
Eclectic Theosophist
The term 'saved' may be misleading.......

The term 'saved' may be misleading.......

Salvation is simple concept, yet so many Christians make it complicated, pretending to know they are the true ones.

Jesus' teachings are simple and clear, in overall.

Depends on how one interprets them ;)

Jesus says "if you love Me, keep My commands". This is work salvation.

Naturally those loving and honoring Jesus will keep his sayings and practice them, of course :thumb:

Jesus also says we know them by their fruit. Jesus does not endorse lip service faith.

Indeed, we know a tree by its fruit.

Jesus also says if we don't produce fruit, we will be cut down and burned.

In principle, a gardner does go thru his his garden or orchard, and prunes those branches that are not bearing fruit, and those dead, lifeless branches are tossed into the fire, they are 'cut off'. This 'cutting off' and 'pruning' of unproductive branches is actually a restoring action to help a tree produce good fruit. In this sense the greek word 'kolasin' in Matt. 25:46 translated as 'punishment' refers to a kind of 'pruning' or 'lopping off' of dead branches, and does not necessarily mean an 'eternal punishment' in hell, as in 'eternal conscious torment'. We've challenged this 'translation' here :)

So OSAS doctrine is clearly wicked doctrine.

That depends on how far it is taken, if it qualifies as being 'wicked'. Now if one uses OSAS as some kind of false security-net so that they can SIN all they want and still believe they are saved, that's obviously twisted, and that person will still reap what they sow, by the law of karma ( all actions have consequences, cause/effect, sowing/reaping). Any claim of 'salvation' is frivolous, since you still REAP what you SOW. There is no escaping the law of recompense (this is also called the 'law of compensation'). They can claim they are "saved" til the cows come home, but if they are rotten trees, you still have rotten fruits.

It is lip service based salvation which is not of Jesus.

Even with supporters of OSAS (to whatever degree), I don't see a true disciple of Jesus BOASTING about being 'saved', as on one level, its just a 'concept' anyways, just a 'belief'. Even to hold to Paul's concept of being "saved" is based on a declaration of 'faith', but even Paul in many places STILL instructs and encourages believers to DO GOOD, walk in the Spirit, do righteousness, walk in love. We are still called to conquer evil with good. We are still to follow the divine laws and principles of 'God' that are eternal, LIVING those principles, because they abide in our hearts and souls, written within. (such is the 'new covenant' of the Spirit, the laws of God being put within, inspiring us to do his will). In this sense a 'rebirth' of the spirit is essential to see, know and partake of the kingdom.

Just lip-service is obviously insufficient. One who loves and serves 'God' isn't boasting about it,....or making any claims of salvation. They teach truth as they know it and are led. They are fulfilled and content to serve the Lord and their fellow-man, that is their reward, their joy. In this sense, of course....we are 'judged' by our works,....what we DO (this however includes our thoughts, words, actions, everything)...since everything is recorded in the Akashic records (Book of Remembrance) anyways, everything is impressed into the etheric energy-field of consciousness and is known by 'God', - "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed", etc.


Eclectic Theosophist
Our treatment of others COUNTS......

Our treatment of others COUNTS......

Well that was easy. Second post meshak. It took a great deal of restraint to not tell her "go to hell" in my neg rep. I instead went with the more PC "repent".

Hi Nick,

I commend you for at least maybe looking into your heart for Christ's heart of mercy and compassion,...is it in there? Isn't God's eternal love all-sufficient and desiring to do all for meshaks well being? No one deserves to 'go to hell' and suffer forever (a 'concept' I contest and challenge here and elsewhere), AND we all need to REPENT (change/renew our minds) on a daily, even momentary basis, so we can follow the divine will and know God's heart, LOVING & SERVING OTHERS, as Jesus does us.....for did He not instruct us to "love and serve one another"?

