O'Reilly v Megyn Kelly on "offensive cartoon"


New member
I like what Megyn said about the situation in TX where they had the cartoon contest: people drew "the prophet" Mohammad which is a big deal in the Muslim world (a "sin"), and so the jihadists attacked the place but were killed.

(see Fox News Channel)

But I agree with O'Reilly to some extent as well. I don't see the point of insulting people about their religion, regardless of whether or not the offended ones are going to get violent or not.

I don't agree w/ him saying It accomplishes nothing

This whole thing did accomplish something.

we have 2 jihadists out of the fight..

(and a few other accomplishments, but that is the one that stands out for me)

Gellar is a brave and inspiring person .



New member
Megan Kelly is one more of the few fox people I like. Her and Greg Gutfeld and Kennedy. And that's it.

I like O'Reilly (though I don't agree with him on everything, but then I don't agree with anyone on everything.. I don't think.. )





I like everyone on Fox but these are the ones who stand out

I like Krauthammer b/c he speaks his mind and doesn't seem to care if some may be ..."offended"

yes, that could be said about many on Fox but... well, K makes me laugh with his candor sometimes..



Well-known member
Megan has come a long way since she had some kids.

I use to couldn't stand her but now she's one of my favorites.


New member
I don't consider myself conservative or liberal. He's just not as obnoxious as he was before.

people mellow w/ age.

but there was never a time when I found him obnoxious

he reports on obnoxious stuff..

he is rarely obnoxious.. except one time when he spoutated some view RE abortion that was not in keeping with his Cahtolic faith

He is against most abortion... which is about as good as most Americans.. but that is not the Catholic position

The Church says you NEVER murder an unborn child


New member
I like what Megyn said about the situation in TX where they had the cartoon contest: people drew "the prophet" Mohammad which is a big deal in the Muslim world (a "sin"), and so the jihadists attacked the place but were killed.

(see Fox News Channel)

But I agree with O'Reilly to some extent as well. I don't see the point of insulting people about their religion, regardless of whether or not the offended ones are going to get violent or not.

I don't agree w/ him saying It accomplishes nothing

This whole thing did accomplish something.

we have 2 jihadists out of the fight..

(and a few other accomplishments, but that is the one that stands out for me)

Gellar is a brave and inspiring person .

Once a religion or any idea is exempt from mockery or being questioned just the same as any other idea, you're well on your way to a theocracy. Once people are not allowed to offend you, just say you're offended every time someone says something you don't like. I'm 100% for the cartoon contests and draw mohammed day. I say, make it even more offensive. Call it the draw the psychopath pedophile mohammed event. Don't like it? Don't go. I can say whatever I want about your political party and you can do the same to mine. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's good to show people religion has no special place in the market place of ideas.


Well-known member
I didn't like her years ago either. She's okay now. Hannitys not as annoying as he used to be.

For sure, he's not.
But, one of the things that I really like about Megan is that she lets her guest talk and say what they have to say while she listens intently.

What aggravates me about Shaun is his constant interruptions. I'm trying to hear what his guest has to say, whether good or bad, and he's constantly running over them. It appears to come from an ego that just wants to show how much he knows.
He does a great job with the full room meetings. I couldn't do it. He does it really well.


I like what Megyn said about the situation in TX where they had the cartoon contest: people drew "the prophet" Mohammad which is a big deal in the Muslim world (a "sin"), and so the jihadists attacked the place but were killed.

(see Fox News Channel)

But I agree with O'Reilly to some extent as well. I don't see the point of insulting people about their religion, regardless of whether or not the offended ones are going to get violent or not.

I don't agree w/ him saying It accomplishes nothing

This whole thing did accomplish something.

we have 2 jihadists out of the fight..

(and a few other accomplishments, but that is the one that stands out for me)

Gellar is a brave and inspiring person .


I can't believe that I'm agreeing with O'Reilly yet...poking sticks at a hornets nest accomplishes nothing and is senseless.

"we have 2 jihadists out of the fight." is not worth the potential suffering these two could have caused before being stopped.


New member
The real problem isn't that the fact majority of Muslims would kill anybody. The problem is that the vast .majority think its OK if someone else kills an infidel.


I don't see the point of insulting people about their religion, regardless of whether or not the offended ones are going to get violent or not.

You do realize that these filthy barbarians want to murder you whether you insult their pedophile false prophet or not don't you?

"The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter."


New member
Once a religion or any idea is exempt from mockery or being questioned just the same as any other idea, you're well on your way to a theocracy. Once people are not allowed to offend you, just say you're offended every time someone says something you don't like. I'm 100% for the cartoon contests and draw mohammed day. I say, make it even more offensive. Call it the draw the psychopath pedophile mohammed event. Don't like it? Don't go. I can say whatever I want about your political party and you can do the same to mine. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's good to show people religion has no special place in the market place of ideas.

well said and I had the same thoughts.

I tend to thin k more good was accomplished than bad w/ tht cartoon thing



New member
Hall of Fame
R u saying the woman who hadthat contest is to BLAME for what happened?

(for that matter, is O'R saying that?)


I don't know exactly what O'Reilly said. I wouldn't blame her for what happened. Drawing a picture, no matter how offensive, never deserves violence retaliation. But I don't see the value in doing what they did.


New member
I don't know exactly what O'Reilly said. I wouldn't blame her for what happened. Drawing a picture, no matter how offensive, never deserves violence retaliation. But I don't see the value in doing what they did.

u dont see the value of smoking out murderers and getting rid of them




"Those who do not fight evil hate those who do." ~ Dennis Prager Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, 8:36, Ga 5:1
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