Obama Implicated in the Witch Hunt

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

Clapper said "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

Do you deny that?

We'll see what happens then, won't we?

You won't because you will just close your eyes to the truth, you know, just like the monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.

At the top of the FISA warrant which those of the Obama Justice Department signed is the word "Verified."

Comey himself, who signed the warrant, has admitted that the Steele dossier was never verified. And the Mueller investigation also failed to verify it.

Those who signed that warrant are going to jail.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Clapper said "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

Do you deny that?

I gave you the link, so why didn't you bother to read it?

Here is Clapper's full quote:

"Apparently what we were supposed to have done was ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and, oh, by the way, blown off the commander in chief, what then President Obama told us to do......which was to assemble all the reporting we could, that we had available, and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and the next administration and while we're at it, declassify as much as possible."

The difference between the full quote and Taibbi’s truncated one being, of course, that the way Taibbi misquoted Clapper, it makes it sound like Obama called his IC people in and, out of the blue, told them to open the investigation.

Clappers full statement makes it clear that the IC had already assessed the threat that the Russians posed to the election and, being informed, Obama weighed his options and asked them to prepare a report for Congress.

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/20...s-Clapper-Quote-to-Try-to-Make-Obama-Look-Bad

Those who signed that warrant are going to jail.

You say they will, I say they won't. Time will tell. We'll see what happens then, won't we?

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
But you don't have any evidence for your new story? We all know why.

The evidence will come out soon

Of course it will...:juggle:

about those in the Obama FBI lying in the FISA application that resulted in the Obama administration illegally spying on the Trump campaign.

It didn't come from the Obama administration; it came from an Australian diplomat, who was told about it by a Trump campaign staffer.

The crooks in Obama's FBI already admitted that the FISA application was totally dependent on the Steele dossier,

Nope. The dossier (much of which has now been confirmed) was secondary. The admission by a Trump staffer initiated the investigation. However...

The Steele Report, Revisited
How much of the infamous document ended up being corroborated elsewhere? A whole lot.

As outsiders without the investigative tools available to the FBI, we can only look at the information and determine if it makes sense given subsequent events. Steele did not have the benefit of knowing Trump would win the election or how events might play out. In this regard, does any of the information we have learned since June 2016 assign greater or less credibility to the information? Were the people mentioned in the report real? Were their affiliations correct? Did any of the activities reported happen as predicted?

To a large extent, yes.

The most obvious occurrence that could not have been known to Orbis in June 2016, but shines bright in retrospect is the fact that Russia undertook a coordinated and massive effort to disrupt the 2016 election to help Donald Trump, as the U.S. intelligence community itself later concluded. Well before any public knowledge of these events, the Orbis report identified multiple elements of the Russian operation including a cyber campaign, leaked documents related to Hillary Clinton, and meetings with Paul Manafort and other Trump affiliates to reportedly discuss the receipt of stolen documents. Steele could not have known that the Russians stole information on Hillary Clinton, or that they were considering means to weaponize them in the U.S. election, all of which turned out to be stunningly accurate.
We learned that when Carter Page traveled to Moscow in July 2016, he met with close Putin ally and chairman of the Russian state oil company, Igor Sechin. A later Steele report also claimed that he met with parliamentary secretary Igor Divyekin while in Moscow. Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff reported in September 2016 that U.S. intelligence sources confirmed that Page met with both Sechin and Divyekin during his July trip to Russia. What’s more, the Justice Department obtained a wiretap in summer 2016 on Page after satisfying for a court that there was sufficient evidence to show Page was operating as a Russian agent.

While the Orbis team had no way to know it, subsequent reports citing U.S. officials claimed that Washington-based diplomat Mikhail Kalugin was an undercover intelligence officer and was pulled out of the Embassy and sent home in summer 2016.

The Orbis documents refer repeatedly to Manafort’s “off-the-books” payments from ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s pro-Russian party, and Russian concerns that it may be a vulnerability that could jeopardize the effort. According to the Orbis report, the Russians were concerned about “further scandals involving Manafort’s commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine.” And, indeed, there have been further scandals since the Orbis reports were written. Those include Manafort being compelled in June to register retroactively as a foreign agent of a pro-Russian political parties in Ukraine, and special counsel Robert Mueller’s and the New York attorney general’s office reported investigation of Manafort for possible money laundering and tax evasion linked to Ukrainian ventures.
The quid pro quo as alleged in the dossier was for the Trump team to “sideline” the Ukrainian issue in the campaign. We learned subsequently that the Trump platform committee changed only a single plank in the 60-page Republican platform prior to the Republican convention. Of the hundreds of Republican positions and proposals, they altered only the single sentence that called for maintaining or increasing sanctions against Russia, increasing aid for Ukraine and “providing lethal defensive weapons” to the Ukrainian military. The Trump team reportedly changed the wording to the more benign, “appropriate assistance.”


