Is there any very clear omniscient passage?
Perhaps the Isaiah 46 passage is the clearest:
Isaiah 46:21-24 -
Present your case,” says the Lord.
“Bring forth your strong reasons,” says the King of Jacob. “Let them bring forth and show us what will happen; Let them show the former things, what they were, that we may consider them, And know the latter end of them; Or declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, That we may know that you are gods.
Peter says the actual words omniscience "Lord You know all things (panta gnosis)."
A biblical need for God to be Omniscient:
1) ALL things come from God. If posited anything exists outside of Him, the inevitable conclusion is that thing does not exist. While Open View will acknowledge this, there is limitation set, by them, upon what God 'can' know.
Proverbs 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
-Drawn conclusion: There is no knowledge that doesn't come from God's infinite being.
Colossians 1:16,17 "Without Him, nothing (including all knowledge) exists, that exists. Open Theism will say the future doesn't exist but even for it to exist, it must proceed from God. If all knowledge of possibility comes 'from' God, it has to already exist in God by logical demands as well as a major problematic for Open Theists: It has to come from the Only Source of Knowledge of any kind: God Himself. That is why A) we believe scripture indicates clearly God is omniscient and B) that it has to mean God already knows it, there is no other place any knew knowledge 'can' come from according to Proverbs 2:6, but what emanates 'from' God, the only eternal being. It literally has no other place to exist. Therefore God is the only author of all existence and any 'new song' logically has no place to come from other than God Himself.
A better concept: We tend to limit God by finite. A 'new song' is thought outside of God's eternality. Nothing can exist outside of God's infinite being.
Accusation: "You are infected by Greeks!"
All truth, if it is true, is God's truth. Any truth comes from nowhere else, scripture explains clearly.
Sufficiency of this argument: While it may not convince, omniscience and eternality are the better cornerstone and grasp of a God Who has never had a beginning and is the sole reason anything exists at all. The Open View model has God creating outside of Himself, for relational reasons, a world and things that can exist outside of His existence from which all emanates, creating a superficial barrier to 'without Him, nothing exists that exists.' It denies the clear teaching of Colossians 1:16-20 which not only says that all things come 'from' His being, but that they are presently sustained by Him, thus Luke 12:7 that says all your hairs are numbered, isn't about Him counting, but that they are known explicitly because they exist 'because' of God. Why it boggles the mind, is likely because one does not entertain the idea that God is already infinite. He is the Author of existence as we know it in our limitation. In frankness, any limitation we intimate comes from a finite mind, not in keeping with an infinite God.