Literal lunatic
I need interpretation on this one. I don't see where I made you think I'm going to have a personal relationship with the president.
Family money. Family connections. Bailing on failing companies and running with as much as he could get. Showmanship and bravado. Exploiting tax law. Being ruthless. None of these skills do I want used to "fix" the government.
There are a lot of ways to come by a great deal of money other than solid business sense. Why do you think we are told that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil?
Can you point me to a place where I said my objection to Trump was that he has no experience running a nation?
I see a theme throughout Daniel that rulers have a tendency to become filled with their own importance and power. When the get to the place where they want to take the place of God, to be the people's savior, He can no longer extend mercy and humbles them in dramatic ways.
God does indeed set up "the basest of men over the kingdoms of men", but usually as a correction to oppress them to bring them to repentance. It's a way He gives us the very thing we desire so we can learn the folly of that desire and turn back to desiring Him.
I very much think that Trump has been established by God. I just don't think it means any sort of blessing for this nation. It's a correction and test for the Church.
You posted this in response to my incredulity that you seem to think anything God does, we can do also. I take it that you think that proving the "good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" means that.
I'll point out that God reserves some things to Himself alone. Vengeance is one of those things. It's perfectly right for Him because He is perfectly righteous, but His word is very clear that it is a terrible pit for our souls.
As the master of all history, it is His pleasure to establish and remove the rulers of the nations. He does place wicked ones in power as a judgment to provoke us to repentance. But then He turns and judges those very wicked men when they inevitably grow proud and blasphemous. It is only presumption to think that because He does this, we are authorized to do likewise.
You've convinced me.
You're too confused to make a decision.
It'll be better that you stay home on election day.