Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Trump must have read a headline and seen a picture somewhere.

According to the same article the centers were set up to accommodate unaccompanied children. They weren't being separated or charged/incarcerated for any crime. The centers were processing facilities as homes were found for the children. It also notes that separation of parents and children only occurred when the parents were charged with drug and/or trafficking charges.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...separation of parents and children only occurred when the parents were charged with drug and/or trafficking charges.

So there are circumstances when its ok for the president to abuse children?

Or does this only apply to our former affirmative action prez?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So there are circumstances when its ok for the president to abuse children?

Or does this only apply to our former affirmative action prez?
I assumed, rightly as it turns out, that you were writing to me and took a look. This confirms my decision some time ago to put you on ignore. Nothing in it is worth consideration, rooted in my actual points, or more than a childish attempt on your part to invite me to facilitate a platform for more of the same. So this isn't an answer, because no answer is really needed. Instead, so you understand, I won't be reading you or responding to you, won't be encouraging whatever is wrong in you to have a forum in my considerations.

You will doubtless do what you have always done, but you will do it without my help beyond this notice.


I agree. Liberal Democrats are truly PATHOLOGICAL and DEMENTED PERVERTS. I personally believe that they should not have the rights to vote.


We all know here are many, many individuals in most all political and religious organizations who are wonderful, honest and caring people.

There are so many good Catholics and Liberals who are part of the organiazation, perhaps they were born into it or were brought in by a friend or loved one but do not understand or suscribe to the organizations PATHOLOGICAL and demented views. I am not talking about them - but only the SPIRIT, CHARACTER and ORGANIZATION of the leaders and the policies and ideas from the top that they continually stand for and have stood for going back hundreds of years..

However, I believe that one of the REASON that Left Wing Democrat Liberal Media chose to show abnormal respect for Roman Catholicism and fawn over, adore and show overtly and an inordinately over bearing amount of attention and respect as when the media even calls the Priests and Popes " Father " - But when a Protestant American Preacher who stands for the Gospel is having a big ceremony or some tyle of huge public event pr appearance, the Liberal Media never honor the special title for them and speak of them as " Reverend " or special.

Here is a link showing all of the Liberal Media coverage of the Popes visiting America.

I beleive that the Liberal Media's relationship with the Roman Catholic Church is purly of a seXual nature. Meaning they both are seXually corrupt and eXteemly perverted and depraved.

I believe that the core principles of Islam is also very seXually corrupt and eXteemly perverted and depraved.

This is the greatest commonality and CORE bond that Liberal Democrats, Catholics, and Muslims unite in and have in common. A total perversion that seXually draws them together in a frenzy of lust, perversity, and depravity.
Obviously, when a man molests a child, the child does not understand the full seXuality of the adult and the child's seXuality is not yet matured and developed enough to make the child a part of the seXual sin. The child is innocent and the victim. The adult only is guilty.

The Bible says = Deu 22:25 But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die:
Deu 22:26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbor, and slayeth him, even so, is this matter:
Deu 22:27 For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her.

With Liberal Democrat and Atheists, they spend millions of dollars building great campaign propagandizing the idea that little children can know if they are Transgender or Gay / Homosexual / Female gender or male
- at a very, very early age.

They set up programs and laws and mandates in order to cause a breakdown in their Conservative Republican political opponents and in the family structure and family unit, to attack the system by enacting and eXagerating the idea that children are being neglected and disrespected seXually because children have knowledge of their sexual preference and pre-knowledge about their gender and sexuality but the political opponents { Conservatives / Republicans } somehow have not accommodated the children's seXual needs.
But when a Catholic or any Religious man molests a little boy suddenly all of their fantasy and role-playing self-projection that they project onto little children suddenly goes out the door and the Liberal Democrat finger ONLY points at the religion itself, instead of the homosexual / bi- sexual lust that the adult is forcing onto the child.
Suddenly the child has no sexuality and no awareness of His gender because He is suddenly too young. And the child molester also has no understanding of the sexual identity of the little boy.

