
BTW, drb,

This thread is not about me, it is about doctrine of OSAS how it is not of Jesus.

So please stay on the topic.



Did you or did you not say your not sure your saved?

And I stated that Jesus is the Lord of who will be saved or not, not you not anyone else.

We are all trying be in God's kingdom.

Jesus is the Lord, remember?

But I understand you want to claim you are saved already. It is not biblical because Jesus is the Judge.

I also understand that you don't want to Jesus' judgments so you go ahead and claiming to be saved.

You need to know that we have no saying about our own salvation.

I also understand you have been told that you are saved by your church. Even if you don't attend the church, you still follow this corrupt tradition.


Well-known member
And I stated that Jesus is the Lord of who will be saved or not, not you not anyone else.

We are all trying be in God's kingdom.

Jesus is the Lord, remember?

But I understand you want to claim you are saved already. It is not biblical because Jesus is the Judge.

I also understand that you don't want to Jesus' judgments so you go ahead and claiming to be saved.

You need to know that we have no saying about our own salvation.

I also understand you have been told that you are saved by your church. Even if you don't attend the church, you still follow this corrupt tradition.

No, it is pretty obvious you don't understand all that much about me.


No, it is pretty obvious you don't understand all that much about me.

I am only assessing from your comments.

You are believer of OSAS. That shows a lot about your faith.

Narrow is the gate that leads to life and only a few inter into it.

You seem to be one of the majority obviously. so watch out, brother.


Well-known member
Can I lose my salvation?

Imagine a child whose family standing depends on his behavior. If he is good today, he stays; but if he misbehaves tomorrow, he has to leave. The love of his father is conditional. This child would be a neurotic mess.

Unfortunately, there are some Christians walking around in near despair because they fear losing their salvation, being kicked out of the family.

If you have been born again, you are part of God's family regardless of your behavior. But if you are born again, it will show in your behavior. If you belong to Christ, you are part of the family and can enjoy the emotional security our Heavenly Father wants us to experience.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand" (John 10:27-29).

Believing that one can lose one's salvation is saying that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was inadequate. On the cross, Christ said, "It is finished" (John 19:30). These words also mean "paid in full." He paid the full price. If you truly have accepted the gift of salvation, you are fully forgiven - for sins past, present and future. There is a difference in relationship and fellowship. Relationship is established by birth, and fellowship is established by life. A Christian out of fellowship may be chastened, but he cannot lose his relationship established by the new birth.

The Apostle John wrote, "These things I have written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God; that you may know that eternal life" (1 John 5:13).

If you have salvation, you know it. And if you have it and know it, you can never lose it.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
John 10:27-29 New King James Version (NKJV)

27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.

Well that was easy. Second post meshak. It took a great deal of restraint to not tell her "go to hell" in my neg rep. I instead went with the more PC "repent".


If you have salvation, you know it. And if you have it and know it, you can never lose it.

Jesus says not everyone who says "Lord, Lord... will not inter into His kingdom".

Self claimed salvation is not of Jesus, brother.

You ought to take heed of His word.

It is always safe to be humble.

Humility is must in Christianity.


Well-known member
Jesus says not everyone who says "Lord, Lord... will not inter into His kingdom".

Self claimed salvation is not of Jesus, brother.

You ought to take heed of His word.

It is always safe to be humble.

Humility is must in Christianity.

I'm wondering if you even know what that means.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Get thee a bible and read it. The man made doctrine that He didnt grant life eternal to those who believe, is your man made doctrine. Jesus has refuted you.

This is why she rejects the Good News According to John.


Obviously it isnt self claimed when scripture plainly says it. But it seems you reject it since you lean on your own understanding

You continually dismiss and disregard Jesus' authority to judge who will be saved or not.

Jesus is the Lord, brother.

He will judge all of us according to what we have done.

Have you read the book of revelation?



It is obvious to me you are taking all popular traditional corrupt teachings.

You ought to read Jesus' word without preconceived notion of your church.

Your church doctrines cannot save you, brother.


Well-known member
You continually dismiss and disregard Jesus' authority to judge who will be saved or not.

No. I actually RECOGNIZE Jesus' authority to judge me and He has. That's the difference. jesus has judged already. We were found DEAD. Do you even comprehend what I'm saying to you?

Jesus is the Lord, brother.

No kidding Sherlock!

He will judge all of us according to what we have done.

There are two judgements after we die, you realize this no?

Have you read the book of revelation?

Yep, maybe you should too at some point.


No. I actually RECOGNIZE Jesus' authority to judge me and He has. That's the difference. jesus has judged already. We were found DEAD. Do you even comprehend what I'm saying to you?

No kidding Sherlock!

There are two judgements after we die, you realize this no?

Yep, maybe you should too at some point.

what is your point?

get to the point.