
TOL Subscriber
1 Corinthian's 15
9 For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.​
The Church preceded Acts 9:6 KJV.

:idea: There is more than one church in the Bible. The church of God is not the Body of Christ. There's one more. Can you guess what it is?


New member
Hi and does Jesus tell anything about the New Covenant in Matt 16:18 where Jesus says " I will build " which is in the FUTURE TENSE that you can never EXPLAIN ??
Nothing to explain. Jesus declared that he would build his Church (future tense), and then proceeded to do so. Simple.


Well-known member
Come on, dude. You said the EKKLESIA began at Acts 9:6 KJV and I showed you it already existed by then because 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV.


I.O.W. not Acts 9:6 KJV . . . .


Hi and , what does EKKLESIA then mean ?

EK in Greek means OUT !!

KALEO means a CALLING !!

So EKKLESIA means and assembly and NOT A CHURCH , dude , come on !!

There were no so-called christians in the Gospels , dude , don't you see ??

dan p


New member
Hi to all to all the many proofs as to where the Body of Christ began .

There is the Acts 2 or Pentecost which a JEWISH FEAST DAY kept by so-called GENTILES !!

Then the Acts 9:6 , the true beginnoing !

The Acts 13 a true Red Herring , a proof with no standing at all !!

Then the Acts 11 , held by only one person in Naples , Florida , nothing here !!

Then the Acts 28 , nothing here , also !!

In 2 Cor 12:2 it reads , " I know a man " in Christ " so here we know that Paul was " in Christ and was saved Gal 3:28 , 14 years before , whether in ( body ) I don't know , or outside the body I don't know , God know , such a one , having been caught away as far as (the ) Third Heaven !

#1 , We know that Jesus ministry lasted aprox 34 years !!

#2 So , then we know that Paul was Approximately 2 years younger !!
#3 That would make Paul about 47 , when then he wrote 2 Corinthians .

I believe that in 2 Cor 12:2 Paul was saved in Acts 9:6 , and the MYSTERY was revealed right after his salvation as Gal 1:15-19 !

#4 , The verb " I knew " is a Perfect Tense that to me speaks to the time of his salvation !

#5 , So that means Paul was caught up before Acts 13 as Paul by then new the MYSTERY !

Acts 9:6 is the Beginning of the Body of Christ , Paul was it's Pattern , Paul was PROTO / FIRST in the Body , in Acts 9:6 !!

dan p

Acts 5:11 And great fear came over the whole church, and over all who heard of these things.

Greek word used in this verse.

ekklésia: an assembly, a (religious) congregation
Original Word: ἐκκλησία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ekklésia
Phonetic Spelling: (ek-klay-see'-ah)
Short Definition: an assembly, congregation, church
Definition: an assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Hi and , what does EKKLESIA then mean ?

EK in Greek means OUT !!

KALEO means a CALLING !!

So EKKLESIA means and assembly and NOT A CHURCH , dude , come on !!

There were no so-called christians in the Gospels , dude , don't you see ??

dan p

Dude! It doesn't matter what it mean's. Heres you're thread title, dude: "ONE VERSE PROVING WHERE THE EKKLESIA BEGAN ??"

Thats you, dude! You said that! Its right they're, at the top! You said, "Acts 9:6 , the true beginnoing !"

Your wrong! Thats what Paul himself say's in 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV, dude!

I didn't give a verse, meanwhile, for the Churches' beginning. I gave a verse that showed that your wrong. Get it? Admit it. It doesn't matter what EKKLESIA mean's, thats off-topic. Admit it. Your the 1 who said the EKKLESIA, not me!

'You want to get into how many EKKLESIAs they're are, fine, start a thread on it. This thread according to you, is about a verse where the (you're word!) EKKLESIA "BEGAN."

You said, "Acts 9:6 , the true [beginning] !" Your wrong. Thats what Paul himself say's in 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV, dude!

I didn't give a verse for where it "BEGAN." I gave a verse that showed that your wrong. Do you get that? It doesn't matter what EKKLESIA mean's, thats off-topic. Your the 1 who said the EKKLESIA, not me!

'You want to get into how many EKKLESIAs they're are, fine, start a thread on it. This thread according to you, is about a verse where the (you're word!) EKKLESIA "BEGAN."



New member
:idea: There is more than one church in the Bible. The church of God is not the Body of Christ. There's one more. Can you guess what it is?

Is this not the gospel of Christ?
1 Thes. 2:8 Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.


Well-known member

Dude! It doesn't matter what it mean's. Heres you're thread title, dude: "ONE VERSE PROVING WHERE THE EKKLESIA BEGAN ??"

Thats you, dude! You said that! Its right they're, at the top! You said, "Acts 9:6 , the true beginnoing !"

Your wrong! Thats what Paul himself say's in 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV, dude!

I didn't give a verse, meanwhile, for the Churches' beginning. I gave a verse that showed that your wrong. Get it? Admit it. It doesn't matter what EKKLESIA mean's, thats off-topic. Admit it. Your the 1 who said the EKKLESIA, not me!

'You want to get into how many EKKLESIAs they're are, fine, start a thread on it. This thread according to you, is about a verse where the (you're word!) EKKLESIA "BEGAN."

You said, "Acts 9:6 , the true [beginning] !" Your wrong. Thats what Paul himself say's in 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV, dude!

I didn't give a verse for where it "BEGAN." I gave a verse that showed that your wrong. Do you get that? It doesn't matter what EKKLESIA mean's, thats off-topic. Your the 1 who said the EKKLESIA, not me!

'You want to get into how many EKKLESIAs they're are, fine, start a thread on it. This thread according to you, is about a verse where the (you're word!) EKKLESIA "BEGAN."


Hi and EKKLESIA means assembly or a called out people DUDE and VINE'S GREEK DICTIONARY can help see what it means , DUDE .

The Body of Christ is an ASSEMBLY /EKKLESIA , DUDE in Eph 1:22-23 , maybe you NEVER received the MEMO ??

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Well-known member
Nothing to explain. Jesus declared that he would build his Church (future tense), and then proceeded to do so. Simple.

Hi and since Israel was set aside in Luke 13:6-9 and in many other passages , the FUTURE TENSE speaks to the Great Tribulation !!

dan p


Well-known member
Nope. It speaks of this.

Hi and " THIS " what does it mean in your words ??

You should read Luke 13:6-9 and see why Israel was CUT down and set aside as even Matt 3:10 says the AXE is already to cut Israel down , but I know that you have mush time Invested in the RCC TO LEAVE and believe PAUL !!

dan p


New member
Hi and " THIS " what does it mean in your words ??

You should read Luke 13:6-9 and see why Israel was CUT down and set aside as even Matt 3:10 says the AXE is already to cut Israel down , but I know that you have mush time Invested in the RCC TO LEAVE and believe PAUL !!

dan p

It appears you are saying you believe Israel was set aside in Luke 13 before the Twelve's ministry in early Acts...


Well-known member
It appears you are saying you believe Israel was set aside in Luke 13 before the Twelve's ministry in early Acts...

Hi and Isa 6 and then Matt 3:10 and then Luke 13:6-9 and Acts 13:46 , 18:6 and 2:28 should cover it but can see there are more !!

dan p


Well-known member
It appears you are saying you believe Israel was set aside in Luke 13 before the Twelve's ministry in early Acts...

Hi and a BIG YES and so easy to prove and goes back to EX 19:6 BUT Israel instead opted to be the TAIL instead of the HEAD !!
