ECT Pentecostals Will Tell You Why

patrick jane

And so, what parts of scripture was not understood while people were speaking in tongues?

It'll be funny watching you attempt to explain this.

why don't you tell us ? slip into a trance and speak in tongues of spirit; that's perfect -:carryon:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
And so, what parts of scripture was not understood while people were speaking in tongues?

It'll be funny watching you attempt to explain this.

Shuck your foreign translators........Shuck your glasses...........

Fraud, as all "Back to Pentecost" charlatans are-every last one of them.


New member
Hey, John?

Why do you think there are so many denominations if that which is perfect is talking about the word of God?

If it's so perfect, why do so many people disagree?

Because people are imperfect?

If the weakness is human imperfection, especially where faith, hardness of heart, ignorance, defiance, human interpretation, lack of discernment etc are concerned, then that which is perfect cannot be completely understood perfectly. Which is why we're supposed to grow in the knowledge of God, it isn't all immediately understood in one go.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Just as I thought.

"It's true. That's why we have nonsense like mad, and why there are cessationists. Human interpretation."-andycain

Is your "Just as I thought" a "human interpretation, or a "God interpretation?"


New member
"It's true. That's why we have nonsense like mad, and why there are cessationists. Human interpretation."-andycain

Is your "Just as I thought" a "human interpretation, or a "God interpretation?"

Common sense.

Paul doesn't talk about two distinctly different gospels, and he also complemented the Corinthians for not lacking in spiritual gifts as they waited for Christ's appearing.

We're still waiting for Christ's appearing, and so shouldn't be lacking in the gifts.

To deny this, is to trust in human/carnal interpretation.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, John?

Why do you think there are so many denominations if that which is perfect is talking about the word of God?

The slug still does not get the difference between objective revelation, given by objective words, which are perfect, true, sound, "infallible," and illumination/understanding/interpretation, which, in this dispensation, currently, is made by fallible members of the boc, and is imperfect, fallible.

Slower: the word of God is perfect; our interpretation is not.

Are/were you drunk, on the "Holy Ghost Bartender" "spirit," or is it the "spirit of Jack Daniels, when you posted this "question"(loosely employed here)?

You talk like a Catholic, justifying "The Magesterium"-they talk like you. Are you a Roman?

Is your interpretation a "human interpretation, or a "God interpretation?"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Common sense.

Paul doesn't talk about two distinctly different gospels, and he also complemented the Corinthians for not lacking in spiritual gifts as the waited for Christ's appearing.

We're still waiting for Christ's appearing, and so shouldn't be lacking in the gifts.

To deny this, is to trust in human/carnal interpretation.

I did not ask that. I asked:

Is your "Just as I thought" a "human interpretation, or a "God interpretation?"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, John?

Why do you think there are so many denominations if that which is perfect is talking about the word of God?

If it's so perfect, why do so many people disagree?

Because people are imperfect?

If the weakness is human imperfection, especially where faith, hardness of heart, ignorance, defiance, human interpretation, lack of discernment etc are concerned, then that which is perfect cannot be completely understood perfectly. Which is why we're supposed to grow in the knowledge of God, it isn't all immediately understood in one go.

The word of God is perfect; human interpretation is not.

I slowed it down for you.

Your understanding is independent from objective truth. Truth goes on eternally, regardless of whether you believe it, or not, or whether you understand it.


New member
The slug still does not get the difference between objective revelation, given by objective words, which are perfect, true, sound, "infallible," and illumination/understanding/interpretation, which, in this dispensation, currently, is made by fallible members of the boc, and is imperfect, fallible.

Slower: the word of God is perfect; our interpretation is not.

Are/were you drunk, on the "Holy Ghost Bartender" "spirit," or is it the "spirit of Jack Daniels, when you posted this "question"(loosely employed here)?

You talk like a Catholic, justifying "The Magesterium"-they talk like you. Are you a Roman?

Is your interpretation a "human interpretation, or a "God interpretation?"

Its the imperfect receiver that's the problem. The word of God has always been perfect.

You are still yet to tell us what was scripturally lacking during the time that people spoke in tongues?


New member
The word of God is perfect; human interpretation is not.

I slowed it down for you.

Your understanding is independent from objective truth. Truth goes on eternally, regardless of whether you believe it, or not, or whether you understand it.

Paul is talking about knowing that which is perfect. Knowing as we are known. If human interpretation interferes with knowing perfectly, then the word of God cannot be what Paul is talking about.

Your own reasoning proves you wrong, but you still won't accept it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
To deny this, is to trust in human/carnal interpretation.

Deception,sophistry, as your "arguing" that my denying your interpretation, disagreeing with it, presupposes that yours is "God's interpretation/un-carnal interpretation."

You have the "God interpretation," do you candyandycain?

patrick jane

Its the imperfect receiver that's the problem. The word of God has always been perfect.

You are still yet to tell us what was scripturally lacking during the time that people spoke in tongues?

You just told us ! ! ! it was not lacking . . . . Then


New member
Deception,sophistry, as your "arguing" that my denying your interpretation, disagreeing with it, presupposes that yours is "God's interpretation/un-carnal interpretation."

You have the "God interpretation," do you candyandycain?

Unless you can show otherwise.

Can you tell us what truths were lacking when people spoke in tongues. What was imperfect about the word of God preached at that time?

What was lacking in the apostles understanding?

If anything, those people had more of the word than we do today. They had the apostles preaching to them for years, while we only have a collection of their letters.

Word based mystic

New member
Without the mind of Christ
being led by the Spirit
Having a supernatural Holy Spirit inspired understanding.
you only have carnal minded fleshly oriented understanding of scripture.

There is a big difference between comprehension and knowledge.

Comprehension is the supernatural act of experiencing Gods revelatory Love to His Children.
maturity is partnered with the foundations of the gospel and the comprehension of Gods love in action with the knowledge revealed and understood through and by the supernatural mind of Christ gives us a platform to be mature in loving action.

ephesians 3:16-19
16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the [a]saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
All of the above activity is supernatural empowerment by The Spirit encouraged through spiritual prayer. ( not asking amiss)

patrick jane

Common sense.

Paul doesn't talk about two distinctly different gospels, and he also complemented the Corinthians for not lacking in spiritual gifts as they waited for Christ's appearing.

We're still waiting for Christ's appearing, and so shouldn't be lacking in the gifts.

To deny this, is to trust in human/carnal interpretation.

poor andy


New member
Without the mind of Christ
being led by the Spirit
Having a supernatural Holy Spirit inspired understanding.
you only have carnal minded fleshly oriented understanding of scripture.

There is a big difference between comprehension and knowledge.

Comprehension is the supernatural act of experiencing Gods revelatory Love to His Children.
maturity is partnered with the foundations of the gospel with the comprehension of Gods love in action with the knowledge revealed and understood through and by the supernatural mind of Christ gives us a platform to be mature in loving action.

ephesians 3:16-19
16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the [a]saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
All of the above activity is supernatural empowerment by The Spirit encouraged through spiritual prayer. ( not asking amiss)

That's right. The natural mind must surrender to the inner mind of Christ. This is where our own will comes into play.

Mark 8:17-18
Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul is talking about knowing that which is perfect. Knowing as we are known. If human interpretation interferes with knowing perfectly, then the word of God cannot be what Paul is talking about.

Your own reasoning proves you wrong, but you still won't accept it.

Made up. I wrote on this previously.

"now I know in part;"-verse 12
=When the word of God is completely given, the spiritual gifts, that confirmed that the person performing them, was, in fact speaking for God, would no longer be necessary.

Your own "human interpretation"proves you wrong, but you still won't accept it.

See how that works? You fell in a trap, ditch, again. Need help getting out?