I appreciate Your great replies and the fact that some here agree with Me.
However to those who disagree - I simply ask that You take a closer look at the evidence.
One year into The former Jesuit archbishop’s election The Pontiff Francis’ - was named Time’s Person of the Year –
He also ranked among the top global newsmakers in major U.S.-based digital news outlets.
On his flight back to the Vatican, Francis made headlines around the entire world because, when he was asked by a reporter’s about gay priest, the Pontiff said, “Who am I to judge ? ”
In the overall media, Pontiff Francis ranked behind only - Barack Obama, the South African leader Nelson Mandela and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The Pontiff Francis received more media attention than former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Francis also received far more media mentions than other internationally recognized religious leaders, including Desmond Tutu – the former Anglican bishop who made headlines when fellow South African Nelson Mandela died – and the Dalai Lama.
News Events that Drove Coverage of Pope Francis
Much of Francis’ first-year coverage came in bursts of attention, focused around key moments rather than in a steady stream of news stories.
When the Pontiff discussed the subject of Homosexuality there is no other point when the papal coverage has spiked spike as high in the media - as when Francis offered the media comments about the role of gay and lesbian people in the church.
On July 29, the pontiff answered reporters questions about Homosexual topics and In that month alone, Francis appeared more than 14,000 times in nearly every major media outlet
JUST BY HAVING A CONVERSATION ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS HAVING SEX the media coverage was nearly twice as high, covering this gay topic in the next couple weeks of March, than when he was introduced to the world as the new pope.
AGAIN - there was the same HUGE SPIKE of interest in the media when the Pontiff interviewed Antonio Spadaro, editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica, published in September. In the interview the Popntiff simply mentioned gay marriage.
AGAIN The Papal Media coverage spiked in 2013 to 2014
The Pontiff Francis made huge headlines, once again, in December, when both Time and The Advocate (a publication aimed at the LGBT community) .......... both Time and The Advocate named him Person of the Year. Francis was mentioned more than 7,000 times that month, This spiked as high as the time when he was first elected pope.
The spikes in media coverage even go higher when The Pontiff discusses Homosexual sex.
These homosexual conversations are even higher as when the huge media coverage occurred when He was first elected.
This was what my post was about - AND THE FACTS PROVE MY COMMENTS -
as my post was based on facts.