Outrage against breaking up families


New member
My mom remembers the bracero program of the 40s and 50s. We had a shortage of American farm workers because of WWII, and brought millions of migrant farm workers across the border via a program managed by the State/Labor Depts. and the INS. Imagine that.

Same reason the Puerto Ricans were eventually made supposed "American Citizens" - better their blood on North American inspired battlefields and or entanglements in other's wars, than those of the sons of their North American exploiters.

Duplicity "pass it on..."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's a riot that they call it breaking up families.
I mean, we put criminals in jail all the time.
What do you think happens to their kids?
They certainly don't go live int the jail with their criminal parents.
Breaking up families is divorce. What happens to illegal aliens is nothing at all like divorce, and it's a joke to compare it with divorce. Would that Americans could put this much energy into reducing divorce by 50 or 90%, compared to changing what's done with illegal aliens.


New member
You really got a wrong number that time.

I don't know what number I got wrong you're talking about. I was talking about 40 or more years from now, but who knows I am probably writing Chinese.

In high school and college, I worked track gangs during summer breaks. The railroads hired a lot of Mexican workers, because there weren't many people willing or able to swing a spike maul all day long.

Yeah, Americans at that time did not want to work just like they don't want to work today and only Mexicans were willing to work then and only ILLEGALS are willing to work today. Go figure.

Most of them were here illegally, but of course in that time, there was no penalty for employers who hired them.

That is one of the biggest problems, that employers who hire/hired ILLEGALS were/are never penalized; therefore, perpetuating the ILLEGALITY.

Another issue chain migration.
Another one 'anchor' babies.
Etc., etc., etc.

They were good people, unafraid of hard work, and trustworthy. If there was one who wasn't, he didn't last long; they would even tip off the roadmaster if they knew an applicant wasn't a good person.

The ISSUE is not if they were/are good people.
The ISSUE is being here ILLEGALLY.

They generally used the ID of someone who knew it. Worst thing was he'd get credit for income he didn't earn as a result of someone using his SSAN.

That and also all the ones who did not know that their IDs were/are stolen until something happen and their lives are thrown upside down (I know someone that happened to. She is still trying to get her life back).

I knew a fellow who was caught and deported. One of his guys said that he didn't listen to them about keeping low, and it cost him. He was making a bit over $600 a month as a machine operator, which in the late 60s, wasn't bad money. But then it was over for him.

Yeah, remember a whole shift in a bakery taken by INS (ICE) then because another ILLEGAL called them. Don't remember what caused him to call INS (ICE) on his 'friends'. Funny thing, he was not at the bakery when INS (ICE) came.


New member
Why not use it in the way you were using it to begin with, and then apply it to the 70% of self-identified Christians who've obtained abortions?

ANY woman who murders her own child is going against God's commandment of 'though shalt not murder'. I can care less if she says she is a Christian or if she says she is not.

It saddens me to no end that women have been duped that abortion is not murdering our own child.

I have always questioned why if a woman murders her own child allowing her child to be pulled out of her body piece by piece from inside her body she is not condemned, however, if she murders her child out of her body she is condemned and tried before a jury of her own peers and condemned.

You made the allegation, it's on you to show where no outrage was shown.

You mean the same way outrage is being shown with what is going on at the border now?
I have not seen that kind of OUTRAGE respecting children being trafficked. Have you?

Kit the Coyote

New member
So I wonder what you folks think of the story not seeming to get much coverage that the Administration is telling parents separated from their children that they have to give up their legal right to apply for asylum and accept immediate deportation to get them back? Made even worse by some reports that some of them when doing that are deported without their children.

Either a parent can keep fighting for asylum and accept that he may not be able to see his children for the months or years his case might take — or he can give up, waive both his own rights and the rights of his child, and agree to be reunified with his child en route to the country both of them fled to begin with.
Trump will reunite separated families — but only if they agree to deportation


like marbles on glass
So I wonder what you folks think of the story not seeming to get much coverage that the Administration is telling parents separated from their children that they have to give up their legal right to apply for asylum and accept immediate deportation to get them back? Made even worse by some reports that some of them when doing that are deported without their children.

