News from the Dark Regions

Ask Mr. Religion

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Looks like Asimov's Foundation Trilogy world is closer than imagined:

"Humanlike robots may seem creepy, but some roboticists are betting they are the key to unlocking a future in which humans and superintelligent computers coexist, work alongside each other and even develop relationships."

See more and video here:


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Jihad Returns to Belgium

In under seven minutes David Wood of reminds us of what we are hearing in the media about Islam:

A takeaway from the video:
The more the media misrepresents the actual teachings of Islam, heaping praises upon the "religion of peace" following murderous attacks by Muslims, the more these Muslims are emboldened by these praises.

If you're not Muslim, you're an infidel. First and foremost–it's not what you say or do, but what you are, that's intolerable.

You could say nothing, or you could mouth all the right Islamic honorific titles in conversations with Muslims empowering and emboldening them, but even that is insufficient to placate Muslim sensibilities. For that matter, it's not even enough to be Muslim. After all, it is offensive to be the wrong kind of Muslim. Sunnis are offensive to Shiites, and vice versa.

Don't take the bait of the media and all its misrepresentations of Islam.

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Well-known member
Looks like Asimov's Foundation Trilogy world is closer than imagined:

"Humanlike robots may seem creepy, but some roboticists are betting they are the key to unlocking a future in which humans and superintelligent computers coexist, work alongside each other and even develop relationships."

See more and video here:


It has long been posited that Sci Fi was readying/urging us to embrace the future. Some felt that future to be the wishes of some men more so than any sort of natural progression and I think they were right to a certain extent. You can start with H. G. Wells and work forward.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Free Edition of Tabletalk on the topic of Islam

Free Edition of Tabletalk on the topic of Islam

As an effort to understand more about Islam, Ligonier Ministries is offering a free download of its monthly Tabletalk publication. The April edition is dedicated to knowing more about Islam:

"The April issue of Tabletalk is out and we’ve made the digital edition free. Read it for free on iPad, select Android tablets, and Amazon’s Kindle Fire. You can also download the ePub or MOBI version free from the store.The April issue of Tabletalk considers Islam. Since originating in Arabia during the seventh century, Islam has expanded around the globe. Some estimates identify as much as twenty-three percent of the world’s population as being Muslim. Christianity has a long history of encountering and engaging Islam, whether through evangelization, military crusades, or even living under Islamic rule. In the modern era, many nations identify as Islamic, and Islam is growing in the West. To add, Islamic terrorism is a major force today. This issue of Tabletalk considers Islam’s history, our present circumstances, how Islam and Christianity relate to one another, and how Christians can share the gospel with Muslims."



Well-known member
As an effort to understand more about Islam, Ligonier Ministries is offering a free download of its monthly Tabletalk publication. The April edition is dedicated to knowing more about Islam:

"The April issue of Tabletalk is out and we’ve made the digital edition free. Read it for free on iPad, select Android tablets, and Amazon’s Kindle Fire. You can also download the ePub or MOBI version free from the store.The April issue of Tabletalk considers Islam. Since originating in Arabia during the seventh century, Islam has expanded around the globe. Some estimates identify as much as twenty-three percent of the world’s population as being Muslim. Christianity has a long history of encountering and engaging Islam, whether through evangelization, military crusades, or even living under Islamic rule. In the modern era, many nations identify as Islamic, and Islam is growing in the West. To add, Islamic terrorism is a major force today. This issue of Tabletalk considers Islam’s history, our present circumstances, how Islam and Christianity relate to one another, and how Christians can share the gospel with Muslims."


Got mine and read it cover to cover.



Well-known member
It has long been posited that Sci Fi was readying/urging us to embrace the future. Some felt that future to be the wishes of some men more so than any sort of natural progression and I think they were right to a certain extent. You can start with H. G. Wells and work forward.


Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.


Well-known member

Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

You know, concerning that one language thing, the 1's and 0's deal with computer language gave me some pause when I first heard of it.


Well-known member
You know, concerning that one language thing, the 1's and 0's deal with computer language gave me some pause when I first heard of it.


How 'bout Dan 2:43, could this have anything to do with a mixture of humanity with technology, or would it be a fanciful leap to think so?

Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
Now comes the latest in concealed weaponry that we will have to be looking out for...the gun that looks like one of those smart phone profiles:

"That’s where Ideal Conceal comes in. Smartphones are EVERYWHERE, so your new pistol will easily blend in with today’s environment. In its locked position it will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight."



Well-known member
Now comes the latest in concealed weaponry that we will have to be looking out for...the gun that looks like one of those smart phone profiles:

"That’s where Ideal Conceal comes in. Smartphones are EVERYWHERE, so your new pistol will easily blend in with today’s environment. In its locked position it will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight."


I saw that story on the news last night. The backwash will be that cell phones are no longer allowed on public transportation, i.e. jets, trains, etc...

God forbid someone's young son or daughter should get hold of one.



Well-known member

How 'bout Dan 2:43, could this have anything to do with a mixture of humanity with technology, or would it be a fanciful leap to think so?

Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

You speak of a passage that applies the clay and iron analogy to both a kingdom and a people. I had not previously considered the possibility you offer but I would not discount it off hand in that there is a very definite move toward a human/mechanical amalgam in both literature and science/medicine.