
New member
Hi and a BIG YES and so easy to prove and goes back to EX 19:6 BUT Israel instead opted to be the TAIL instead of the HEAD !!


Come on, fellow 9er, not even Brock had held that understanding.

Consider the following passages...Israel stumbled in Matthew thru John (Acts 3; Romans 9-10) then fell at Acts 7:51-53 (Matthew 12:30-32; Romans 2; Romans 11; Hebrews 2).



Well-known member
Come on, fellow 9er, not even Brock had held that understanding.

Consider the following passages...Israel stumbled in Matthew thru John (Acts 3; Romans 9-10) then fell at Acts 7:51-53 (Matthew 12:30-32; Romans 2; Romans 11; Hebrews 2).


Hi and how do you know what Robert C Brock believed ?

I talked at least 1 and sometimes 3 to 4 times a month for many years , before he died in 2015 and even heard him teach at his assembly and still support his ministry today and give away many of his written booklets !!

dan p


Well-known member
Come on, fellow 9er, not even Brock had held that understanding.

Consider the following passages...Israel stumbled in Matthew thru John (Acts 3; Romans 9-10) then fell at Acts 7:51-53 (Matthew 12:30-32; Romans 2; Romans 11; Hebrews 2).


There is no setting aside if you think it was supposed to be there, or is suspended for a later round of 2P2P. There is setting aside if you realize Israel was deluded and had replaced the worldwide missional meaning of the promises, Gal 3:17. The mission was the purpose of God since Gen 3.

Dispensational theorizing is a complete waste of time and effort.


New member
From the Book of Enoch? Sure...

Jude 1:14-15 is where Jesus quotes the Book of Enoch 2:1-2

Jude 1:14-15 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Enoch 2:1-2 Behold, he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done, and committed against him.

Wow, Aimiel!

Now, I certainly appreciate one who thinks outside the box, aka 'churches', today. I consider God's church began just a few generations prior, although appreciating your take on Enoch. Please consider:

Genesis 4:25, 26, KJV And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God said se, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, who Cain slew. 26) And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.​

I gather men would have called upon Abel, but Cain snuffed him. I suggest Seth's son Enos gave assurance to 'men' that Cain wouldn't show back up and snuff folk out, Seth most specifically. So, Abel was supposed to be the first 'pastor' of God's church. Seth survived to procreate (Cain didn't snuff him), and "then began men to call upon the name of the Lord." The Lord's 'name' was fulfilled in Christ Jesus to close the books, so to speak, being the ultimate 'pastor' of God's church who was originally supposed to be Adam... but, Adam sorta fell by the wayside.



New member
Hi and how do you know what Robert C Brock believed ?

I talked at least 1 and sometimes 3 to 4 times a month for many years , before he died in 2015 and even heard him teach at his assembly and still support his ministry today and give away many of his written booklets !!

dan p

Okay, so he was wrong, Matthew 10:6; 23; Luke 13:8; Luke 23:34; Acts 2:36; Acts 3:24-26, etc.

I stand corrected :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hi to all to all the many proofs as to where the Body of Christ began .

There is the Acts 2 or Pentecost which a JEWISH FEAST DAY kept by so-called GENTILES !!

Then the Acts 9:6 , the true beginnoing !

The Acts 13 a true Red Herring , a proof with no standing at all !!

Then the Acts 11 , held by only one person in Naples , Florida , nothing here !!

Then the Acts 28 , nothing here , also !!

In 2 Cor 12:2 it reads , " I know a man " in Christ " so here we know that Paul was " in Christ and was saved Gal 3:28 , 14 years before , whether in ( body ) I don't know , or outside the body I don't know , God know , such a one , having been caught away as far as (the ) Third Heaven !

#1 , We know that Jesus ministry lasted aprox 34 years !!

#2 So , then we know that Paul was Approximately 2 years younger !!
#3 That would make Paul about 47 , when then he wrote 2 Corinthians .

I believe that in 2 Cor 12:2 Paul was saved in Acts 9:6 , and the MYSTERY was revealed right after his salvation as Gal 1:15-19 !

#4 , The verb " I knew " is a Perfect Tense that to me speaks to the time of his salvation !

#5 , So that means Paul was caught up before Acts 13 as Paul by then new the MYSTERY !

Acts 9:6 is the Beginning of the Body of Christ , Paul was it's Pattern , Paul was PROTO / FIRST in the Body , in Acts 9:6 !!

dan p

Matthew 16.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
I'll go with Genesis 28:3, since it is the first usage of the Hebrew word qahal which is regularly translated as ekklesia in the Greek Old Testament.