Not getting sappy here,...just dealing with the truth of the matter, since if we claim to re-present 'God' (Love), and are unloving, that's a contradiction. Its a 'misrepresentation'. Do you have love in your heart? Do you love meshak? (her inherent value and potential is ever before God). Is God love ? Is love one of the main fruits if not the most prominent fruit of the Holy Spirit? Is there a record of our thoughts, intentions, words and actions that we direct towards others being recorded? Are we held accountable for such? Lets get real here,......God knows all hearts and souls, he sees thru every façade. The harm or ill-will we project towards others, will come back and harm us, since it is the divine image and likeness of God in that soul, that we attack and malign. Its like daggers thrown into Jesus own heart, since he said " Truly I say to you (note the importance here)...If you've done it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me".

Could we show a little more kindness?
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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Am I being unfair to ask for a simple response to my simple question?

So, for you, "saved" means being in heaven. Is this a correct statement of your understanding of what "saved" means?

After all, you started the thread, OSAS, and it should be required that we all understand what you mean by what "saved" means since the word appears twice in "OSAS".


AMR, I don't take trick or dishonest questions. It is so manipulative, derail and focusing away from my point.

I know you are super good at that. That's what "learned" people do. The Bible says knowledge puffs up, sir.
You are being unfair to me here. I am simply trying to understand your position by asking you plainly what that position is. You opened this thread denouncing "OSAS", so how am I "tricking you" by asking you what "saved" means to you? How can I determine why you see "OSAS" as a wrong view when you refuse to plainly state what "saved" actually means.

It seems to me that you mean "saved" means those in heaven. I do not dispute that the saved are in heaven or that the saved are on their way to heaven.

On that assumption, it seems to me that only the saved are going to heaven or are now in heaven. That being the case, then what is your issue with OSAS? I cannot determine your issue until you be more clear.

From what you have stated in the OP your position is that "saved" must mean something unique to you since, after all, someone "once saved" is not going to heaven, because you feel "once saved" does not mean "always saved". Hence, I am asking you what you think the word "saved" means.

Do you see my dilemma in your responses to date? Help me understand what you mean.



You are being unfair to me here. I am simply trying to understand your position by asking you plainly what that position is.

My position is clear on the OP, sir.

I just don't engage in scriptural quoting war game.

You can make up any kind of doctrine, by misusing it. It is abuse of Scripture.

That's what it is about all man-made doctrines, misusing the Scripture.

Even satan quote the scripture.



From what you have stated in the OP your position is that "saved" must mean something unique to you since, after all, someone "once saved" is not going to heaven, because you feel "once saved" does not mean "always saved". Hence, I am asking you what you think the word "saved" means.

There is no such thing as OSAS, that's my position. So your question is irrelevant.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
As always, the OSAS debate boils down to the error of thinking that everyone in the Bible who was of faith was already "saved". There are many many warnings about falling away, but these warnings are to those faithful who were not yet "saved".

The Body of Christ looks back to having already been saved, being raised with Christ.

Everyone else in the Bible looks ahead to being saved, being raised at the last day.

If this was understood and accepted by everyone, the endless debate would die a quick death.


As always, the OSAS debate boils down to the error of thinking that everyone in the Bible who was of faith was already "saved". There are many many warnings about falling away, but these warnings are to those faithful who were not yet "saved".

The Body of Christ looks back to having already been saved, being raised with Christ.

Everyone else in the Bible looks ahead to being saved, being raised at the last day.

If this was understood and accepted by everyone, the endless debate would die a quick death.

Most Christians seem to believe they are already saved.
And attack or slander everyone who don't agree with their doctrines by saying they are cult or non-believers.

Jesus' followers have hope of salvation; Jesus makes it clear. He says to be faithful until the end. He also says we will be judged according to what we have done.

If self claimed followers are already saved, why so many admonishment and warnings from our Lord and His faithful disciples?


Well-known member
Jesus judges who are sheep or goat.

Jesus is the Lord.

His sheep know too :

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:27-28

Can these sheep ever become goats? Or can the goats ever work themselves into being sheep?


His sheep know too :

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:27-28

Can these sheep ever become goats? Or can the goats ever work themselves into being sheep?

There are goats wearing sheep's clothing.