Originally posted by lighthouse
Prove that it exists to God.
Lighthouse, I asked you a question, and you did not answer it. Does it say anywhere in scripture that God does not know the future?
How was that not a prophecy? Jonah gave a specific time. And He also saod, "...will be..." That indicates that it was a prophesy that it would come to pass. And there weren't any unlesses, either.
Lighthouse, I thought I explained why it was not a prophecy. Numbers have meaning. God didn't just blindly pick the number 40, he picked it for a purpose. The purpose? The number 40 stand for probation. God was giving the Ninevites 40 days to repent.
Yes. But God would have had to send Nathan back to let David know that his son would not die.
Right. David knew God had the power to save David's son if God saw fit. However, David also knew that whether God spared his son or let him die, God already had His mind made up.
Just pointing out that David repented as soon as Nathan came to him.
All this says is that God had a design for David, and knew how He wanted to make him, in the womb. It's the same as Jeremiah's "You formed me together, in my mother's womb."
How did God know that David's (or Jeremiah's) mother wouldn't have a miscarrige, or that David wouldn't die as a youth? Or was God just hoping they wouldn't die and that they would "accept him?"
So what if His understanding is infinite? None of this means that He knows the future. It only means that He completely understands that which exists, exhaustively.
Do you know the definition of
infinite? From
Dictionary.com it says that infinite means,
"Having no boundaries or limits." You're limiting God to the present, making him finite instead of infinite.
No. He can believe that action A might happen, and then it doesn't. But He will also know that action B is a possiility. As well as action C and D and E and so on and so forth.
Where in the Bible does it say God has Plan B's, C's, and so forth? Why does God, who knows man's heart and sinful desires, ever need a back up plan?
That's a lot to know, isn't it?
Because Jonah told Nineveh that God had changed His mind, before the 4o days were up. Not after the fact.
See what I wrote above on Nineveh. It was
not a prophecy.
Because those are things He has decided to make happen, and bring about. He will do what he has to do to bring them about.
How do you know that? What assurance do you have? How do you have that God will prevent the Great Tribulation from occuring, just like he prevented Nineveh from being destroyed?