Parscale: Trump Will 'Wipe the Floor With Whichever Democrat" Emerges

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So it's down to the 94 year old communist and the senile guy who sniffs little girls' hair

Sure looks like four more years of Trump from where I'm standing

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Parscale: Trump Will 'Wipe the Floor With Whichever Democrat" Emerges

New primary, different winner, same result—President Trump winning re-election in November, the Trump campaign said Saturday night after the South Carolina race was called for Joe Biden.

“Once again, President Trump is the clear winner because not one of these candidates has a chance at beating him in November,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement. “The President will be running on his solid record of achievement for all Americans and will wipe the floor with whichever Democrat is unlucky enough to emerge

Parscale is Trump's miracle worker. He is the guy to listen to.
[h=1]CPAC 2020 - A Conversation with Brad Parscale and Lara Trump[/h]