Obama's solution to muslims murdering Americans? Disarm the victims


Hall of Fame
Tim McVeigh is a leftist who didn't view Clinton as going far enough.


You seriously have no idea what the world you're talking about. At all. This statement of yours is so at odds with reality it's not even wrong anymore. It's beyond that.

That is correct. Timothy McVeigh was raised as a Roman Catholic.


Religious beliefs

McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[90] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[91] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[92] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."

The Horn

Poppycock !!! Gun control is NOT "gun confiscation ". When will right-wingers get this simple fact into their unbelievably thick skulls ?
Number of guns "confiscated " by the Obama administration so far after seven years : ZERO. Zip. Nada. Bupkis . Not a single one .
It's just plain to easy for people to get guns. They should be carefully regulated ; people should have to take tests showing they know how to use them safely, just like driving tests for driver's
licenses . Nobody objects to the requirement for driver's license, so why should they complain about the same for guns .
In the mean time we have imbeciles who are the parents of toddlers
who are leaving loaded guns out for them to play with , and horrendous, senseless tragedies are commonplace.
Shut the NRA down, not Planned Parenthood ! They're the REAL killers of children !

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
McVeigh claimed to reject his upbringing (it wasn't the way of the Lord) and claimed to be agnostic.....moving past that part he is a leftist. He also claims to be libertarian to an extent, just like rusha. :rollyoureyesnow:

Jose Padilla was John Doe number 2. Jose Padilla is an al-Qaeda fighter.


New member
Hall of Fame
McVeigh claimed to reject his upbringing (it wasn't the way of the Lord) and claimed to be agnostic.....moving past that part he is a leftist. He also claims to be libertarian to an extent, just like rusha. :rollyoureyesnow:

Jose Padilla was John Doe number 2. Jose Padilla is an al-Qaeda fighter.

You're more untethered than I thought.


New member
Just a hunch, Paul Ryan does nothing about it. Including not exercising constitutional authority to charge him with his crimes.

i sense Ryan cares just a tad too much what the Ds in Congress think. But you know, it appear to be too soon to say t hat. Still, perceptions should not be ignored. They shouldn't be trusted overly much either, but. Anyway, i do like what Ryan is doing getting that anti Planned Parenthood [etc] bill through, even though it will be vetoed. It could be the veto will be over-ridden


The Horn

Rusha, you're darn tooting' I'm serious ! I was NOT making a joke at all . If you are opposed to women having abortions yet support the NRA, which has enabled the killing of so many BORN children, you are a hypocrite of the worst and most despicable kind !


New member
Hall of Fame
A big gun sweep would vindicate what the hysterics think of themselves, and what they really want.

Unfortunately, there's some bad news: Owning guns doesn't make you that important.


New member
Hall of Fame
And look at us now!!!

Yep, screeching the same exact nonsense, buying the same exact crock, falling for the same. Exact. Scams.

They're coming for your guns. Any minute now. Send money.

They're coming for all your ammo. Any second. Send money.

He's serious this time. Dictator executive orders blah-blah-blah. Send money.

The same. Exact. Scam. Every year. Every time. Without fail.

And the suckers keep falling for it.

There has literally never been a better, safer time to be a gun owner in this country. And yet they whine like a pack of weak sisters right on cue.


Hall of Fame
Rusha, you're darn tooting' I'm serious ! I was NOT making a joke at all . If you are opposed to women having abortions yet support the NRA, which has enabled the killing of so many BORN children, you are a hypocrite of the worst and most despicable kind !

Uh huh ... 'cept for one thing. One of these things are not like the other.

Abortions serve one purpose and have one intent: to kill an innocent human being. There are SUPERIOR options to abortions which include both the mother and child being allowed to live.

Gun owners do not buy and keep guns with the sole intention of killing other human beings. They are for protection. It's the misuse of guns which cause deaths.

Oh, and unlike abortions ... guns can actually be used to PROTECT children from those who would harm them.


New member
Hall of Fame
Uh huh ... 'cept for one thing. One of these things are not like the other.

Abortions serve one purpose and have one intent: to kill an innocent human being. There are SUPERIOR options to abortions which include both the mother and child being allowed to live.

Gun owners do not buy and keep guns with the sole intention of killing other human beings. They are for protection. It's the misuse of guns which cause deaths.

Oh, and unlike abortions ... guns can actually be used to PROTECT children from those who would harm them.

Sorry, time out. That's totally incorrect. When you shoot someone to death the gun's worked precisely as designed.


Hall of Fame
Sorry, time out. That's totally incorrect. When you shoot someone to death the gun's worked precisely as designed.

IF someone breaks into my home, and I shoot them to death, it's not being done for convenience but rather for protection.

As you know, few abortions have anything to do with protecting the life of the mother.

Every abortion is purchased and utilized for the sole purpose of killing an unborn baby.

Not so with every gun. Abortion always equals death. Guns do not.


New member
Hall of Fame
IF someone breaks into my home, and I shoot them to death, it's not being done for convenience but rather for protection.

Doesn't address what I said.

Every abortion is purchased and utilized for the sole purpose of killing an unborn baby.

I wouldn't put it in those terms but on this subject you're a zealot, so there's zero point discussing it.