Let me guess. You figured that after Bush left office, Obama wouldn't dare do the same things.
those who voted for him did
Let me guess. You figured that after Bush left office, Obama wouldn't dare do the same things.
Who are you talking to? Hopefully that is addressed to all the people who thought Obama was a messiah figure. Hope and Change. :blabla:
Who are you talking to? Hopefully that is addressed to all the people who thought Obama was a messiah figure.
Hope and Change. :blabla:
This why 'homeland security" type legislation is so dangerous. The "special" powers you give to the government are very unlikely to ever go away. Even if it is not your party who put them in place, who is ever going to vote to have less power?
"Oh dear we gave the government broad powers to deal with terrorists, and now they are using them to deal with us. Oh Boo Hoo." What did you expect? Giving a politician more power has never made them more honest.
Didn't have much hope for Obama, which is why I didn't vote for him. But I have to admit that he's turned out to be a lot more like Bush than I hoped.
The Barbarian
Precisely. And now the suckers are wailing and rending their garments, when it turned out that way.
and continuing to blame previous administrations, for this current administrations wrong doings solves .......what exactly?
I think "We The People" have been sold a bill of goods that stinks. Post 911 we have lost one freedom after another and our government has spent trillions on aggressive wars which have not been in defense of the country. NSA, TSA, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA and on and on. Local law enforcement buys drones and installs video cameras across the land. The government has plans to shut down the internet and all cell phones if citizens get too revolting. Free press is under attack. Does any of this make you feel safer?
Do you have any evidence they're planning to shut down the internet? Any links? I don't disagree with you, it doesn't surprise me, I just want to know for sure...
We need as many people as possible to commit to revolution against this illegitimate regime if they dare try...
We'll be right back under Wilson/FDR style tyranny again if people don't have alternative news sources to tell them different.
Dominant nations are rarely free nations. Inconsequential nations can afford to be free.
:nono: They aren't going to shut down the Internet...It happens to be the greatest resource for gathering information and tracking "subversives" and "terrorists" that there ever has been.
lain: Now...If there is a situation which they need to exploit...some kind of "national emergency" or something. Then that bad boy will be switched off just like a lightswitch. (Or maybe just certain lightswitches?)
...but it will just be temporary...and probably the work of those Wascawy Tewwowists! :nono:
And...No..I'm sure there is no evidence of "plans" but do you think that the NSA is capable? If they are "capable" no "plans" need exist.
Dominant nations are rarely free nations. Inconsequential nations can afford to be free.