Networks: 2,202 Minutes on Russia Scandal, Zero for No Collusion Report

The Barbarian



Well-known member
Barbarian observes:
News Flash! Republicans investigate themselves, find no wrongdoing.

Do you suppose that the republicans clearing themselves of any wrongdoing is exactly why it's being greeted with yawns?

Senate republicans can't find any evidence of republicans colluding with Russia. What a surprise.


It was bi-partisan.

The Barbarian

It was bi-partisan.

Well, let's take a look...

The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said its Russia investigation has found no proof that President Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded with Moscow, an assertion that congressional sources said puts him at odds with Democrats on the largely bipartisan panel.

Guess not. But I'd be pleased to see your evidence that the democrats agreed with him. What do you have?


Mueller has made it known that his Investigation possesses emails that link Stone with WikiLeaks and Lucifer 2 (Russian GRU).

We also know that Manafort and Gates held a private meeting with a Russian operative in NYC during the Trump Campaign. - where the all departed through separate doors!

Given that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies are already in agreement that the Russians hacked the DNC emails and funneled them through WikiLeaks, Mueller has established a direct link between Russia and the Trump Campaign!

Manafort and Stone will be spending the rest of their lives in a federal prison unless they have significant information that Mueller doesn't already possess - Mueller will know if they're lying!

Even if Trump were to issue "presidential pardons," the conditions attached to such pardons would require them to testify in future government cases without invoking their 5th amendment rights!
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Well-known member
Well, let's take a look...

The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said its Russia investigation has found no proof that President Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded with Moscow, an assertion that congressional sources said puts him at odds with Democrats on the largely bipartisan panel.

Guess not. But I'd be pleased to see your evidence that the democrats agreed with him. What do you have?

I said it was bi-partisan. I didn't say the obstructionist dems agreed.


The Mueller probe will also show nothing. That has been leaked already. Mueller probe shows nothing, congressional investigations show nothing... ...the whole thing has been an attempted coup to overthrow a duly elected president, and I pray to God that those who are guilty are hanged.

Trump hanged? even I think that is too much.


Well-known member
Ah so the Republicans investigated themselves, and found no wrongdoing.

That's what I said.

No, they've been investigating from before Trump's inauguration, and have nothing. Had they found something, they would have told us. The Dems just want to keep digging...hoping Muller will come up with something they can pounce on. Loud mouth Shiff still thinks the meeting at Trump Tower proves something. LOL


No, they've been investigating from before Trump's inauguration, and have nothing. Had they found something, they would have told us. The Dems just want to keep digging...hoping Muller will come up with something they can pounce on. Loud mouth Shiff still thinks the meeting at Trump Tower proves something. LOL
We now know that a number of witnesses that testified to House and Senate committees, when the Republicans were in the majority, have been charged/convicted of lying to the FBI and/or the Mueller Investigation.

So what are the findings of these congressional hearings for the last 2 years worth, if they're based on the testimony of witnesses who perjured themselves or are suspected of perjury!

Given that this President, in his infinite wisdom, appears to have surrounded himself with chronic liars in his private and public life, any testimony from "The Donald," the Trump family and his motley crew of surrogates can not be taken at face value!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said its Russia investigation has found no proof that President Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded with Moscow, an assertion that congressional sources said puts him at odds with Democrats...

which suggests that democrats have found proof that President Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded with Moscow

are they planning on sharing that proof with the rest of us?
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Well-known member
Mueller's working on it. He's slowly taking down perps, one at a time. Patience. It's coming.

Most of those "perps" had crimes of their own. Their real "crime" was being near Trump in some way, and the majority of crimes were process crimes...coming as a result of over-zealous prosecutors. As is well known...they could indict a ham sandwich. Gen. Flynn for instance, had his son threatened and his entire family was forced to suffer for a total load of crap.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Most of those "perps" had crimes of their own. Their real "crime" was being near Trump in some way, and the majority of crimes were process crimes...coming as a result of over-zealous prosecutors. As is well known...they could indict a ham sandwich. Gen. Flynn for instance, had his son threatened and his entire family was forced to suffer for a total load of crap.

at this point, the best the dems could hope for is to drag out the investigation for another year and a half and release damning but unsupportable reports in the weeks leading up to november 3, 2020

The Barbarian

Most of those "perps" had crimes of their own.

They always do. Why do you think Mueller is taking them down in the order he is? This is a man who knows how to disassemble organized crime.

Their real "crime" was being near Trump in some way

There are very few people who get close to Trump, who are not in some way damaged. There's a reason they're going to prison for lying to investigators, covering up other crimes, etc. But we still don't know for sure. Trump, for all we know, is a not-too-bright patsy with horrible judgement in hiring people. Or he could be a criminal himself. Be patient; it's coming.

and the majority of crimes were process crimes...coming as a result of over-zealous prosecutors.

Every criminal blames the cops for his felonies. They always have a way to minimize the crime. But the law is what it is.

