New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Then look in the mirror and preach to yourself.
My statement "Yes, I can see you are hateful while you don't realize you are hateful. Therefore, I am demonstrating I know more about hate than you, however while I know more about hate you are more hateful than I am." is understood to mean I have looked into the mirror and I understand myself, which is the first step to judging others.

And, having tested myself, I can see clearly that you are a hate-filled person that needs to learn that supporting injustice is wrong and hateful.

I don't hate the lads who hit me and held a knife to my throat.
I don't hate the psychopath who threatened to kill me.
I don't hate slave traders, I strongly disagree with what they do.
Same as me. I don't hate people that do evil things so their lives become worse. I hate people who do evil things because that is the most loving thing I can do for them so they can have better lives.

Taking money back from a thief and returning it to the person they stole it from isn't a nice thing by the thief's perspective, but it's the best thing you can do for the victim... and also the thief.

You, on the other hand, want money stolen from people that don't owe it. That's injustice, and it's a hateful wrong act that is unloving to the people you want it stolen from... and it's bad for the people you are giving the stolen money to, too. That's a nice example of wrongful hate you are displaying right there.

And if I saw you face to face, I wouldn't hate you.
I don't hate you either. But the most loving thing I can do for you is point out your unjustified hate. Please stop being so angry and hateful to me over the internet and realize I'm trying to help you.

I Do hate violence, and I am strongly against any kind of violence.
I don't like violence either. But unlike you, I don't support the violent taking of people's possessions unjustly by the government. If I did, I'd be hateful and wrong like you are.

Eric h

Well-known member
It's not loving to force people by law to male payments to people who are long dead.
I watched a programme a while back. A reporter was invited into a large stately home by the Lord of the manor, to view the large valuable art collection. The reporter then went to Jamaica, and surveyed the poverty in a shanty town.

The reporter confronted the Lord, and said your wealth was taken from your ancestors slaves. The slaves are now living in abject poverty, in the same area of Jamaica, yet you have all this wealth. Do you feel any moral obligation towards these people.

And of course the Lord said, nothing to do with me mate.

Okay, this story is about the UK and Jamaica, but I am sure there will be similar stories in the US.

Now may the peace of the Lord be with you, be with you
Now and always

May the Lord bless you
May the Lord keep you
And may God's face shine upon you always
And give you peace.

Right Divider

Body part
I watched a programme a while back. A reporter was invited into a large stately home by the Lord of the manor, to view the large valuable art collection. The reporter then went to Jamaica, and surveyed the poverty in a shanty town.

The reporter confronted the Lord, and said your wealth was taken from your ancestors slaves. The slaves are now living in abject poverty, in the same area of Jamaica, yet you have all this wealth. Do you feel any moral obligation towards these people.

And of course the Lord said, nothing to do with me mate.

Okay, this story is about the UK and Jamaica, but I am sure there will be similar stories in the US.

Now may the peace of the Lord be with you, be with you
Now and always

May the Lord bless you
May the Lord keep you
And may God's face shine upon you always
And give you peace.
This entire post has nothing to do with taking money from people that are NOT the "Lord of the manor" and giving it to people that were not personally wronged by "the people".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Peace be with you too.
I was not hoping for you to have peace until you deal with your wrongful hatred. Your unjustified hatred leads to unjustified violence. I don't like violence. But unlike you, I don't support the violent taking of people's possessions unjustly by the government. If I did, I'd be hateful and wrong like you are.


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My apologies, should the Lord of the manor have a moral duty towards the descendants of the slaves, who were exploited by the ancestors of the present Lord.
If you think he owes them, and he disagrees, what do you intend to do about it? You're not gonna do anything about it sans enacting violence against him, or at the very least making threats of violence against him. I hope it can't be that you're as stupid as you sound! I mean, do you really imagine that if you go up to him and say "Peace be to you!" he's gonna drop what he's doing and hand over the money you want him to hand over?

Eric h

Well-known member
I don't support the violent taking of people's possessions unjustly by the government.

I have never said, I agree; with or condone the violent taking of people's possessions.
Your unjustified hatred leads to unjustified violence.

Look in the mirror when you talk about hatred.

My opinion, and only my opinion is, it would be morally just if the descendants of slaves were compensated. Slave owners were compensated, and in My opinion, the slave owners were being compensated for acting immorally. I do not agree or condone that any acts of violence should be used towards this end.

I have no power in the US, and I cannot lead a revolution in the US.

Your unjustified hatred leads to unjustified violence.

I still wish you peace.

Eric h

Well-known member
How exactly do you intend to take people's possessions non-violently?

Churches working together in the UK, are striving to challenge the morality of slavery and reparation. Even the church owned slaves in the past.

Eric h

Well-known member
How exactly do you intend to take people's possessions non-violently?
@Eric h: <NO ANSWER>

Violence should not be the first answer to any question.

Lawfully, and appealing to people's better moral nature, not with violence. Churches working together in the UK, feel there is a need to try. They won't be taking any guns into parliament.
