Online Prayer Requests


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
This we know as of this evening.

I talked with Tom for few minutes, the Dr's were draining excess fluid from his stomach and bowel tract area, it's a cancer causing situation. Then I talked with Kimberly K (daughter-in-law) she said that the Dr said that Tom's liver is now 40% cancerous, he can if he wants do the second trial drug chemo treatment, but chances are that treatment will be to no avail, he'll have maybe until December.

Kimberly K thinks that Tom will stop the treatments since he is suffering numerous blood clots and he has spots on his lungs. He is no mood to go through anymore medical stuff, we'll know more about that Monday-Wednesday.

We, Mrs Psalmist and me, are thankful for your prayers with ours for Tom, for your kind and gracious words for Tom and us.

Now we need make plans for our trip to see Tom in Denver.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
This we know as of this evening.

Tom is still is the hospital dealing with a lot of swelling due to a fluid build up, they may put in a port to keep the fluid drained off. He should be going home from the hospital in the next day or so. From what we understand he'll be put on home hospice care when he gets home. That's as much as we know for now, about his hospital stay and condition. He tells us he'll make it to next year. Our daughter Patricia is going out next week to see Tom, we're not sure yet when we'll go, but we are getting our ducks lined up for out trip.

Thank you for a listening ear and all of your prayers, it means a lot to us and it greatly appreciated.

Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist aka Tom and Violet
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New member
Can I ask for prayers please?

I feel like I'm stuck in Groundhog Day. There seems to be no end to the stress I face day to day as a stay-at-home-mum. The same arguments, fights and hassles, no matter how much I ask them to stop, it never does.

I feel like I'm gonna go insane...I'm so tired and it's just the same...everyday...

Please pray that I can deal with the stress better.....

Mommy needs to stop feeling guilty.

Mommy asks but mommy does not go through to the end with what mommy has said mommy is going to do and be consistent in the discipline of the time outs.

I wish someone would have taught me this when my kids were small:

-- Make sure mommy understands mommy is the boss, not the child!
-- Explain why the time out.
-- Make the child repeat back to mommy why child is in time out.
-- Depending on age do not make time outs too long (the important thing is that the child understand why).
-- Make sure the child stay in the time out as established by mommy.
-- If child comes out of time out without permission -- do not talk, put child back in time out (repeat until child stay in the time out you established -- do not feel guilty about the crying, thumping, etc.).
-- Make child apologize for what child did.
-- Hugs and kisses because time out is over.

-- Be consistent.
-- Same consequences for the same arguments, fights and hassles.
-- Write on a chalkboard of some kind what the rules are going to be for arguments, fights and hassles.

Ah, I forgot, be consistent!


New member

Tom is still is the hospital dealing with a lot of swelling due to a fluid build up, they may put in a port to keep the fluid drained off. He should be going home from the hospital in the next day or so. From what we understand he'll be put on home hospice care when he gets home. That's as much as we know for now, about his hospital stay and condition. He tells us he'll make it to next year. Our daughter Patricia is going out next week to see Tom, we're not sure yet when we'll go, but we are getting our ducks lined up for out trip.

Thank you for a listening ear and all of your prayers, it means a lot to us and it greatly appreciated.*

Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist aka Tom and Violet



Well-known member

Tom is still is the hospital dealing with a lot of swelling due to a fluid build up, they may put in a port to keep the fluid drained off. He should be going home from the hospital in the next day or so. From what we understand he'll be put on home hospice care when he gets home. That's as much as we know for now, about his hospital stay and condition. He tells us he'll make it to next year. Our daughter Patricia is going out next week to see Tom, we're not sure yet when we'll go, but we are getting our ducks lined up for out trip.

Thank you for a listening ear and all of your prayers, it means a lot to us and it greatly appreciated.*

Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist aka Tom and Violet

Praying for you and your family. I can imagine what pain your experiencing at this time. My heart goes out you friend. I pray that God will help and comfort your family.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Please pray for my nephew, Chris. He has idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and has been in remission since he left the army. He just moved out here, this week, and has been telling me that he thinks he's coming out of remission. I suggested that I take him to the emergency room and he refused because he doesn't "want to take a hand out" by applying for medicaid. ITP mimics leukemia and the only cure is a splenectomy. So far, none of his doctors have suggested that yet, but have given him steroid treatments and platelet transfusions. This is his third attack of ITP. He was diagnosed at 13 and then went into remission until last year while at basic training. He got treated and received a medical release from the army. He went into remission again. But, he's saying that he's showing the symptoms again.


New member
Please pray for my nephew, Chris. He has idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and has been in remission since he left the army. He just moved out here, this week, and has been telling me that he thinks he's coming out of remission. I suggested that I take him to the emergency room and he refused because he doesn't "want to take a hand out" by applying for medicaid. ITP mimics leukemia and the only cure is a splenectomy. So far, none of his doctors have suggested that yet, but have given him steroid treatments and platelet transfusions. This is his third attack of ITP. He was diagnosed at 13 and then went into remission until last year while at basic training. He got treated and received a medical release from the army. He went into remission again. But, he's saying that he's showing the symptoms again.

I hope he will see a Doctor. Waiting is not the answer with this condition. I will include him in my prayers.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Raul, age 21, laceration to foot.


Please pray for my nephew, Chris. He has idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and has been in remission since he left the army. He just moved out here, this week, and has been telling me that he thinks he's coming out of remission. I suggested that I take him to the emergency room and he refused because he doesn't "want to take a hand out" by applying for medicaid. ITP mimics leukemia and the only cure is a splenectomy. So far, none of his doctors have suggested that yet, but have given him steroid treatments and platelet transfusions. This is his third attack of ITP. He was diagnosed at 13 and then went into remission until last year while at basic training. He got treated and received a medical release from the army. He went into remission again. But, he's saying that he's showing the symptoms again.


Pray for the healing of one cursed by me and for my forgiveness.

Pray for the healing of one cursed by me and for my forgiveness.

Pray for the healing of one cursed by me and for my forgiveness.

A few months ago I cursed my landlady for telling to vacate her premise. My Muslim mission charitable center was in that house for 15 years. She had every right to do it as she had given me notice before hand. But I expected undue advantage from her.
Just after my vacating her house she was operated on a tumor. After that complication developed and it was diagnosed as cancer. Now financially poor she is living alone on chemotherapy which she can’t afford long.
I think that it is not chance, but due to my curse. Even if it is not for my curse, still cursing is against Christ as he told to pray for the offenders. He never cursed but prayed for his murderers too. I often see that those offending my mission come to harm even without my cursing.
i now know that it must be devil who following me closely makes those curses true to lead me away from Christ. I explained it in

Though that lady is a staunch Hindu resisting gospel, she is otherwise good. She is a widow living alone. After that curse I also feel estranged from Christ. I am now praying for her cure as I know it is beyond human means.
Please pray for her cure and that Christ forgives me.



Well-known member

He HAS forgiven you. If you don't know that, you don't know Him. Trust in His Word. Take His Word on faith. You are under The Blood of Jesus. Pray that she will repent and seek His forgiveness before she meets Him.