Trump will reunite separated families — but only if they agree to deportation

It's inhuman. These kids are all over the country now, far from their parents. Little children. America should be ashamed.

The Barbarian

I don't know what number I got wrong you're talking about. I was talking about 40 or more years from now, but who knows I am probably writing Chinese.

Maybe you were writing English the way I write Chinese:
I can imagine you knew nothing about ILLEGAL immigration about 40+ years ago.

I do that, occasionally, if I'm not careful.

Yeah, Americans at that time did not want to work just like they don't want to work today and only Mexicans were willing to work then and only ILLEGALS are willing to work today.

I don't know if that's entirely true. For example, I saw it as a way to make really good money as a 16 YO kid. But even if it is, wouldn't it be good to have people who liked to work, come in?

Go figure.

That is one of the biggest problems, that employers who hire/hired ILLEGALS were/are never penalized; therefore, perpetuating the ILLEGALITY.

Speakeasy owners were rarely prosecuted. That doesn't mean prohibition was a good idea.


New member
Maybe you were writing English the way I write Chinese:

I do that, occasionally, if I'm not careful.

I don't know if that's entirely true. For example, I saw it as a way to make really good money as a 16 YO kid. But even if it is, wouldn't it be good to have people who liked to work, come in?

Go figure.

Speakeasy owners were rarely prosecuted. That doesn't mean prohibition was a good idea.

Mostly, I was being sarcastic The Barbarian.


New member
It's inhuman. These kids are all over the country now, far from their parents. Little children. America should be ashamed.

My question is why do Democrats and Republicans and RINos and Independents and Socialists, etc. do not have the Chutzpah to do something about it?

I am NOT ashamed. NEITHER should America be ashamed. If anything we should be PROUD that OUR RESOURCES are helping, feeding, educating, vaccinating, etc. ILLEGALS

Thank God we are NOT like MEXICO permitting these people to go through their territory losing limbs, dying, being stranded at the hands of people (not the government), and doing nothing about it.

And let's not forget their country of origin.

I guess we have forgotten the MANUAL MEXICO created showing how to send poor Mexican people ILLEGALLY to us so the USA take care of them because it is cheaper to Mexico, however, quite expensive to us:

And then on top of it I AM TOLD that I should be ashamed. Over my dead body am I going to be ashamed that my resources are being used to help ILLEGALS.

Stop coming ILLEGALLY and I will not treat you so HORRIBLY by feeding you, clothing you, putting a roof over your head, etc. OVER MY OWN PEOPLE.


like marbles on glass
My question is why do Democrats and Republicans and RINos and Independents and Socialists, etc. do not have the Chutzpah to do something about it?

You should go look for an answer from them.

I am NOT ashamed. NEITHER should America be ashamed. If anything we should be PROUD that OUR RESOURCES are helping, feeding, educating, vaccinating, etc. ILLEGALS

I'm not proud that we separated thousands of children from their parents. However, there are plenty in the Trump administration and the Trump base who are PROUD they stuck it to the "infesting" children.

Thank God we are NOT like MEXICO

"God, I thank you that I am not like other men...."

And let's not forget their country of origin.

What do you mean?


New member
You should go look for an answer from them.

Instead of fixing the problem they are sitting on their hands and doing NOTHING. Schumer, Pelosi, etc. good example of that.

WHY! THEY KNOW EXACTLY what they are doing. The only ones who are being FOOLED are the ones who NEED to feel ASHAMED of their own country helping others.

I'm not proud that we separated thousands of children from their parents. However, there are plenty in the Trump administration and the Trump base who are PROUD they stuck it to the "infesting" children.

The PARENTS KNEW that that was going to happen. The ONUS is on their PARENTS.

"God, I thank you that I am not like other men...."

You want to feel SHAME that your country feeds, clothes, entertains, educates, etc. OTHER PEOPLE's children BEFORE YOUR own, hey, have at it.

Their PARENTS knew EXACTLY that that was going to HAPPEN and they took the risk to come to this HORRIBLE country anyway. Go figure.

What do you mean?

Being that THEIR countries are so WONDERFUL and the USA is such a HORRIBLE place....