And - HERE - THE FINGERS are always pointed to the religion = They pretend that a when a Catholic or any Religious man homosexual or bi - sexual who hides His homosexuality to keep His religious status and job is somehow deserving a special right that deserves Him His privacy about the fact that HE is a homosexual / bi- sexual, who is attracted to little boys who " both parties " have suddenly somehow been rendered as unable to understand anything about their the childs male gender.. Which all makes it a Non-homosexual and strictly an act of RELIGIOUS deviance, a RELIGIOUS aberration, a RELIGIOUS anomaly or inhumane irregularity and noncomformity because the religion is messad up and the RELIGION is at fault......
----- While the gay priest denies that He is gay.
As the media ignores it.

The Spirit of Roman Catholicism Organization prefers that a Priest be a homoseXual rather than an Abrahamic Father figure or someone like Jacob or others who were really big BIBLE FAMILY men. Roman Catholic Mothers go insane and wild for the glory days of the dawn of the gay father figure. But Abraham or Jacob would not be permitted to eXist in any capacity.

They all agree that the homoseXual is not allowed to or capable or able of understanding that the little boy is a MALE GENDER because the homoseXual is religious or part of religion. His holiness or His RELIGION does not allow Him or enable Him to understand the seXuality of a little boy " that he is truly a little male. "

Atheist and Liberal Democrats and Roman Catholics pretend that sex act involving a man and a little boy is somehow suddenly not a homosexual act committed by the adult while they ignore the millions of other homoseXuals who abuse little boys while focusing their attention only on RELIGION. - Atheist and Liberal Democrats demand that sex act involving a man and a little boy is somehow suddenly not a homoseXual act committed by the adult.
We see that Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats and Atheists have aligned themselves against The Bible and Christians and Conservatives - as they ignore the differences between themselves. The core of their perverted goals that are goals that attempt to destroy the Bible Believing Christians are the same overpowering force that unites them against The Truth and God. The goal is to hide the fact that rape of children destroys their seXuality and is harmful and manipulating and controlling = as Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats and Atheists all use this as a tool to control and maintain power and manipulation. As Muslims follow Mohammad who raped a nine-year-old little child. Mohammad knew full and well the seXual gender of the child that he molested.

Liberal Democrat and Roman Catholics have no problem with this at all. They kiss the Quran and defend Islam and this molestation event is easily forgotten and put behind them, even no matter what other disagreements may eXist.
As long as Catholics continue to play along and remain silent and complicit and " ROLE PLAY " assimilate and cooperate with the Liberal Democrat that the fantasy that all Male on boy seXual rape or molestation encounters are not of a homoseXual nature, then Roman Catholics will always be the darling of the left and Muslims will always be the contact and lense and eXample that the Left will use to represent the Biblical marriage of Abraham.

The unity and bond that they share is deeper than this but this seXual unity is unbreakable and very powerful, too powerful for them to disband or leave unused against their common enemy -

The enemy are -= Bible Christians and Jews and Conservative Republican Americans.

Liberals simply love and use and abuse the seXual manipulation that molesting children causes and Roman Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats are ok with being deeply and diversely and variously involved in seXually confusing children and the negativity and mental abuse and confusion and spiritual DESTRUCTION it has upon them and their Bible Believing, Conservative families, ideas, principles and religious nature from the Bible. As they cover and hide the fact that the molester is in fact a homoseXual or Bi SeXual..... The door is always left open as the molester can never be profiled or identified as anything but a RELIGIOUS MAN.

All parties smile in agreement with the same Spiritual and Political agenda.

As the Democrat Party spends millions of dollars building great campaigns propagandizing the idea that little children and adults can know if children are Transgender or Gay / Homosexual / Female gender or male - at a very, very early age. But when a gay man knows that the boy is a male gender and is trying to force a FEMALE GENDER on the boy - suddenly it is not really seXual but an act of an attraction to the innocence, pureness and unawareness and confusion of little child to the enjoyment of the man who is actually in FACT, a homoseXual or a Bi seXual or both. And had the Catholic Church not allowed the Homosexual Priest to be alone with little boys - it would never had happened.

