually bothered to read the material?

Creationists hate reading. :up:


Fortunately for us and the rest of the world, the public is starting to appreciate the seriousness of our climate situation.