It's called working with your hands.
I respect it. I worked my way through law school and I had my first job when I was ten years old, busing tables in a family restaurant.
See: your posts. Politics, contempt for lawyers or the law, for starters.
Prove that I haven't been doing what you've accused me of doing without any proof?
Give with one hand hand take away with the other.
Rather, I credit what I can reasonably, but when you puff about how you're too smart to need a lawyer and you crow about how the Holy Spirit is impressed with you I'm going to call you on the hubris of it.
Do you think the Holy Spirit is applauding that?
See, when you sign on here you agree to a code of conduct. What you just wrote violates that and you should get a little control over that temper of yours or it won't end well for you.