My response was not in any way to depict all gay or bi - isexual men as child molesters because most of them are definitely not. I was only trying to show the fact that the Liberal Democrat Media are PATHOLOGICAL LEFTIST LIAR’S in this particular way, as well. I know and have met many kind and caring and sensible gay men who are very nice, respectful and are just exactly like me in these same regards, that they also could never, ever even imagine hurting a child.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We all know here are many, many individuals in most all political and religious organizations who are wonderful, honest and caring people. There are so many good Catholics and Liberals who are part of the organiazation, perhaps they were born into it or were brought in by a friend or loved one but do not understand or suscribe to the organizations PATHOLOGICAL and demented views.
See, that started off half-way decent, but then you veered into the crazy lane and that's why we all have to pay higher premiums. :mmph:

Here's an alternative: a lot of people just fundamentally disagree with you (and everyone at some point) about some fairly important things. They don't have to be lazy thinkers or blind followers, only people who come to different conclusions than you.

However, I believe that one of the REASON that Left Wing Democrat Liberal Media chose to show abnormal respect for Roman Catholicism and fawn over, adore and show overtly and an inordinately over bearing amount of attention and respect as when the media even calls the Priests and Popes " Father " - But when a Protestant American Preacher who stands for the Gospel is having a big ceremony or some tyle of huge public event pr appearance, the Liberal Media never honor the special title for them and speak of them as " Reverend " or special.

First, there's not a left wing Democratic media outlet that many people pay attention to (MSNBC is a viewer side bar) and Fox, the Republican water bearer for decades is the closest thing to what you're speaking about, even if it's less effective these days. Second, Catholics aren't so much shown respect as they are left alone more and for a simple reason, they don't tend to say as many ridiculous things as Protestant representatives do. Not because Protestants are inherently more ridiculous, but because there are so many different sorts and a lot of them are self-appointed and marginally educated in their own chosen calling. Westboro anyone?

Here is a link showing all of the Liberal Media coverage of the Popes visiting America.
I don't do links unless the subject matter is suspect, as when someone claims to have video of Bigfoot. I suspect the footage here demonstrates a respectful approach to a widely regarded public figure on the world stage.

I beleive that the Liberal Media's relationship with the Roman Catholic Church is purly of a seXual nature. Meaning they both are seXually corrupt and eXteemly perverted and depraved.
I believe I can fly. I haven't tried to test the belief, mind you, but I'm pretty sure I could pull it off. Let me know when you try yours.

I believe that the core principles of Islam is also very seXually corrupt and eXteemly perverted and depraved.
Is that marking a spot or something?

This is the greatest commonality and CORE bond that Liberal Democrats, Catholics, and Muslims unite in and have in common. A total perversion that seXually draws them together in a frenzy of lust, perversity, and depravity.
aCW is still posting, so I can't say that's the craziest post of the year, but if Chrys comes back and takes a swing that one is easily in the hunt.

At that point the maestro and my interest died.



I appreciate Your great replies and the fact that some here agree with Me.

However to those who disagree - I simply ask that You take a closer look at the evidence.

One year into The former Jesuit archbishop’s election The Pontiff Francis’ - was named Time’s Person of the Year –

He also ranked among the top global newsmakers in major U.S.-based digital news outlets.

On his flight back to the Vatican, Francis made headlines around the entire world because, when he was asked by a reporter’s about gay priest, the Pontiff said, “Who am I to judge ? ”

In the overall media, Pontiff Francis ranked behind only - Barack Obama, the South African leader Nelson Mandela and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Pontiff Francis received more media attention than former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Francis also received far more media mentions than other internationally recognized religious leaders, including Desmond Tutu – the former Anglican bishop who made headlines when fellow South African Nelson Mandela died – and the Dalai Lama.

News Events that Drove Coverage of Pope Francis
Much of Francis’ first-year coverage came in bursts of attention, focused around key moments rather than in a steady stream of news stories.

When the Pontiff discussed the subject of Homosexuality there is no other point when the papal coverage has spiked spike as high in the media - as when Francis offered the media comments about the role of gay and lesbian people in the church.