Of course you were unaware of these facts because you would rather stay in a state of delusion.

It's going to get ugly.

See above. That's pretty ugly in itself. All the president's men who have been convicted or sentenced for crimes first indicated by Trump's tipsy staffer and later confirmed by Steele's research.

But it appears now, that Trump's attempt to get Ukraine to interfere in our elections is far more serious, and likely to bring him down.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I gave you the link, so why didn't you bother to read it?

I looked at the interview and if you will look at it too you will see Clapper saying "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

According to Clapper the things for which he is being investigated is what Obama told him to do. Clapper said, "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

Those are his exact words. You can click on this link and see for yourself:


Here is Clapper's full quote:

"Apparently what we were supposed to have done was ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and, oh, by the way, blown off the commander in chief, what then President Obama told us to do......which was to assemble all the reporting we could, that we had available, and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and the next administration and while we're at it, declassify as much as possible."

As usual you are delusional because that is not Clapper's full quote. Who told you that was the full quote, Adam Schiff?

You sare doing your best to defend the traitors but you have been caught saying things are not true.

So sad!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I looked at the interview and if you will look at it too you will see Clapper saying "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

According to Clapper the things for which he is being investigated is what Obama told him to do. Clapper said, "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

The way Taibbi misquoted Clapper, it makes it sound like Obama called his IC people in and, out of the blue, told them to open the investigation.

Clappers full statement makes it clear that the IC had already assessed the threat that the Russians posed to the election and, being informed, Obama weighed his options and asked them to prepare a report for Congress.

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/20...s-Clapper-Quote-to-Try-to-Make-Obama-Look-Bad

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Nope. The dossier (much of which has now been confirmed) was secondary. The admission by a Trump staffer initiated the investigation.

It amazes me how ignorant you are about the application for the FISA warrant by those in Obama's FBI.

According to a memo from Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee in February 2018 about the Page warrant, "McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] without the Steele dossier information."


I heard that reported many times but you close your ears to the truth because the only thing you care about is defending the traitors of the USA.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The way Taibbi misquoted Clapper, it makes it sound like Obama called his IC people in and, out of the blue, told them to open the investigation.

Doyou still deny that Clapper said "it’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president."

Did you take a look at the actual interview found here?:


According to what Clapper actually said the things for which he is now being investigated were what Obama told him to do. But you close your eyes to what Clapper actually said and instead quote what you said were Clapper's words in the "full" interview even though the words which you quoted were not the " full" interview.

You should be ashamed of yourself but we can see that nothing is going to stand in your way of defending the traitors of the USA.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Nope. The dossier (much of which has now been confirmed) was secondary. The admission by a Trump staffer initiated the investigation.

It amazes me how ignorant you are about the application for the FISA warrant by those in Obama's FBI.

It's just a fact. As you now realize, it was one of Trump's own people, over drinks, who admitted that the campaign was aware of Putin gathering dirt on Clinton. And as you just learned, much of the Steele Dossier has been independently confirmed. Can you think of even one item therein that has been proven false? Neither can I.

According to a memo from Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee in February 2018 about the Page warrant, "McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] without the Steele dossier information."

So the House Republicans tell us that a Trump appointee says that the FBI and the FISA court are lying. Nice try.


Oh, and Fox News said it was uncertain whether the information from the Trump staffer would have been enough. That's not very impressive either, is it? And since the dossier has been mostly confirmed, it turned out to have been good information.

I heard that reported many times but you close your ears to the truth because the only thing you care about is defending the traitors of the USA.

A prominent republican has characterized Trump's behavior as "treason", but I'm skeptical if it qualifies. Disloyal to America, yes. Criminal, yes. But I don't think it's treason. I could be wrong, of course.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Here is Clapper's full quote:

"Apparently what we were supposed to have done was ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and, oh, by the way, blown off the commander in chief, what then President Obama told us to do......which was to assemble all the reporting we could, that we had available, and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and the next administration and while we're at it, declassify as much as possible."

Do you still stand by your assertion that that is Clapper's "full" quote?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
And as you just learned, much of the Steele Dossier has been independently confirmed.

The Steele Dossier reported of a widespread conspiracy of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

If that has been independently confimed then why didn't the Mueller investigation find any trace of such collusion?

You are pathetic because you can't distinguish between truth and fantasy and you prove over and over again that you will say anything in order to defend the traitors of the USA!

Just pathetic!