ECT Our triune God

God's Truth

New member
You mean a human body was prepared for Him in which He would reside? That's true. However, that body was not from above but from below __ from the earth.

The body was not made from a human man. NEVERTHELESS, how is there a distinction/difference from God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son...besides being made human?


New member
The body was not made from a human man. NEVERTHELESS, how is there a distinction/difference from God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son...besides being made human?
Do you see distinction between Father and Son, in Our Lord's prayer here ?

"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." Luke 22:42 (KJV)

God's Truth

New member
Do you see distinction between Father and Son, in Our Lord's prayer here ?

"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." Luke 22:42 (KJV)

No, I see no difference. I see God the Father speaking as a Son of Man.


Well-known member
I am shooting from the hip here, so I may be way off, but...

I live in that same holster

I can think of only one time when it is definite that the Father spoke where it was not through the Son: "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased"; hence complete economic accord.

And personal distinction...

And essential unity...


God's Truth

New member
I am shooting from the hip here, so I may be way off, but I can think of only one time when it is definite that the Father spoke where it was not through the Son: "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased"; hence complete economic accord.

There are three.


Literal lunatic
I am shooting from the hip here, so I may be way off, but I can think of only one time when it is definite that the Father spoke where it was not through the Son: "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased"; hence complete economic accord.

There was also the tranfiguration on the mount.

To Peter and the sons of thunder.

5 While he yet spake , behold , a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said , This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ; hear ye him.

Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.


New member
There was also the tranfiguration on the mount.

To Peter and the sons of thunder.

5 While he yet spake , behold , a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said , This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ; hear ye him.

Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.

Thanks. Okay, twice :)


Well-known member
Your suggestion of a phone conversation (or Skype would be even better) would probably be more efficient and effective, but wouldn't clarify for the other readership.
Understood, but, again, I'm trying to get this thread back on the right track for you with the correct impression because you said it was more important than apology. It 'seems' to be at least headed in the right direction, but I do think it would be wise for you to address the specific anti-Trinitarian accusations (which is what caused the problem in the first place). Other than that, I'd refrain from saying "not Orthodox" but rather and more accurately: Patristic Orthodox, Patristic Trinitarian (or your better/preferred self-descriptor).

My self-descriptor is "Triune" because I believe it conveys more accurately what I believe. The problem with modern Trinitarian divergence leans either toward tri-theism or modalism. I think we agree that there is a tightrope walk between heresies and also that precision is paramount, to the best of our ability.


Well-known member
I am still waiting for someone to show me how God the Father and Jesus Christ are different and separate.

Are you the same and in unity with YOUR father?


Are you different and separate from him?

Are you not two distinct persons having one human essence...

Maybe it's a father-son thing... :)

Back whar I grow'd up, yer wasn't a reel man till'n yer could whup y'er ol' man 'stead o' vise-verser ...

With God it is different...

For we are fallen, you see...

And God is guiding us back to Him...

And the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three Person's without boundaries of Essence... The inter-penetration of Persons is the mark of God's Love... Without it, we are isolated from one another... Floating monads of separation... Conjugal union is but a Typos of the REAL union of Person we find with Christ, which itself is a Typos of the Union of Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit... All in differentiation of Person without essential separation...

But wounded and fallen as we are, we start out with baby steps...

ME a baby!


God's Truth

New member
One is the Father, the other is the son.
There are three, and the three are One. One means the same.

Are you someone's child?

I am someone's child. All those living are someone's child, and not one can say when we see them, we see their father; not one can say they ONLY say what their father says, and they ONLY do what their father does.

Are you different and separate from your parents?

I am different and separate.

Now tell me how Jesus is different from the Father.

God's Truth

New member
Are you the same and in unity with YOUR father?


Are you different and separate from him?

I am separate and different from him.

Are you not two distinct persons having one human essence...

Maybe it's a father-son thing... :)
We are two distinct persons.
When I speak, I do not only say what he says; I do not do only what he does, and when you see me, you see me and not him.

Back whar I grow'd up, yer wasn't a reel man till'n yer could whup y'er ol' man 'stead o' vise-verser ...

With God it is different...

For we are fallen, you see...

And God is guiding us back to Him...

And the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three Person's without boundaries of Essence... The inter-penetration of Persons is the mark of God's Love... Without it, we are isolated from one another... Floating monads of separation... Conjugal union is but a Typos of the REAL union of Person we find with Christ, which itself is a Typos of the Union of Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit... All in differentiation of Person without essential separation...

But wounded and fallen as we are, we start out with baby steps...

ME a baby!


Could you tell me how the Father and Son are different?