On July 29, the pontiff answered reporters questions about Homosexual topics and In that month alone, Francis appeared more than 14,000 times in nearly every major media outlet
JUST BY HAVING A CONVERSATION ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS HAVING SEX the media coverage was nearly twice as high, covering this gay topic in the next couple weeks of March, than when he was introduced to the world as the new pope.

AGAIN - there was the same HUGE SPIKE of interest in the media when the Pontiff interviewed Antonio Spadaro, editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica, published in September. In the interview the Popntiff simply mentioned gay marriage.

AGAIN The Papal Media coverage spiked in 2013 to 2014
The Pontiff Francis made huge headlines, once again, in December, when both Time and The Advocate (a publication aimed at the LGBT community) .......... both Time and The Advocate named him Person of the Year. Francis was mentioned more than 7,000 times that month, This spiked as high as the time when he was first elected pope.
The spikes in media coverage even go higher when The Pontiff discusses Homosexual sex.
These homosexual conversations are even higher as when the huge media coverage occurred when He was first elected.

This was what my post was about - AND THE FACTS PROVE MY COMMENTS -

as my post was based on facts.



Sorry annabenedetti -

Yes - My Xs are sometimes capitalized because I put this design in my messages and the Xs represent something else that I have not shared with the forum yet.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
One year into The former Jesuit archbishop’s election The Pontiff Francis’ - was named Time’s Person of the Year – He also ranked among the top global newsmakers in major U.S.-based digital news outlets.
It's probably because we he was, you know, the Pope, leader of the world's largest religious expression of Christianity, the first non-European Pope in over a thousand years, elected on the heels of a rare event as the former Pope was still living. And he speaks his mind in front of microphones, which is good for that media if not always easy on the Church. That sort of thing.

On his flight back to the Vatican, Francis made headlines around the entire world because, when he was asked by a reporter’s about gay priest, the Pontiff said, “Who am I to judge ? ”
You have to understand what he's saying in relation to Church teaching. Or you can just quote mine and get the wrong idea. Spoiler alert: he hasn't changed the position that homosexuality is a sin.

Hope I didn't ruin the surprise for you.

In the overall media, Pontiff Francis ranked behind only - Barack Obama, the South African leader Nelson Mandela and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Pontiff Francis received more media attention than former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Francis also received far more media mentions than other internationally recognized religious leaders, including Desmond Tutu – the former Anglican bishop who made headlines when fellow South African Nelson Mandela died – and the Dalai Lama.
And for a pretty obvious reason, he was the new Pope elected on the heels of a rare event for the Church, and one with a past and positioning that made him even more interesting and potentially galvanizing than usual.

Now to put this in perspective here's that list of media mentions that you're referencing and the disparity that you don't:

Obama: 203,413
Mandela: 127,972
Assad: 88,417
Pope Francis: 47,738
Clinton: 37,069
Putin: 33,025

Not exactly challenging for the top spot, was he...and I'm pretty sure the others on that list weren't newly minted.

Have you seen a lot of coverage of him lately? How does it compare with other world leaders since?

News Events that Drove Coverage of Pope Francis
Wait, news events drove the NEWS???? How obviously corrupt and perverted. :plain:

Much of Francis’ first-year coverage came in bursts of attention, focused around key moments rather than in a steady stream of news stories. When the Pontiff discussed the subject of Homosexuality there is no other point when the papal coverage has spiked spike as high...This was what my post was about - AND THE FACTS PROVE MY COMMENTS -
No, no they don't.

as my post was based on facts.
No, no they weren't. Or they were in the same sense that a racist's position is based on facts. The fact that there are people of color and that he's not happy about it.

You said the media fawned over and adored him, without really supporting more than they gave and give him attention when he talks about something that is hugely interesting/galvanizing to the larger world population, especially given his ability to impact the point from his literal position as head of the Catholic Church.

And you said the media and the CC were linked in sexual depravity and corruption.Your support for this was a media notice where the Pope came in third in his first year and a cherry picked, context free quote.

That's not holding out a factually supported position. But it's a slam dunk illustration of logical fallacy.