Well-known member
I'll go with Genesis 28:3, since it is the first usage of the Hebrew word qahal which is regularly translated as ekklesia in the Greek Old Testament.


Hi and in Acts 7:38 the Greek for " EKKLESIA / ASSEMBLY is also used here !!

EKKLESIA is a transliterayted word and has more than one meaning !!

dan p

Wick Stick

Well-known member
EKKLESIA is a transliterated word and has more than one meaning !!

dan p
I think it just has one meaning... and there are a bunch of different words that capture that meaning: church, assembly, congregation

Whichever way you want to slice it, it means the same thing - a gathering of people called out from the group at-large.



Well-known member
I think it just has one meaning... and there are a bunch of different words that capture that meaning: church, assembly, congregation

Whichever way you want to slice it, it means the same thing - a gathering of people called out from the group at-large.


Hi and most can accept ASSEMBLY and Congregation and that is why I am not KJV-ONLY !!



Well-known member
Okay, so he was wrong, Matthew 10:6; 23; Luke 13:8; Luke 23:34; Acts 2:36; Acts 3:24-26, etc.

I stand corrected :chuckle:

Hi and just curious as to the Matt 10:6 and Luke 13:8 and other verses as to there intent ??

dan p


New member
Hi and just curious as to the Matt 10:6 and Luke 13:8 and other verses as to there intent ??

dan p

Good one DP - you "just curious" no rocks ready to throw - just plain old curious - you - since when :chuckle:

Swear on a free Brock book of my choice that you're "jus curious" lol


Well-known member
Good one DP - you "just curious" no rocks ready to throw - just plain old curious - you - since when :chuckle:

Swear on a free Brock book of my choice that you're "jus curious" lol

Hi , and I have had 2

people want his booklets , but there are few that really want dispensational material , but the Berean Searchlight material reachs some !!

Rocks can not reach me as I am to tall !!

dan p


New member
Hi , and I have had 2

people want his booklets , but there are few that really want dispensational material , but the Berean Searchlight material reachs some !!

Rocks can not reach me as I am to tall !!

dan p

It appears my English is Greek to you :chuckle:


Well-known member
Okay, so he was wrong, Matthew 10:6; 23; Luke 13:8; Luke 23:34; Acts 2:36; Acts 3:24-26, etc.

I stand corrected :chuckle:

Hi and Robert C Brock is thw one who SHOWED me , how to prove how Paul was saved , using Acts 9:6 , Acts 9:17 and 1 Cor 12:3 and since I have all his readings material for years , I never saw him write on Acts 9:6 and there is also 1 Cor 15:8 which also explains 12 IN and 12 OUT !!

Gal 1:15 explains the FIRST PROTOS saved bt the Grace of God in the Dispensation of nthe Grace of God Acts 20:24 , and the Greek article is used and it is written thus " THE GOSPEL OF GOD " and it means THE GOSPEL of thr Grace of God and not another gospel !!

dan p

dan p


New member
Hi and Robert C Brock is thw one who SHOWED me , how to prove how Paul was saved , using Acts 9:6 , Acts 9:17 and 1 Cor 12:3 and since I have all his readings material for years , I never saw him write on Acts 9:6 and there is also 1 Cor 15:8 which also explains 12 IN and 12 OUT !!

Gal 1:15 explains the FIRST PROTOS saved bt the Grace of God in the Dispensation of nthe Grace of God Acts 20:24 , and the Greek article is used and it is written thus " THE GOSPEL OF GOD " and it means THE GOSPEL of thr Grace of God and not another gospel !!

dan p

dan p

Yep; the gospel of God and the gospel of the grace of God are one and the same.

Two-Fold Purpose.

One Purpose - Two Folds.

Earth and Heaven.

Prophecy and Mystery.

Both...the gospel of the grace of God.

One aspect Prophesied.

One hid in God til Paul.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
As nearly as I can tell, the ekklesia began in 594 BC, when Solon opened the Athenian council to all citizens.



Well-known member
As nearly as I can tell, the ekklesia began in 594 BC, when Solon opened the Athenian council to all citizens.


Hi and dispensationals are all over the place as to when THE DISPENSATION OF THE GRACE BEGAN , BUT they never can produce a verse to prove there point !!

There is the Genesis , Abraham , Acyts 2 , 9 , 13 and Acts 28 , so give a verse , PLEASE !!

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