There are truly many amazing gay people in the world and I have met some of the kindest and caring homosexual men who deepy care for all of decent humanity. My messages were not to paint all gays in a bad light - but the facts are the facts concerning the fact that the gay lifestyle is very, very harmful and risky and the fact that the Roman Catholic Church literally handed the keys to the Church to the gay community world wide and allolwed thousands of gays to be alone with little boys for the last sixty years and this has gone on unbridled. Gays and child molesters and even hetrosexual pedophiles were never something that the Catrholic Church were interested in preventing unril they were suid for Billions upon Billions of dollars. and The Vatican Primate, Francis The Pontiff Francis has made His huge headlines, in both Time and The Advocate ]a publication aimed at the LGBT community)[/color] .......... both Time and The Advocate magazine named him Person of the Year. Francis was mentioned more than 7,000 times that month, This spiked as high as the time when he was first elected pope. The spikes in media coverage even go higher when The Pontiff discusses Homosexual sex.
These homosexual conversations are even higher as when the huge media coverage occurred when He was first elected.
The Vatican Primate has purposefully laid out a course of subjective dialogue - like a playscript or a composition makeup, wherein He seeks to gather the condemnation of all around Him and suddenly veer sharp to the far left and the media goes wild - He has a plan and every move that He makes is calculated and deliberate.