God willing, coming this Tuesday, Trump will win the Presidency for the sake of our country. Otherwise, I see a very bleak future for the U.S.A.
So Isreal pre 1 Samuel 8 was anarchy and chaos?
What happens if Christians sit home and do nothing while evil politicians rule?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So there is somewhere in Scripture where God approves of unrighteous leaders, anarchy and chaos?
Let me answer my question for you:
That would be a "No".
Now to your question:
Since the fall of man (Adam and Eve disobeying God), man has been sinful and in need of righteous laws to guide his behavior and punish him when he breaks those laws. When a nation has laws it has to have people that legislate them and those who enforce them, because without righteous laws and their enforcement you will have (drum roll....)
anarchy and chaos.
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority
complete disorder and confusion:
Now you tell me, was Israel pre 1 Samuel 8 in a state of anarchy and chaos or did they have righteous laws and men who enforced them?
What happens if Christians sit home and do nothing while evil politicians rule?
What happens if you don't defend your home or call 911 when a burglar is breaking in?
What happens if you don't see a doctor for a life threatening disease?
Faith without works is dead.
The same exact thing that will happen if believers DO vote.
If you believed the Bible you'd know that.
i.e. let evil prevail (because that is what Jesus would do).
Which criminal are you talking about, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
I've never considered the rape of a 13 year old and the sexual molestation of numerous women, etc. etc. etc. a "flaw", but hey, that's just me.
You should go on tv with that ad, very impressive rocketman!
Your accusation is just an emotional plea without merit just like theirs.
Do you have examples of Jesus telling his followers to vote because it is their "Christian" duty? Do you even have any examples of Christ injecting himself into public politics at all? didn't think so...
Who is under multiple federal investigations? Hint: there is only one... You the dishonest media, and some nefarious women continue to throw out accusations but have yet to provide the proof, when you have something besides a nonsensical internet story that no major news outlet (even the ones attempting to destroy him currently) let us know. Your accusation is just an emotional plea without merit just like theirs.
Again, where is your proof? That is right all you got is your smoking gun internet story....very compelling. :chuckle:
If I thought it would keep the corrupt lying felon Hillary from governing this nation, I would proudly do that spot on T.V., this election is not whether we elect Donald Trump it is whether we take the country over the tipping point where it cannot be saved. You are too busy bloviating about nonsense to to explore the long term ramifications of a the felon in the oval office....I got to hand it to Ted Cruz at least he sees the danger as well.
The same exact thing that will happen if believers DO vote.
If you believed the Bible you'd know that.
Do you have examples of Jesus telling his followers to vote because it is their "Christian" duty? Do you even have any examples of Christ injecting himself into public politics at all? didn't think so...
Who is under multiple federal investigations? Hint: there is only one... You the dishonest media, and some nefarious women continue to throw out accusations but have yet to provide the proof, when you have something besides a nonsensical internet story that no major news outlet (even the ones attempting to destroy him currently) let us know. Your accusation is just an emotional plea without merit just like theirs.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
i.e. let evil prevail (because that is what Jesus would do).
The Son of God/God in the flesh already discussed those things, like He did so many others in the Old Testament. It wasn't necessary for Him to discuss certain matters any further. Jesus' apostles however did discuss the role of civil government numerous times in the NT.
That being said: Do you have any examples of Jesus promoting anarchy and chaos (and don't use the prostitute story, because He let her go with a warning because by Roman law, two eye-witnesses were needed to prosecute).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Which criminal are you talking about, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
Accused child rapist Donald Trump and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein will be going before a federal Judge in NY State in mid December, who will decide if the evidence in the decades old child rape case against them is sufficient to go forward to civil trial.
Here, review the evidence for yourself and we can debate whether you and millions of others will be voting for a pervert who decades ago raped a 13 year old girl.
I've also documented in my WHMBR! Part 4 other evidence showing accused child molester Donald Trump having ties with the Russian mafia and the Kremlin, etc. etc. etc.
So your golden boy isn't as pure as you think he is ole wise one.
Was he also involved with the sinking of the Titanic ?
I heard Trump ate a booger. DNC went on to say it was Putin's booger.