As is well known...they could indict a ham sandwich.

I notice, though that the conviction rate for ham sandwiches is pretty sparse. Without a crime, it's tough to get convictions. When Flynn lied to the FBI about his Russian contacts, he knew he was a felon. The question is, "why would he lie about something like that?" Mueller is finding out. Soon, we'll know.

Gen. Flynn for instance, had his son threatened

"Threatened" meaning that his role in Flynn's criminal behavior was being examined, particularly his work for the Turkish dictator.

and his entire family was forced to suffer for a total load of crap.

A national security advisor, lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts is a very big deal. The judge at his sentencing wondered aloud why it doesn't amount to treason.

Michael Flynn sentencing delayed as judge tells ex-Trump official: 'You sold your country out'


Well-known member
They always do. Why do you think Mueller is taking them down in the order he is? This is a man who knows how to disassemble organized crime.

There are very few people who get close to Trump, who are not in some way damaged. There's a reason they're going to prison for lying to investigators, covering up other crimes, etc. But we still don't know for sure. Trump, for all we know, is a not-too-bright patsy with horrible judgement in hiring people. Or he could be a criminal himself. Be patient; it's coming.

Every criminal blames the cops for his felonies. They always have a way to minimize the crime. But the law is what it is.

I notice, though that the conviction rate for ham sandwiches is pretty sparse. Without a crime, it's tough to get convictions. When Flynn lied to the FBI about his Russian contacts, he knew he was a felon. The question is, "why would he lie about something like that?" Mueller is finding out. Soon, we'll know.

"Threatened" meaning that his role in Flynn's criminal behavior was being examined, particularly his work for the Turkish dictator.

A national security advisor, lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts is a very big deal. The judge at his sentencing wondered aloud why it doesn't amount to treason.

Michael Flynn sentencing delayed as judge tells ex-Trump official: 'You sold your country out'

"Sullivan later said: "I wasn't suggesting he was committing treason. I was just curious if he could have been charged. Lots of conspiracy theories out there. Not taking any uncalled offenses into consideration. Was trying to consider benefit. I'm not suggesting treason. "

Van Grack said, "The government has no reason to believe the defendant committed treason.""

The Barbarian

"Sullivan later said: "I wasn't suggesting he was committing treason. I was just curious if he could have been charged. Lots of conspiracy theories out there. Not taking any uncalled offenses into consideration. Was trying to consider benefit. I'm not suggesting treason. "

Van Grack said, "The government has no reason to believe the defendant committed treason.""

The judge did ask about treason, but only pointed out that Flynn had sold out his country, which wouldn't have to amount to treason.

When you are a military veteran of 33 years, have served combat duty and worked at the highest level of national security intelligence, playing a damsel in distress is not going to work out well for you.

Disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn learned this the hard way Tuesday when his sentencing for lying to the FBI was delayed. His attorney made the request after the judge signaled Flynn might be going to jail.

Flynn pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI. Flynn told the FBI he did not discuss sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador during the Trump transition in 2016. An intercepted telephone call between Flynn and the Russian ambassador proved that was a lie.

Mr. Flynn’s effort at shifting the blame for his own crimes to FBI agents may have been a hit with President Donald Trump, who publicly wished Flynn “good luck” shortly before sentencing. But Judge Emmet Sullivan, less than impressed, ripped into Flynn about his waffling sentencing memo.


Well-known member
The judge did ask about treason, but only pointed out that Flynn had sold out his country, which wouldn't have to amount to treason.

When you are a military veteran of 33 years, have served combat duty and worked at the highest level of national security intelligence, playing a damsel in distress is not going to work out well for you.

Disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn learned this the hard way Tuesday when his sentencing for lying to the FBI was delayed. His attorney made the request after the judge signaled Flynn might be going to jail.

Flynn pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI. Flynn told the FBI he did not discuss sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador during the Trump transition in 2016. An intercepted telephone call between Flynn and the Russian ambassador proved that was a lie.

Mr. Flynn’s effort at shifting the blame for his own crimes to FBI agents may have been a hit with President Donald Trump, who publicly wished Flynn “good luck” shortly before sentencing. But Judge Emmet Sullivan, less than impressed, ripped into Flynn about his waffling sentencing memo.

Yet the same happened with Jeff Sessions. He simply didn't see his meeting in his office as "meeting with" someone from Russia. It was a misunderstanding that was used to make Sessions recuse himself. A technicality is all it takes.

The Barbarian

Yet the same happened with Jeff Sessions. He simply didn't see his meeting in his office as "meeting with" someone from Russia. It was a misunderstanding that was used to make Sessions recuse himself. A technicality is all it takes.

That excuse won't work for Flynn. He's already admitted that he knew it was a felony to lie to the FBI.

He simply didn't see his meeting in his office as "meeting with" someone from Russia.

If you ever get arrested for anything, I'd suggest you don't try that one on the judge.