ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
If you believe that this birth poses a high risk of public harm...
Statistically speaking it does
And Chair's post, to which I was responding, dealt specifically with statistical risk and harm
If you believe that this birth poses a high risk of public harm...
I agree. Back in the day, wackiness was kept in check by the deterrence of public humiliation. Now, the internet acts as a kind of wild west where things like rank stupidity and ugly racism have a home; addlepated hillbillies of like mind can pull on their red ball caps, grab a large mug of Mountain Dew and a couple of deep-fried Twinkies, and sit at their keyboards and backslap each other. The fatuity is thereby allowed to grow like a pernicious virus in a petri dish.Sometimes lunacy needs to be addressed and mocked though...
You admitted to driving while drunk near the start. Regardless, this is OCD whackery and then some.
Statistically speaking it does
And Chair's post, to which I was responding, dealt specifically with statistical risk and harm
Statistically speaking....crime went down after Roe v Wade.
Using your criteria....this was a just SC ruling. Correct?
I take that as a ...
Take it as a "your retarded trolling is hilarious" :chuckle:
You admitted to driving while drunk ...
You admitted to driving while drunk near the start. Regardless, this is OCD whackery and then some.
His efforts weren't getting enough attention so he was pathologically compelled to list them. And it worked, he got the attention he craves. It's a no-win situation, really. Anyone who responds to him feeds the troll, yet silence in the face of his lies and manipulation seems like capitulation to me. It's a conundrum.
I was enjoying having a meaningful conversation with Chair
I'm tired of this.
Have a nice fday
I'm serious anna - what made you think you'd be welcomed back? What made you think that you guys should be here trolling?
Just go away
It’s not lunacy but rather trolling for the sake of trolling. The only reason to argue in favor of driving drunk is to argue for the sake of arguing with those of us who are their moral superiors ...
Seriously, 7deranged7, how has this not answered your question?
... to deliberately misrepresent what ok doser has written.
I'm serious anna - what made you think you'd be welcomed back? What made you think that you guys should be here trolling?
Just go away
She's more than welcomed to me!