Online Prayer Requests


New member
You bet. :thumb: Let us know how he does.

Well folks, he failed the oral exam. He asked me to convey his thanks to everyone but he said Sky was/is right. He figures God knew he wasn't ready yet and needed a little more time. He says he's okay with it since God knows best. He's supposed to take it again in a week or two and then a practical exam follows that.
Your prayers in this regard meant a lot to me as well. Thank you and God bless you all!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Thanks Angel!
Also keeping Mr. & Mrs. Psalmist in prayer.
This recovery, treatment and diagnostics from the lung issue is a challenging to say the least.

I'm on a heavy Prednisone tapper, and a sulfur drug for seven days; the C-T Scan was yesterday, what a thrill that was, this may eem a bit longer but it keeps me out of the hospital, for which I'm thankful. I have one goal for now, I know get better, but to make the Sunday services at the retirement/healthcare center/nursing home. I missed all of our activity except one Sunday, and that was a bummer.

I/we do pray for others needs here on TOL as we read them, if I do not post about it please remember you all are prayed for.




New member
In all things! Sometimes when we love someone, we just want the best for them and forget about that. Thank you for the reminder.

Some experiences teach us that "back to the drawing board" gives us the opportunity to grow and enhance our knowledge base.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
This recovery, treatment and diagnostics from the lung issue is a challenging to say the least.
Well we are both back daytime room air, with O2 pulse-ox of 93-94%, still on nighttime O2. So we are back to 50/50 health wise, better than we were but not as good as we could be.

I'll know my C-T Scan results tomorrow.

Thanks for praying with us, you all count and your prayers matter, amen!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Well we are both back daytime room air, with O2 pulse-ox of 93-94%, still on nighttime O2. So we are back to 50/50 health wise, better than we were but not as good as we could be.

I'll know my C-T Scan results tomorrow.

Thanks for praying with us, you all count and your prayers matter, amen!

My C-T Scan results...

Bronchiectasis is an uncommon disease, most often secondary to an infectious process, that results in the abnormal and permanent distortion of the conducting bronchi or airways. There is also much scarring in the lungs and airways. Total lung capacity is between 20-25%.

This also compounds the primary underlying cause of COPD (Emphysema).

Just need to use a bit more caution so as to set off another episode, the types of exacerbation take longer to get over with each episode (exacerbation).


New member
Pray for my Father

Pray for my Father

If you all could say a prayer for my Dad. He had a stroke last Thursday night, he will have surgery tomorrow on his neck due to blockage.

Please pray for Him and his recovery.



New member
Prayers for all requests going "up"! :)

Requesting prayer for my rotator cuff surgery Wednesday. It's not supposed to be a big deal, but a word to the Man upstairs would be appreciated. :)


New member
Prayers for all requests going "up"! :)

Requesting prayer for my rotator cuff surgery Wednesday. It's not supposed to be a big deal, but a word to the Man upstairs would be appreciated. :)

Prayers for a speedy uncomplicated recovery!


New member
Sharri and Breathe.
I am in prayer and agreement with all the Brothers and Sisters praying on your behalf.
Also, Psalmist and Mrs. Psalmist are still in prayer.
As our Sister Sky has said, may God's Will be done in all these things.