Outrage against breaking up families

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
The law, at this time, allows a president to order families requesting asylum to be separated and the kids put in cages pending legal outcomes.

Barbarian checks:

You were misled once again.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Where have children gone once they've been separated?

The answer varies over time. Children begin at Customs and Border Protection facilities, are transferred to longer-term shelters and are supposed to eventually be placed with families or sponsors. Here's more about each step:
Customs and Border Protection facilities. If you've seen photos of children in what look like chain-link cages — whether unaccompanied minors in 2014 or separated children in 2018 — they are probably photos from a Customs and Border Protection facility.
Children usually are held here initially, but it is illegal to keep them for more than three days — these holding cells are not meant for long-term detention.


The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
The law, at this time, allows a president to order families requesting asylum to be separated and the kids put in cages pending legal outcomes.

Originally Posted by ok doser View Post
well, no

Barbarian checks:


You were misled once again.

and how long are they being held in those areas?

Trump administration says indefinitely.

I'd love to discuss this further with you, but I've got some things that will keep me busy for a bit. I'll be back though. Hold on to your thoughts. And have a good time over the next few weeks, hear?


New member
The law, at this time, allows a president to order families requesting asylum to be separated and the kids put in cages pending legal outcomes.

Well, President Obama did separate children from their wonderful parents. Don't you remember the photos of children in cages in 2014?

The only reason mostly did not know about children being placed in cages was because the NEWS did not report on President Obama administration doing it. There was no visceral hate against President Obama as there is for President Trump.

If you were to ask what has President Obama done for them, they would be speechless.
If you were to ask what has President Trump done against them, they would be speechless.

Have you not seen when people on the street are interviewed and told XYZ and they say, 'well, it is Trump' and it was Obama. Or when they say XYZ and they say it was Trump and it was Hillary. They reaction is priceless.

It does not compel any president to do that. He wanted to do it, and he would have gotten away with it, except for the public outcry.

Well, if Congress would use Chuck Schumer's pen...

The Barbarian

Well, President Obama did separate children from their wonderful parents.

Nope. The only kids in holding away from their parents were unaccompanied kids who crossed the border.
Though the photos are nearly identical to those from 2014, there is one key difference between them: the 2014 photos showed only children who arrived at the border unaccompanied. The 2018 photos also show families that have been separated from one another.

That difference is significant — while unaccompanied children in 2014 knew what to expect when they arrived at the border and were taken to the holding facilities, the children who have been separated from their parents are often much younger, and had not expected to be taken away from their families.

On Monday, ProPublica published audio from inside a border detention facility that recorded children as young as six wailing for their parents. They could be heard screaming "Mami" and "Papá" repeatedly, and asking Border Patrol agents where their parents were.


Which is why there was an outcry from decent Americans when Trump's new policy of separating parents was begun. Trump's initial story was that the law forced him to do that. When the firestorm hit, he caved and ordered the practice to stop. He lied about being unable to do anything about it.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Anna Navarro suggests that Trump officials who want Mexican food might best have it delivered

I live in Mexico and the Mexicans who I know say that this problem at the border can only be blamed on Obama!

The Obama administration had the votes in Congress to pass any immigration law which they wanted in the early years but they did NOTHING! ZILTZ!

The same Mexicans tell me that they know that the Dems do not want to solve the problem because of their "Identity" politics and without that the Dems have nothing to offer and they know it!

The Dems are bankrupt and have nothing to offer to the people in the USA except division!


New member
I live in Mexico and the Mexicans who I know say that this problem at the border can only be blamed on Obama!

The Obama administration had the votes in Congress to pass any immigration law which they wanted in the early years but they did NOTHING! ZILTZ!

The same Mexicans tell me that they know that the Dems do not want to solve the problem because of their "Identity" politics and without that the Dems have nothing to offer and they know it!

The Dems are bankrupt and have nothing to offer to the people in the USA except division!

What do the Mexicans that you know want to see done, exactly?


New member

From your article:

Ultimately, ORR tries to find family members, foster parents or sponsors to take in children. Parents are the preferred option, but that has not a possibility for children who have been separated from parents who remain in detention.

So, the law does not require separated children to be placed in foster homes. That is one of several options and isn't even ORR's preferred option.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From your article:

Ultimately, ORR tries to find family members, foster parents or sponsors to take in children. Parents are the preferred option, but that has not a possibility for children who have been separated from parents who remain in detention.

So, the law does not require separated children to be placed in foster homes. That is one of several options and isn't even ORR's preferred option.

the law restricts holding children with their parents in detention to 20 days - after that, the best option is off the table.

family members would be nice, but many of these kids and their parents have no documentation, so that's off the table as well.

not sure what the difference is between foster parents and sponsors :idunno: